Chapter 26

2014 Words
Announcing the wedding. Mujiuan: Shubai and I are getting married next month. Next month, then there will be a wedding. Among these students, Mu Jiuan and jack are the most expensive, and there are many people who curry favor with them. Since Mujiuan said, the following is a brush of "congratulations". Doria looked at it, knocked on his cell phone and sent a "congratulations". ###Is that how you're going to go out? 3 Arguably, she didn't change her remarks. No one should know who she was, but Mujiuan recognized her at a glance. After she finished speaking, she immediately said, "Doria, this weekend's reunion, you can come too. Everyone, it's been a long time. Let's get together and have a chat." Mujiuan invited her with enthusiasm, as if she was not the one who was looking for her trouble in the city mall that day. Doria did not speak. Mujiuan added: There was a misunderstanding that day. I haven't seen it for so many years. Shubai and I also want to talk to you. Doria: No, I don't have time. She had no time to take care of Alan, and besides, she didn't want to go very much. Seeing Doria's response, WeChat Group fell into a strange silence for an instant. Only Mujiuan kept saying and persuading her. Linda came out: Doria is so busy that he has no time to go, and even if he does, your heart is not in a panic, I will block it for you. Linda said, Mujiuan stopped talking. Doria could think of it, even with great anger. Put down the cell phone, shook his head, don't want to think about it. She found that she had not thought about jack for so many years and thought that she would still have some bad feelings towards him now, but when she just typed the word congratulations, her heart was very calm, as if she had relaxed a lot since she met in the shopping mall that day. … … Because Alan has to be taken care of, Doria comes to work regardless of whether it is a working day or not. On Saturday, as soon as Doria arrived, she saw Alan dealing with Mochen on business. She went to clean up the room and tried not to disturb her. "Master, I have an appointment with Mr. Nan on Sunday. Do you want to push it off? After all, your leg is not convenient now." Mo Chen said. "It was decided three months ago?" "Yes." "Don't push, I'll go on time on Sunday." Alan Road. "All right." When Doria went out, Mo Chen happened to go out. When he saw Doria, he smiled, "Miss Doria, the young master should not be here for a day on Sunday. Miss Doria can rest for a day." "Master want to go busy? How can his feet go out all day?" She frowned. "It doesn't matter, I'm with you, and there are bodyguards. You won't be tired to the young master." Mo Chen explained. "Good..." … … During the noon break, Doria dug up his mobile phone and was blown up by Aite of the WeChat group. Mujiuan: Doria, it's not that you feel uncomfortable not to come. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I'm also very sorry, but it's been so long since things have passed and your son has been there. I really didn't know you would feel uncomfortable. Doria: You think too much. This person is nothing more than encouraging her to go over and see her and jack show their love, but she refused, really just don't have time. Mujiuan: I wish I had thought too much. Come on, Sunday, Imperial City Hotel, 3023. It took a long time for Doria to reply. Doria: OK. … … Early in the morning on Sunday, linda came with his clothes. "Since everyone has agreed, let's go through the past and show jack how blind he was." She said in distress situation: "No need, and I will go to the villa to prepare breakfast for the young master later." She just wants to go and have a look. She will come back in a moment. "Listen to me!" Linda glared at her. A treasure looked at the dress and blinked. "Aunt Huan Huan, is Doria going to go on a blind date? Why are you wearing such a revealing skirt?" "Not for a blind date." Linda hooked his mouth. "What is that for?" A treasure frowned. "It's to irritate people." Linda forced Doria to change it, and then said maliciously, "I'll take you to the work place later. You, don't secretly change it for me. Give me this to go to the Imperial City Hotel! Don't let me see you are unintelligent!" Doria: "…" Instead of thinking about going to the emperor city in this dress, she didn't know how to get to the villa first. If she dressed like this to be a servant, she would definitely be regarded as a mental derangement... … … After Doria had prepared breakfast and coffee, he looked at the man who had just come out of the room and said, "Master, breakfast and coffee are ready. If there is nothing else, I will go first." ###Unique 1 "Yes." Alan raised her eyes and glanced at her. When her eyes flashed across her small face, there was a pause. "Why do you make up? Have a date?" Doria is usually plain-faced, but today he is obviously wearing makeup. Hearing this, Mo Chen couldn't help looking at Doria. In front of him was a bright light. Miss Doria was already good-looking. After makeup, he looked different and more beautiful in peace. "No, if you want to attend a reunion, you can't go to it in a dusty way." She was a little embarrassed. Hearing this, Alan's face slowed down a little. "Go ahead." Doria turned to change his clothes. Linda had brought the skirt. The man clearly meant it on purpose. The skirt was slightly exposed. She looked at it. Is it really necessary to wear it like this? At present, I have no clothes to change except this one. I can't wear servant's work clothes. … … When Alan heard the sound of high heels, he couldn't help turning his head and looking at it. He saw that the woman was dressed in a black skirt with a strapless chest and little cloth. The hem of the skirt was also on her knees and stuck to her body, which perfectly outlined the woman's slim figure. Alan stunned. Thin lips unconsciously tightened, the next moment, handsome face seems to be infected with a layer of frost. "Is that how you plan to go out?" "What's the matter with going out so..." Doria couldn't help walking, then turned to look at Alan's side, and saw the man's eyebrows were tightly puckered and his thin lips were tightly pursed. Doria also became a little nervous and looked down unconsciously. It is true that it is a bit conspicuous to go to the reunion in this way, but it's nothing. She can imagine that others will at least be a small dress. After all, she is going to the Imperial City Hotel. Doria saw that Alan did not speak and couldn't help turning to look aside at Mo Chen. Mo Chen turned his head away and did not say much when he smoked the corners of his mouth. Miss Doria is actually quite beautiful in her dress. Why doesn't the young master like it? Doria saw that Mo Chen ignored himself and had to turn to Alan again. He saw that the man had put down his chopsticks, leaned back in his chair and frowned at her. Doria felt Alan's eyes fixed on her exposed shoulders, collarbones... and legs, and immediately felt a little embarrassed. She also knew it was a little exposed, but she didn't choose it, and she was wronged... "This was chosen by my friend, and I didn't have any other clothes to wear. In fact, it was fine and not too exposed..." She said softly. The next second, Alan's thin lips tightened. He did not speak, and Doria was embarrassed to move, because he was wearing high heels and was always standing there. His feet were aching and he was secretly upset. He opened his mouth and was about to say something. Alan suddenly said, "Change one." "Ah?" She was stunned and did not respond. Alan glared at her and said, "I told you to change it." This woman, dressed like this, is going to show whom. She is really in such a hurry to find a father for her son or a man herself. Doria frowned, "but master, I brought this one, and I can't go to the mall now... why don't you forget it, I..." Before she had finished her words, I felt Alan's eyes were cold. Let her a little speechless. She also frowned unconsciously. If she had been in Doria family before, she had at least one small wardrobe of her own. Although it was not very big, there were still several sets of formal dresses and skirts. Now she is just going to a party. Even if she wears jeans, she doesn't think there is anything... She immediately felt a little big, and now asked her where to find a dress to change. Moreover, she also doesn't know why, changing clothes by herself can also annoy him... … … "Master, I don't think..." She opened her mouth in response to Alan's gaze. However, before the words were finished, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him. Chen Yi came up and interrupted Doria directly. He said slowly, "It's okay, Doria. Come upstairs with me, and someone will send some clothes soon." Doria: "…" Doria had to follow Chen Yi upstairs in the sight of Alan's frozen-to-death people. … … Watching Doria go upstairs, Alan slowly withdrew his sight. ###Unique 2 Mo Chen smiled aside and said: "Miss Doria has a good moral code since childhood. Dressing up today will really make people shine at the moment. It is very beautiful." Hearing this, Alan raised his eyelids, "No eyes." Mo Chen looked at his young master and saw that Alan's eyebrow and eyes seemed to be dyed with light displeasure. He knew it was still because of the skirt. He silently withdrew his sight, and the young master was really too narrow-minded. The skirt was not too exposed. … … Doria followed Aunt Chen upstairs. Chen Yi took her to a guest room upstairs and asked Doria to sit for a while. She said slowly, "I heard you say it was about noon. It should not be urgent, because the phone was just called for a while, so I have to wait for a while. If you are urgent for a while, you can let the driver at home take you there." "Well, thank you, Aunt Chen." Doria said. Alan's cold face still flashed through her head. The thought of Alan's anger made her feel uneasy. "You're welcome, it's all the master's meaning." Chen Yi said slowly. Unconsciously looked at Doria. Although the skirt on her body is too sexy, I have to say that Doria's figure is really very good, her waist is not full and she doesn't look like a mother of a few years old. Thinking of the child, Chen Yi's eyes swept across Doria's face. Although Doria is beautiful and has courtesy, but with a child, how is it possible to have a child with the young master... She only hoped that she had guessed the master's mind wrong, otherwise it would be impossible for the old house to agree. Listen to this. Doria's heart suddenly jumped, master... Why does he care about her... … … She did not dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about it, but her head still couldn't help thinking about it. Over the past few days, she has been deliberately keeping a little distance from Alan.
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