Chapter 24

2073 Words
… … That night, Doria slept next door to the master bedroom. After lying down for a long time, I don't know whether to recognize the bed or because of what, she lost sleep... Arguably, after such a day, she should be very tired, but she just couldn't sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, all that flashed in her mind was the picture of Alan holding her and rolling down... Deep in the dark environment, the more I think about it, the more I feel scared. This is a fall to the ankle, if... If the injury is more serious, she really doesn't know what to do to make up for it... Why are you so kind to her? She held the quilt in her arms, turned over several times and couldn't sleep. Her head seemed to have been invaded by Alan. It was all him. Or it rang out that day in the hospital, what exactly did he mean by what he said, confession? It's impossible... … … ###His marriage partner 3 Before Doria family failed, no one in Doria family dared to miss Alan family, let alone she now... She also has a son, Doria, don't fantasize, and you don't like him. Can't sleep, just get up and plan to take a look next door. It was already early in the morning, and he must have fallen asleep. She was going to go and see if he had kicked the quilt or hurt his foot. After all, he would definitely not get used to the plaster on the first day. … … Gently pushed open the door, did not adapt to the darkness, can't see anything. She approached the big bed carefully, softly, for fear of disturbing him. However, as soon as he reached the bed. Before she could see anything clearly, she heard a familiar "ding rinrin" sound. She kicked the thin line beside the bed. Doria was surprised and his whole body became stiff. He unconsciously raised his hand and covered his mouth for fear of making a little noise. It doesn't seem to disturb him. I was about to put down my heart. All of a sudden, she felt that her wrist was tight. The next second, she felt that she had been severely pulled and the whole person fell directly. She exclaimed, her back falling on the soft big bed. Both hands were buckled, the man's arms were propped up on both sides of her body, and he looked down at her in the dark. "What are you doing?" "I, I'll see..." She was a little embarrassed and planned to sit up, but after trying, she found that she could not get up at all. Her face was a little hot. He didn't think she did it on purpose. "That, master... can you let me go first..." "I thought a thief came in." Alan said with a smile on his skin and no smile on his flesh. Doria's embarrassment. However, this time, he did not press her again and soon released her. Doria immediately sat up, stood up from the bed and stood aside, his heart pounding. The next second, with a click, the warm light at the head of the bed was turned on. She saw that the man was already leaning left at the head of the bed. Her deep eyes looked at her and did not speak. She did not dare to look into his eyes. She called herself stupid and woke people up. "I'm sorry, I don't want to wake you... I just want to see if the young master has touched his leg, after all, the first day of plaster is not used to..." "Yes." Not high, not low. She hesitated for a moment and looked at his ankle with some embarrassment. "Just... just touched the foot, I couldn't see anything, so I touched the bell... I'd better tear it down tomorrow, did the young master touch the foot? The doctor said that we should be most careful these days, otherwise it will not heal well." "You care about me?" "Of course!" She looked at Alan and apologized, "Because I hurt the young master, to be honest, my heart is very sorry..." Alan did not speak, Zhan black eyes just looked at her. At that time, Doria also felt a little embarrassed to say these things in the middle of the night, but it seemed not good to wake people up and leave so rashly. He simply said, "By the way, is the relationship between Master Nan and Master very good today?" "Yes." "Then there should be many people visiting the young master these days, is there something to prepare..." Before she had finished speaking, Alan looked at her and said directly, "No, no one knows except him." "Hmm?" She's stunned. Nobody? Shouldn't Miss Zhao come? Although she is not her fiancee, she is also the object of marriage. The two still go out on a date together. The relationship should be very good. Won't she come? "What about Miss Zhao?" Thinking so, she blurted out. Alan frowned softly. Doria also frowned, "Miss Zhao will definitely come to visit the young master. It should be hard to see the young master like this... Besides, Miss Zhao is here. Should I avoid it? After all, the young master will think much of me because I am injured." She is really thinking about him. Alan, however, frowned and said slightly unhappily, "What did she do?" She didn't find the man's displeasure and unconsciously said, "Isn't Miss Zhao the marriage object of the young master? The foot injury will take at least a month. Miss Zhao will certainly know, so..." ###Do you like Doria 1 Alan's eyes suddenly deepened, and she only felt dazzling when she looked at the serious look on her small face. Doria looked at her and some could not go on. "So what? So when she comes to visit me, do you want to avoid it?" His thin lip pinched into a straight line. Her heart was stuffy. "I will definitely avoid it when I need it. If Miss Zhao has misunderstanding, I will also help the young master explain it clearly. After all, girls are thoughtful and easy to think about..." Before he finished speaking, Alan sneered, "I think your mind is more careful, and I am beginning to worry that she will think more. This is only one marriage object. I have three marriage objects. If all of them come, do you want to be considerate for them one by one?" "I..." She choked and stared at Alan. I saw that the man was still sitting at the head of the bed, still with warm lights. However, the cold and sharp temperament of the whole body cannot be covered up. She unconsciously withdrew her eyes, and her fingers unconsciously grabbed the edge of her clothes. After a long time, she said, "If necessary, I will help the young master explain clearly." When she finished speaking, she did not hear Alan. Because of hanging eyes, so can't see Alan's expression at this time. Her heart is slightly playing drums, some can't guess his thoughts, is it angry... Clearly, it is right to say so. Alan stared at her for a long time. Suddenly, his face loosened and he withdrew his sight. When Doria looked up, he saw the man leaning against the head of the bed. He had already picked up the book beside his pillow and read it. He did not look at her again. "It's getting late, go back to bed." It took a long time to spit out such a light sentence. Doria stunned again, staring at the man for a long time, only felt that the groundless alienation of that sentence seemed to be infected with a thin layer of ice, separating her far away. … … Doria returned to his room, still awake. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I got up again early in the morning the next day. She boiled bone soup, because the craft is OK, but I hope the young master can not be so picky and drink some, after all, this soup is good for bones. When it was over, she tasted it. Um … It doesn't sell well. It looks good. Only then did he turn around and go to the bedroom door and knock on the door. "Benedict, Benedict." "Come in." As soon as Doria entered, he found that Alan had already got up. Mo Chen had already come with his work. When he saw Doria come in, Mo Chen nodded at her. "Do you want breakfast now, young master? I'll bring it in for you?" "No, I'll go out to eat." Alan gave her a look as usual. Then he continued to talk to Mo Chen. "Good." Doria nodded, turned around and went out. When she came to the door, she did not refrain from looking at the man sitting on the bed unconsciously. In fact, when she just came in, her heart was a little nervous, because last night... At this time, I was relieved to see that Alan did not seem angry. … … Breakfast is made by the cook, only the soup is cooked by her. When she brought the soup, other servants had already brought breakfast to the table. When Doria walked to the table, her steps slowed down unconsciously. She looked at the delicate breakfast and looked down at the oily soup in her hand. She hesitated. Should not be picky don't drink... With this in mind, she put the soup at the man's table. Alan's movements. In the restaurant, other servants also looked at it. When they saw the soup whose color was not good-looking, they all silently looked at their master. Chen Yi, on the other hand, looked at Doria and was somewhat hesitant. "This is bone soup. Drinking it is good for bone injury." "Master doesn't like soup in the morning, so it's better to bring it in at noon..." Chen Yi warned. "Is it..." Doria naturally received the line of sight of Chen yi and others, "also, then I will take it down first..." Seeing that she was going to take it away, Alan looked up at her, picked up the spoon and said slowly, "Did I say not to drink?" "I..." ###Do you like Doria 2 She choked and paused. Seeing Alan holding a spoon and looking at the soup, his face was calm. He didn't seem to think the soup was not good-looking and took a sip directly. Doria watched him drink, even though he had tasted it, but he was a little nervous for no reason. Alan finished a sip, did not say a word, Gu Zi took another sip. Doria stared blankly. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. He said nothing, at least he could still enter. Chen Yi also looked at his master and silently withdrew his sight and said nothing more. … … Chen Yi did not say anything, but it did not mean that other servants would not have any thoughts. They all looked at Doria, who was standing aside, knowing that she was from a good background and that the young master seemed to treat her well. But this is obviously too good... … … Show to save her, and then drink the soup she made... … … In the afternoon, when Doria went to wipe the corner of the corridor, he heard voices. "You said, the young master will like Doria, not sure is like her, otherwise... otherwise you see when the young master drank soup in the morning, and the young master has always paid attention to, that kind of soup, regardless of the taste, is not on the table in Alan family, you see the young master will drink, don't you..." "I thought about it, However, the young master has Miss Zhao beside him. How can you like her? Doria is a good person, but the identity gap between her and the young master is too big. Miss Zhao's background, if you want to be with the young master, it is high, not to mention Doria... In fact, the young master may be better to her, and there are no outsiders. The young master drank it as soon as he drank it. After all, it is soup good for the wound. "
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