Chapter 21

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Hearing this, Alan looked up and gave her a look. Black eyes are deep, making people unable to see the mood of the fundus. Doria was a little nervous when he looked at him like this, but he still looked back boldly. For a long time, the man took back his sight and did not speak. Doria couldn't help looking at Mo Chen. What does this mean? Do you agree? Mo Chen blinked at her and motioned her to rest assured. Master ah, is a knife mouth tofu heart, sometimes, although the master shows a calm appearance, in fact is a thin face, so for so many years, no one dares to disobey the master, so that is to say, the in the mind must be happy Miss Doria can stay... … … When he returned to the villa, he got off the bus and Doria took the wheelchair that had been prepared for a long time. Pushed in front of the man. When Jiang grabbed the car, he looked at the wheelchair and frowned lightly. "Sit down, it's not convenient to walk now." She said comfortably. Alan glanced at her, said nothing, still cold, and slowly sat up. Only then did Doria push people into the villa. Once inside. Chen Yi and others immediately surrounded. Doria was pushing him when suddenly Alan raised his hand. Doria stopped and wanted to ask what was going on. Alan looked up and squinted slightly at the two servants not far away. Doria also saw that it was the two who were slightly older than her. "Master..." The two servants saw Alan looking over and hurriedly came up, both looking frightened. One of them did not stand firm. When one of them came over, he was ordinary and fell to the ground. "Master, I, we didn't mean it, we..." Alan did not speak. Mo Chen came up with a frown and looked at the two servants with a sneer. The two servants were even more alarmed. When Doria came, she had already heard Mo Chen say that she would slip and fall, which was related to the two servants. However, they probably did not expect that even the young master would fall together. But looking at the frightened appearance of the two men, she was a little strange. At most, it's just dismissal. How can you be scared like this? At this time, her cell phone shook. She handed the wheelchair to Mo Chen and went aside to answer the phone. It was linda's phone. She had already sent a message to linda on the way that she should not go back tonight. Looking at the time, she should have received Little John. "Doria, listen to Aunt Huan Huan say you fell down?" "Well, I'm fine, don't worry ~" "It's really clumsy. Without me, Doria should stay away from the stairs and always wrestle on the stairs. This is not the first time." Little John sighed helplessly. "..." "Doria, did the employer's uncle save you?" "Yes, baby, so my mother has to take care of others at night and can't go back. Can you sleep with Aunt Huan Huan?" "Well... if there is a chocolate cake, of course there is no problem." "When my mother goes back, she will bring a big cake to the obedient handsome boy." She smiled. "Is Doria still planning to resign? Didn't that uncle save you and resign?" Some treasure hesitated for a moment and said. "I don't know." "Is that uncle good-looking?" He asked suddenly. "Good-looking." "How is uncle?" Asked by a treasure. Doria didn't understand why Little John asked this. He turned around unconsciously and looked at the person on the other side of the living room. Even in a wheelchair, the person still kept his momentum, as if no matter what, the person was on high... Seems to feel her eyes. Alan turned his eyes to her side... Doria hurriedly closed his eyes and continued to call. ###Coax him 1 "Doria, why don't you talk?" A treasure said. "Well, well, very nice..." she said vaguely. "Well... then should Doria consider not resigning? The teacher said that the kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by Yongquan. Doria has received such great kindness. You have no money and nothing to give others. Well... why don't you consider setting a good example?" Some treasure said. Doria: "…" He can describe it! She caressed her forehead and, of course, knew why her son said so. As long as he was handsome and of good character, he would consider whether to accept him as his father... On the other side of the mobile phone, linda, who was driving, was stunned. I saw Meng Bao, the co-pilot on the phone. Isn't this little milk bag always picky? How can you casually help a man you haven't seen before and let Doria set a good example... Doria did not know how to answer what Little John said. Only the little face became a little red in such an instant. Do you want to set a good example... … … Are you kidding me... … … Think so, but still unconsciously looked at Alan's side, this look, but the body is a stiff, found the man sitting in a wheelchair, holding the arm, looking at her side. See her look in the past line of sight also did not withdraw, eyes calm, as if have looked at her for a long time. Doria's heart beat suddenly accelerated a little. He unconsciously withdrew his eyes, coughed lightly and said to his cell phone, "Baby, will you give your cell phone to Aunt Huan Huan?" "Of course." Linda looked at a treasure in a good mood and took the phone and asked, "How are you, are you not hurt?" "No, I shouldn't go back tonight, so can you send me a change of clothes?" She said. "No problem, you send me the address, I'll settle your son in a moment and see what the hero who saved the United States looks like, so you won't return home." Linda said. "Stop it..." … … Hastily hung up the phone, walked back, Alan was still sitting there, looking at her, eyes calm, "son?" "Well..." She didn't know if she had just been affected by her son's words and was embarrassed to look into his eyes. "Why is the young master still here?" The man frowned lightly and looked at her. "No one pushed me, how can I get in?" Stunned, she was waiting for her. Eyes light curled over his plaster feet, just the head of those at sixes and sevens in the idea immediately dissipated, have hurt the somebody else like this, how still in the fantasy of these useless things... Dare not neglect, pushed the man into the master bedroom on the first floor that Chen Yi had already packed up. Chen Yi waited at the door and looked at Doria, who was pushing his wheelchair, without trace. He said, "It is not convenient for the young master to go upstairs now, so recently he wronged the young master to live downstairs." "Yes." The man's face remained unchanged and agreed. Chen Yi nodded, suddenly looked at Doria and said, "Doria, your room is next door. It is convenient to take care of the young master at night." Wen Yan, stunned, Doria. Then unconsciously turned to look aside at Alan. However, I saw that the man had turned his wheelchair and entered the room, as if he had not heard what Chen Yi had just said. "What, is there a problem?" Chen Yi asked. "No." She shook her head. There is nothing wrong with taking care of people and sleeping next door. She is just a little surprised. As a servant, it is not appropriate to live next door. … … Doria was taken to the next room by Chen Yi, and Mo Chen walked slowly in. "Master, Master Nan had an appointment with you this afternoon, but I pushed him off. Master Nan knew you were injured and said he would come to see you later." "Well, I see." "Also, do you want to tell the old house about your injury..." "No need." "All right." … … Next door. Doria went back to the next room and tidied up the room. The specifications were similar to those of the guest rooms upstairs, because it was next to the master bedroom, but it was larger than other guest rooms and the layout was relatively luxurious. ###Coax him 2 Doria had no idea to observe these things. After probably tidying up, she turned back to the next room. When she went out, she saw something moving on the other side of the living room. She glanced at it. It was the two servants who were tidying up their things. Should have been driven away. She did not look much at it. At this time, she cared more about Alan's feet than the punishment of the two servants. Alan can't move now, so if there is anything necessary, she must come in time. Too late to knock at the door, he pushed the door directly and went in. He saw the man leaning against the table, taking off his shirt with difficulty, his eyebrows tightly puckering, and his right arm seemed to be very inconvenient to move. "What are you doing now!" She exclaimed. How can he stand up casually and fall? Hearing the sound, the man's hand gave him a meal. Eyebrows suddenly puckered and turned their eyes. When they saw Doria coming in, stunned's face slowed down a little. "What are you doing in here?" Doria did not answer, but went directly to Alan's front and could see from the buttons the man had unbuttoned. There was also a little bruise on his chest. Her heart tightened in an instant. As if noticing her eyes, the man frowned lightly and blocked the half-untied shirt without trace. "Arm can't move? Listen to the doctor said it seems to have twisted to..." "Nothing." "Let me see..." As she spoke, she reached out to pull open his shirt and wanted to look at his shoulder. Alan's face stagnated, the woman leaned over, and the fragrance on his body approached instantly. His body was stiff for a moment. Before the small hand was put on him, he buckled her wrist in time. "What are you doing?" "Let me see..." She stunned, raised her eyes to those bitter eyes, and realized what she was doing. Her face immediately warmed up and she hurriedly explained: "No, I don't mean anything else. I just want to see if there are bruises or anything..." "No." He said, clasping her wrist and not loosening it. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault..." She bowed her head and blamed herself. She didn't pay attention to his wrist. "Nothing, it's just a conditioned reflex." He has a faint voice. Doria's heart was even more uncomfortable. She slowly raised her eyes and looked at him. Thinking that the man should have just untied his shirt, she asked, "What are you going to do..." "Take a bath." As he spoke, the man frowned lightly. "No, your feet can't touch water now." "It can be washed." "The doctor said not to touch water." She frowned and seldom contradicted him. "Are you ordering me?" "Not master, your feet can't touch water..." "Then don't touch water." He frowned, loosened her hand, turned back to the wheelchair and wanted to go to the bathroom. How can Master alan endure sticky and greasy clothes and sleep without taking a bath? "Master..." She was a little anxious, "the bathroom will fall down... no matter how careful you are, you will touch your feet. Why don't you wipe it with a towel..." Alan's brows tightened a little. He turned to look at her and said nothing. "It's OK to wipe the towel. Wipe it clean and it's refreshing and delicious." She tried to coax. Little John is also very picky. Sometimes she will coax him not to touch the water when she catches a cold. Although every time she coaxes Lord Bao, she will be reluctant, but she is obedient.
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