Chapter 19

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If you go on like this, the young master will definitely lose his temper. This Miss Doria, the young master is very kind to her, how could he come and say this to the young master... "New job?" "Yes." She gritted her teeth and said. Before she could say anything more. "Hum." I saw the man with a cold face. I tore the resignation letter in half and threw it aside. The next second, Doria felt that the man had taken a step forward and approached her. It approached her instantly with an aggressive atmosphere. She was surprised. ###Angry him again 2 Conditioned reflex wanted to take a step back, but the man had raised his hand, lifted her lower jaw and slowly tightened his fingers. Forced her to look at him. Doria a pair of eyes unconsciously stare big, looking at the man's cold eyes. Alan squinted slightly, "where do you think this is? Is it too dirty or too tired? Is it possible to have a blind date to introduce you to a new job, so you can abandon the old ones? Or did he let you change? You are so obedient!" "I..." She looked at Alan's burning eyes and was at a loss for a moment. I don't know what to answer. She just resigned normally... … … Just afraid to continue here... … … Before the words were finished, Alan's hand holding her lower jaw tightened a little, and her black eyes narrowed slightly, showing a little danger. "I don't care what the reason is, I'll stay here and work well for me. No matter how dirty or tired you are, it's your own choice. You haven't changed." Then he let go of Doria, with a cold face, and turned away directly. Doria was completely stunned. She is not too dirty or tired... … … On the contrary, she still thinks it is surprisingly easy to make money in this job, but... Why is he so angry... … … … … Jiang took away far away, and Doria was still standing there alone. It was not until she heard the sound of the car leaving that she slowly withdrew her sight and frowned slightly. Did she make him angry again? She really seems to be out of line with the natural horoscope here... Not far away, Chen yi had already heard the noise here. When she saw the young master leaving, she rushed over, frowned and looked at her with a face of disapproval. She said, "Doria, the work here is good. Why did you resign?" "I... want to change my job." "It's the same everywhere. Isn't it good here?" Chen yi said, leaning over to pick up the torn resignation letter on the ground, and did not give it to Doria after taking it. He said, "don't make the young master angry again, and talk to the young master later. I heard that you were ill yesterday, and the young master specially instructed me to reduce your workload..." Doria's body froze. He turned his head and looked at the direction in which the car left. He felt a little guilty. She also doesn't know if this is right... … … "Don't think about it for a while. It may be that the young master is in a bad mood these two days. If there is anything to do, let's wait a few days. At least he is still at work now. Let's work first." Chen Yi said vaguely, fearing that Doria would leave, she hurriedly found tools to let her go upstairs first. "Well..." Watching Doria go upstairs, Chen Yicai breathed a little relief. One side of the servant saw Chen yi left, this just began to talk, "this new comer is annoying the young master? I think, she is really going to die. She really doesn't know how good the young master is to her, and she dares to resign." "Is, really don't like her, I heard that she used to be daughter, really used to come out of the delicate temper, really let a person look not pleasing to the eye..." It was the servants who used to clean the first floor with Doria who were slightly older than Doria. I have long disliked Doria. "Well, I used to think that the young master was good to her, and what would happen to her? Now I haven't angered the young master, and she will eat her good fruit in the future." "Yes, I think she should be taught some lessons, hum, sometime is by what means to go upstairs to work..." -- After Doria went upstairs, his head was very confused, thinking about what Alan said before he left and the way he looked at her. She didn't know how to make it clear to him. Towards noon, the sound of cars rang out of the villa. Doria unconsciously looked out and saw that it was Alan's car. Her heart jumped suddenly and she did not know why. She was a little nervous. Hastily stand up. Sure enough, before long, footsteps came from the porch downstairs. Soon, the footsteps approached and the man came upstairs. She stood on the stairs and licked her lips, thinking of apologizing to Alan first. After all, people took care of themselves so much. Footsteps came closer, and I don't know why, she suddenly felt a little nervous so that her heart seemed to jump out of her chest... ###Injured because of her Seeing the man's clear and meaningful face, Doria unconsciously did not open his eyes, but still stood on the stairs. She didn't speak until the man came to her side. "Master, I..." It seems that I did not see her or hear what she said. The man's footsteps did not stop for a moment, ignoring her directly, walking past her and towards the calligraphy inside. Doria's body froze. Suddenly raised his head, also can only see the man's indifferent side face. "Master..." He still ignored and went directly to the study. Mo Chen, who followed Alan, saw this and gave Doria a silent look, motioning her not to follow. Doria's footsteps are a meal. Soon, the footsteps disappeared and Alan had entered the study. … … Doria has been waiting outside. She knows Alan has the habit of drinking coffee at noon. Looking at the time, she has already made coffee and waited outside. At this moment, the sound of the door lock turning sounded, and she looked at the door with some expectation. See Mo Chen came out. Mo Chen smiled slightly at her and went directly to the servant not far away. He said, "Ask Aunt Chen to make a cup of coffee and send it to her. The young master will drink it later." "Yes, Mr. Mo..." Doria: "…" Doria watched Mo Chen go back and unconsciously opened his mouth. "Mr. Mo, I have already made coffee. Is the young master still angry..." Mo Chen's footsteps paused slightly, glanced at Doria and gave her a positive look. Doria some tangled, Mo Chen a few invisible sigh, did not say anything, went directly back to the study. She was left alone in the hallway again. At this time, the two servants who were slightly older than her came up not far away to take the tools. When they saw it, they immediately scoffed and gloated, "look, who still takes a reason for her and really takes herself seriously? Who does she think she is, daughter?" "Ha ha, you don't say, someone heard before is daughter, may be the role has not yet changed, also regard oneself as daughter..." … … Doria frowned and looked over. He gave the two men a light look. The two men also don't know why, was seen a little guilty, turned into the lounge to get things. … … In the study. Mo Chen pushed the door and came in. He saw his young master leaning against the back of his chair with his eyebrows locked and his eyes closed. Thin lips are also tightly sipped, face is really not good-looking. Walking slowly to the table, Mo Chen hesitated, "Master, Miss Doria has just prepared coffee, and now he is waiting at the door..." The man did not speak. "I think, Miss Doria may also be..." Before Mo Chen had finished his words, the man suddenly opened his eyes and gave him a cold look. "Enough." Mo Chen immediately shut up. Alan's face seemed to be covered with frost and looked sparse and cold. That woman is getting bolder and bolder! At that time, Alan did not speak, and Mo Chen also stood up obediently and said nothing. For a long time. Also don't know how long the two were silent, Alan threw away the pen in his hand, suddenly stood up, raised his steps, and walked slowly towards the outside. Mo Chen looked at the back of his master and frowned slightly. This Miss Doria is really... Originally, the young master was in a good mood this morning... … … After Jiang took away the study, he walked directly towards the stairs. He slowly lifted his eyes and looked at the end of the corridor. No one was there. The man frowned slightly. At this time, there was movement on the stairs, and the skirts of the servants' work clothes were exposed. The man went straight over there. … … At this point, the stairs. "You said, is it really okay to cheat here..." "Isn't it just a little oil, who can see that there is oil here, and even if oil is wiped, it doesn't necessarily slide to people..." "Yes, if she can slip, it will relieve her anger. Whoever told her to work upstairs every day, she slipped and deserved it." "Right, the young master estimate will also relieve anger..." ###Injured because of her 2 All of a sudden, the footsteps came close, and the two men were somewhat guilty. They unconsciously raised their heads and saw that their young master had come up and their bitter eyes looked at them. The voice could not recognize the emotion, "What are you doing?" "Master!" The two men were surprised and hurriedly stood up, carrying their tools behind them, Qi Qi blocked the stairs, trying to block Alan's view. Alan squinted slightly. "Get out of the way." "Master..." "I said get out of the way, don't understand?" His voice sank. The two men looked at each other, and finally their hearts were horizontal. The two men dallied up, revealing the stairs. Seeing Alan looking at the past, both of them were a little nervous, thinking that Alan should not be able to see it. The sidewalk said, "Master, just now we saw that the person in charge here was not here, thinking that she might have been lazy, and then seeing that the place was dirty, we wanted to help wipe it..." "Yes, yes is to wipe..." Another echoed. Say that finish as if there is a feeling of relief. It seems that I have found a good excuse. Alan did not speak, just looked at the two men. Only then did the two find out that their young master's eyes turned out to be so sharp, as if he could not hide anything from him, and he saw them in his eyes... The two men bowed their heads unconsciously. Some did not dare to see Alan, but they insisted that they were just cleaning the floor. "I don't like people to cheat me. If not, do you know the consequences?" Two people surprised, "master..." Just as he was about to say something, just then, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and then Doria came up. From which angle did she not see Alan, but only the two servants. She couldn't help frowning, "What are you still doing here?" Two people were surprised. Suddenly someone spoke behind him and Qi Qi got a fright. I saw Doria coming up.
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