Chapter 20

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Doria had already climbed the last stairs, but when he was about to come up, he felt his feet slipped. Then, caught off guard, the whole person began to lose his center of gravity. Then, the whole person was about to slip... Doria exclaimed. Alan immediately tightened his eyebrows, stepped forward in two steps, buckled the woman's slender wrist, and tried to pull the man back. "Are you a fool?" Doria heard the familiar voice, and for a moment he saw Alan standing in front of him. Her heart suddenly jumped, nervous conditioned reflex did not take his hand, but pushed him away... Then he completely ignored that he was still on the stairs at this time and immediately fell back... She was so scared that the look on her little face had completely changed, and then she closed her eyes nervously. Oh, my God, why did she push him away? Alan's face sank instantly. The next second, Doria felt that her wrist was again clasped by the cool palm of her hand. Then, the familiar aroma wrapped her up. She felt that she fell directly into the man's arms and her face was stuck on the soft material of her shirt... She felt her heart stop suddenly. Suddenly opened his eyes, just for a moment, I felt that the back of my head was covered by a man's hand, and I had no time to stand up. The next second, I fell down from the stairs with Alan... During the whole process, she was protected in her arms by the man, only feeling her face stuck to his body and her brain was blank. When she reached the corner of the ladder, she heard a muffled snort from the men. They seemed to have hit the side railing. Only then did she suddenly return to absolute being. "Master..." She stare big eyes, a small face are scared white. At this time, Alan's eyebrows were tightly puckered, and when her "young master" cried out, she had already loosened her. Doria slowly raised her hand and rolled down from such a high place. She had nothing to do, but at this time her raised hand began to tremble uncontrollably. "Master!" Chen Yi and others downstairs noticed the movement, exclaimed and ran up one after another. … … Doria wait for a while looked at it and found Alan frowning tightly and fine beads of sweat seeping out of his forehead instantly. "Master, how are you..." Her voice trembled. ###Injured because of her 3 She was still crawling on her body, raising her head, and the tip of her nose almost wiped his face. Alan stunned did not keep his face shut, but looked up at her and said nothing. At this time, Chen yi and others had already run up and were shocked to see Alan's appearance. "How is it, young master?" "Call the doctor over..." After ordering, Chen Yi looked at Alan carefully and asked, "Master, can you get up now?" "I can't move my feet now." He said calmly, but the fine sweat on his forehead increased. She turned to look, only to see that just now he rolled down to protect her, ankle hit one side of the railing... Her face instantly whiter. "I'm sorry, it's all because of me..." She said, also think this is very chicken ribs very useless. Some were at a loss and turned to see his ankles. "Is it a fracture, just hit so much noise..." She wanted to see it, but her hand did not dare to touch his ankle. Alan raised her eyes and saw her cautious and anxious appearance in her eyes. Her eyes were slightly dark. It was the first time I saw this little woman in such a hurry. Doria looked at the man and was about to say something when Alan had stopped looking and did not look at her. He looked a little cold. "No problem." With only one sentence, Doria blamed himself even more. She is also really, nervous also need time, what to hide at that time, also hurt the somebody else to roll down with her... Still protecting her... … … … … At this time, the situation of not patronizing was frightened. Even the two servants upstairs were scared to death. They would never have thought that they were only going to punish the new comer, but the young master fell down with the new comer. Moreover, the young master was still protecting her, and she didn't hurt any at all... Two people unconsciously chill back... … … They really thought the young master didn't like Doria. Now, if such a thing happens, the young master will not spare them... … … After Mo Chen came down, he had to help people up. Doria went to the other side of Alan and carefully helped him up. However, as soon as her hand touched the man's wrist, the man pulled out her hand without trace and held the other servant aside. Doria stunned. Look up. The man didn't look at her, but his handsome face was obviously cold and alienated. Somehow, she felt as if she had been stabbed in her heart and felt a little uncomfortable... On the way to the hospital, Alan didn't say a word, but his eyebrows were tightly locked, which should be very painful. If this is her, it is estimated that she would have cried out in pain. Doria sat aside, feeling regretful to death. In the hospital, in the ward. Doria went to help Alan get the medicine while the doctor treated him. When I came back, I had not entered the ward yet, and Mo Chen came out of the room head on. "How about that?" "Bone fracture is better than expected." Mochen Road. Hearing this, Doria's heart is a tight, then he can endure silence all the way... "Miss Doria, the young master's injury is even not easy to serve. After returning home, he will also trouble Miss Doria to take more care of it. As you know, it is inconvenient to act after putting on plaster, and the young master's temper is also..." Mo Chen's face is somewhat embarrassed. "I know I know, I will pay attention." She nodded hastily. "Miss Doria can be troubled now. As you know, the young master doesn't like others to be close to him at ordinary times, that is, Miss Doria. Therefore, if the young master says anything, Miss Doria can be troubled to take care of it." "I see." … … Doria stood by the doctor's treatment, including the plaster cast, and wrote down the things to pay attention to. "Come on, help the patient lift his leg." The doctor said. Doria rushed forward, however, as soon as his hand reached out, he was blocked by the man's arm. When she stunned, she saw Alan slowly put down his hand and looked aside at Mo Chen instead of looking at her. Mo Chen immediately understood and stepped forward to help. Doria had to stand there awkwardly. He probably didn't want her to touch it. ###Do you want to set a good example? It seemed that Alan's coldness could be seen. Several nurses in the room couldn't help looking at Doria, as if they were looking at her. Doria did not see it. At this moment, Mo Chen suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, show Miss Doria that it is impossible to roll down from such a high place without injury." Doria one leng, then feel Alan look over the line of sight, black eyes faint, let her heart instantly a tight, rushed to shake his head, "nothing, I'm not injured, show the young master, I'm sure nothing..." Before the words were finished, the man on the sickbed had already spoken, "Take her to have a check." "Yes, Jiang Shao." Doria was shocked and looked at Alan. She was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm really fine. At that time, the young master was very tight. If it weren't for the young master..." Halfway through her words, she came to an abrupt end. His face suddenly became flushed. He looked at Alan's side, but Alan did not look at her side, as if he had not heard half of it. Doria unconsciously lowered his eyes and looked to the ground, his face getting hotter and hotter. Mo Chen stunned, unconsciously said, "You said that the young master rolled down with you?" He didn't go downstairs until later. He didn't see what happened at all. He only knew that the two men rolled down together, but he never thought that it was the young master who rolled down to protect Miss Doria... Mo Chen's voice just fell, and Alan seemed to glance at him casually. Mo Chen immediately shut up. Looking at his young master's face without waves and billows, he looked at Doria with a wink. "I'd better call the nurse to show you. It's impossible to wipe the medicine without any injury. I'm here with the young master." "That's good..." Doria felt a little embarrassed and did not push it off again. He went out under this excuse. Before going out, I didn't even look at Alan. Although that was a fact, I said it myself, as if the relationship between the two seemed ambiguous. As soon as she got out of the ward, she breathed a sigh of relief. … … The nurse led her to the next ward. Knowing that she came with Master alan, she did not dare to neglect at all. When he rolled down, Doria was tightly protected by him, with only a little scratch and bruises on his body, which was really dwarfed by Alan's. When the nurse helped her with the medicine, she took a breath unconsciously. Clearly it was painful, but he didn't say a word... … … When Doria returned to the next ward, she looked at the swollen ankle and felt very uncomfortable. She silently stood behind Alan and looked at it. The man seemed to notice her coming in. Seeing her eyes staring at her ankles, he frowned lightly and looked up at Mo Chen. "Send her out." "Master..." Mo Chen stunned. Later, I saw my young master frown and did not dare to make any difference. I walked directly to Doria's side and said, "Miss Doria, I'll take you home first. I'm afraid I'm scared today." "I won't go back. I'll stay and take care of the young master tonight. I'll find Chen Yi to change shifts." She shook her head. "This..." Mo Chen listened to this, looked at Doria, quietly nodded at her. Doria then continued to stand aside. She did this. She could not make up for it. At least she should take care of him. Moreover, she has not apologized to him yet... Thinking so, I looked at Alan. However, I saw that the man's face was indifferent and seemed to feel the eyes she looked at. I turned my eyes and looked at her. Doria folded up his emotion and said, "If the young master has anything to say to me, I..." Before he had finished speaking, he saw that the man's face was cold and he said lightly, "Go home." Doria stunned, immediately thinking that people might be taking care of themselves, said hastily, "I'm fine, I don't have any injuries, I'll stay..." "No need." "I..." "Not to resign? You can go now." Alan said, faintly closed his eyes and did not look at her again. Doria felt his heart suddenly tightened. Mo Chen also got a fright and unconsciously looked at his young master's face. He knew at a glance that the young master did not look like a joke. ###Do you want to set a good example? 2 That's it... Let Miss Doria go? Quit? This... Doria frowned and glanced at Alan. Seeing that the man was still cold, she withdrew her eyes and suppressed the little sense of loss in her heart. She said, "I will stay and take care of the young master. If the young master has anything to tell me, if the young master doesn't want to see me, then I won't go to work in front of the young master."
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