Chapter 23

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Nanyu couldn't help stretching out his hand and rubbing his forehead. Eldest brother, do you know that you are the most terrible. For a long time, he coughed lightly again, breaking the embarrassing atmosphere and pretending to be relaxed: "I came to see you, and you are all in plaster. This one will not last for a month or two." Alan looked at him. His eyes were cool and he did not say a word. Nanyu has long been used to him like this. He went directly to the bed and sat down with an innocent face. "I didn't mean it either. I just cared about you more. When I got off the plane, I heard that you were injured and came home without returning. As a result, you..." Alan looked down at him. Nanyu consciously got up and sat down on one side, sat on the chair, relaxed and leaned against the back of the chair, c****d his legs, sighing, "I found out clearly when I first came here, did you roll down to save the family? Tut, Grandpa and Grandma Jiang are even very happy to know that you are working so hard for girls." Said, raised eyebrows and looked at Alan, corners of the mouth slightly hook hook smile some proud. Alan didn't seem to see him like that. Slowly raised his hand, while tying the half-unbuttoned button of his shirt, he said casually, "If you make them happy, I will make you happy." "No, I am in a good mood now, but I don't want to be happy any more." He immediately shook his head. Alan fastened the last button and looked up at him. "I heard he won a championship?" "Oh, generally, trivial, trivial." Nanyu shrugged his shoulders and smiled very badly. When Alan said champion, he meant racing cars. Nanyu is an F1 racing driver. As a young master of the Nanjia family, he has his elder brother to have whatever he wants and whatever burden he has since childhood. He likes to look for excitement. Alan leaned against the head of the bed and looked at his eyes with a little smile. Nanyu saw his appearance and knew that he still hated what had just happened. He couldn't help standing up and walked slowly to the window, intending to say something to change the subject. The eyes looked out through the window and saw Doria standing outside the door at a glance. I couldn't help laughing. "Well, do you like this?" Nanyu is a bit strange. For so many years, they have a good relationship and have never seen a woman around Alan, namely Zhao Xinyu. But they all know that Alan is not interested in Zhao Xinyu. Alan glanced at the window along his eyes. Although he could not see it, he also knew who he was talking about. His thin lips gently sipped, "Bullshit." "Don't like it? What do you don't like to do with others? Don't think that this young master doesn't know and doesn't like to be a beauty for the sake of others? Are you so kind? Shizhong Shopping Mall belongs to Nanjia, have you forgotten? That night, my brother called me and asked me if I knew what was wrong with you. He made trouble there and frightened the person in charge of our shopping mall. As soon as I inquired, I knew it was for the sake of women. I also said that I didn't like it and didn't like you secretly going with others... " ###His marriage partner 1 Alan's thin lips tightened even more tightly, and his deep eyes glanced at Nanyu coolly. "Do you know a lot?" "Not many..." Nanyu's words paused, but his eyes still looked out of the window unconsciously. Alan gave a cold snort. Nanyu chuckled. "Her friend came to see her. Oh, she sent something. It seems that she is going to spend the night here." Jiangdu eyelid son moved, did not speak. "Let me have a look..." Nanyu was addicted to it. "Ah, she seems to blush. In my experience, she blushes. Eighty percent of them say that she likes the person and who is it..." Hearing this, Alan raised his eyes slightly. "I'll take a look again... her friend got off the bus, tut, the figure seems to be good, long hair, looks like my favorite type, face... unfortunately, the face didn't turn around..." Nanyu looked at it with great interest. "Er, turned around..." However, when linda's face turned away, he could only look at it. South young master frowned slightly, the next moment, after seeing clearly, south Yu's handsome face had a moment of stunned, the next second, the smile on his face instantly stiff, then some hung up... Alan listened to him all the time and stopped suddenly. He was still not used to it. Looking up his eyes, he saw Nanyu looking at the outside and not talking. "What's the matter?" Nanyu looked at linda outside the villa and looked at the woman gathering around Doria, squinting. I don't know what I'm saying, but I can also guess the tone. For a long time, I suddenly pulled back my line of sight. My face was still stiff, unlike the cheeky smile just now. "No, nothing..." … … Meanwhile, outside. Doria made many promises to the little aunt that she had no relationship with Alan in that respect, and the little aunt was still skeptical. "Are you sure? Hum, if you lie to me, Little John and I will not forgive you." Linda said with a gesture of wiping his neck. "Well, I lied to you and was despised by my son all my life." "Che, it is despised by Little John every day." Linda glanced at her, suddenly turned to the window, reached out and pointed, and said, "Is it over there?" In the window. Nanyu saw the woman's eyes and pointed to her hand. Her face froze again. In an instant, he turned his head and fled a few steps to the chair beside Alan and sat down. His face was not good-looking. Feeling the sight Alan looked at, Nanyu looked at Alan's side, pulled at the corners of his mouth, and felt guilty. Alan looked at him and did not puncture him, but said, "Are you still not leaving?" "I, wait and go..." Send off linda, waiting for Doria to come back with a change of clothes, Nanyu also happened to come out of the room. Seeing her, the corners of the mouth seemed to smile a little stiff. "Is Master Nan leaving?" "Yes... I should go back, take good care of Alan, don't have to send me..." Nanyu's eyes turned her hands away. Before Doria could answer, he himself took another step and opened his mouth. He asked, "Just now, it was your friend who sent you something?" "Well, it's my best friend. What's the matter?" "Oh... it's okay, you go busy." Nanyu said and left. Also don't know if it is an illusion, Doria felt just south reputation is a bit strange. At this point, she had already reached the door of the master bedroom. She paused and thought that Alan was inside. Her heart beat suddenly faster... I don't know why I suddenly felt a little nervous. "Miss Doria." Suddenly, Mo Chen's voice sounded. "Ah?" She got a fright. See is Mo Chen this just put down the heart, the line of sight fixed on Mo Chen's hand things, recognize it, that is Alan's clothes. Mo Chen smiled and saw her bewilderment in her eyes. She did not reveal it. She smiled and said, "The young master has just ordered her to take a bath by herself. I'll help the young master. After all, Miss Doria is not convenient." "Good..." Somehow, she breathed a sigh of relief. … … After washing and tidying up, she asked Mo Chen and knew she could go in. Only then did she take the things and go in. ###His marriage partner 2 Push open the door and enter. I saw the man leaning against the head of the bed with his plaster feet hanging, but he was not embarrassed. The man changed into a pajamas at home, with warm lights on his head, and was bowing his head to deal with the documents. I don't know if it was the cause of the light, so for a moment, I felt that Alan's eyebrow and eyes were kinder, less elan, and less feeling of keeping people away from me. "Master, these need your signature, and..." Mo Chen said. "Yes." When a man talks to Mochen, Looking up at her faintly, This glance, but is eyes light a meal, The woman had just taken a bath, Wearing a plain nightgown, Because just after taking a bath, the hair was semi-dry, and the whole person was covered with water vapor, which seemed to have no time to wipe it clean. The water s on the body made the fabric of the skirt stick to the body, vaguely outlining the slim and graceful figure. Clearly, it was the simplest and most conservative skirt, but she was wearing some sexy clothes... Alan's eyes are slightly dark, and this woman dares to come out without wiping them clean. Alan's thin lips sipped into a line and turned to glance coldly at Mo Chen. Mo Chen was somewhat embarrassed and did not dare to look at Doria at a glance. In fact, it was nothing, but his young master was narrow-minded, so... he still silently bowed his head and reported to the young master... Alan only looked at her and then bowed his head to deal with the matter again, as if nothing had happened to the two people who had just fallen on the bed together. It was very cool. Doria breathed a sigh of relief to see him busy. But I don't know if I was wrong. I always felt that when Alan looked at her just now, his eyebrows were puckering. Illusion? Without much thought, she began to decorate the things she had prepared lightly. This was the bell she had asked linda to bring by the way. She wanted to tie it to the bed so that Alan could call her at night with leg pain. … … When she is ready, Alan is finished. Touching the thin line lightly, the sound of the bell immediately came. She put another one in her room so that she could hear it. "What are you doing now?" Alan looked at her, then his eyes turned to the bell. "I tied the bell. If the young master has leg pain or wants to drink water or take things at night, pull this one and I will come as soon as I hear it." She then looked at Alan. Alan frowned softly. The bell is still colorful, obviously for children to play with. Call her with the bell? He can really think of it. See Alan don't speak, face also can't see moody, at that time, Doria was a little uncertain, also, open gentleman, the room hung bells, he may abandon it. She hung up without asking him either, because when she was in G province, she sometimes worked in the living room and let Little John sleep first. Little John was too lazy to come down to look for her, so she hung a bell and got used to it... When she saw that Alan did not speak, she smiled awkwardly. "If the young master doesn't like me, tear it down. In fact, it is a bit superfluous. After all, there is a mobile phone, which is very convenient..." She said, and decided to tear it down. Alan glanced at her and suddenly said, "No, stay. I'll call you if anything happens." "Ah?" She stunned, then reacted. Looking at Alan's faint face, the in the mind is unconsciously a warm, this person, looks extremely cold, in fact the in the mind is very warm...
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