Chapter 18

2015 Words
"I said, do you have a better job? You should find it easy and introduce me to Sister Huan Huan, or your good friends and your favorite man John will drink northwest wind." She laughed. "Nonsense, you just found a job not long ago, 500 an hour, you told me will drink northwest wind? Do you know that my old man is in charge of me and I don't have as much money as you!" Linda Road. "Well... I'm going to resign..." "Why?" "Not suitable..." "What's the matter?" Linda also recognized that there was something wrong with her tone. Only then did she realize that it was wrong and asked, "Did someone bully you?" "No, I am a little worried..." "What are you worried about?" "I always feel... Little John and our young master look a bit like, so, a little worried..." She frowned, some tangled. "No..." Linda, who has always been careless, seems to have lost his voice at this time. It took a long time to suppress such three words. "I don't know, but I will be afraid..." "It's okay, don't worry, then quit..." linda said with a tone, then said: "If, Doria, I said if, if that person is really Little John's father, have you ever thought... after all, although Little John doesn't say much, he is looking forward to having a father..." "Linda, he has a girlfriend... even if he is not a girlfriend, he also has a future marriage object, do you think, is it possible... even if he is, I also don't want to give Little John to other women to raise..." Moreover, she should not like Alan either... … … If one day, no matter who Little John's father is, she will at least respect her son's opinion. … … The next day, Doria dawdled for a long time before going out. By the time she came out, it was a little later than usual, so when she arrived at the place, Master Alan had packed up and had breakfast in the restaurant. When Mo Chen was having breakfast in Alan, he stood behind him respectfully and said on business, "The master's 9 o'clock activity has been postponed according to the master's orders." "Yes." Mo Chen said, standing aside and looking at his young master who was eating slowly, it was somewhat strange. I only think that the young master has an unusually good appetite today and eats slowly... However, when I saw Doria who had just changed his work clothes and walked in, Mo Chen's mouth was full of smoke, and he was waiting for Miss Doria... … … … … Because Alan usually asks Doria to make a cup of coffee when he is very busy in the morning, Doria usually delivers coffee when men are having breakfast. Today, too. "Master, coffee." "Yes." Carrying the coffee, carefully put it at the man's table and retreated to one side to stand still. She stood aside, unconsciously bowed her head, placed her fingers on her side, and unconsciously twisted her skirts. She came with her resignation letter. Although she didn't know whether to use it or not, it was better to be formal. He said yesterday that he could ask for leave, so it should be better to resign. Raised his head, some couldn't help it, secretly looked at Alan's side, and saw the man talking to Mo Chen, his eyebrows slightly locked, and his handsome face looked serious. Maybe she was looking too naked. Alan suddenly turned her eyes to her side and took a panoramic view of her little tricks. Her eyes dodged, embarrassed... ###It's her resignation letter 3 How to peek is always found, does he have long eyes? Alan raised his eyebrows almost invisible and was not happy. This woman was hiding from something. Then I saw that the white ear tip was a little crimson at this time, and his stunned, originally light frowning eyebrows also spread out. It's so easy to be embarrassed, he doesn't care about her either. … … Doria himself is talking about how to resign for a while. After all, people are very kind to her and the working treatment is good... Suddenly, the sound of the chair being pushed away sounded. The man stood up. When she looked, she saw the man looking at her side and raising his chin. "Tie." "Oh, well..." She rushed to pick up the tie she had already prepared and sent it to the man. Alan was very busy. Even at this time, he was talking to Mo Chen behind him. Doria came to him, but Alan did not move and still talked to Mo Chen. Doria felt that his hand holding the tray was a little sour. She frowned unconsciously. Alan turned her eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were deep. "What are you doing with it? Help me tie it." At this point, he continued to talk to Mo Chen behind him. Doria: "…" Seeing that she did not move, Alan turned his eyes to her and frowned softly. "Do you want me to teach you?" "No, don't..." She had to crustily skin of head to pick up the tie. At this time, I am very close to Alan. The man is not wearing a coat, only a white shirt, and his body is still the smell of the familiar men's perfume. No matter who approaches, such a man will be nervous. He has already done so without doing anything. If such a person stirs up girls, few people can cope with it. She thought so, thinking that she was already the mother of a child and was calm enough. However, when I raised my hand and tied my tie to the man's neck, my hand still shook uncontrollably. "What are you dawdling about?" Suddenly, Alan turned his head and frowned at her. This suddenly turned around, making the two men look at each other and the distance is especially close. For a moment, she felt her heart panicked, her fingers shook, and her untied tie fell to the ground. "..." At that time, there was some eerily quiet in the restaurant. The other servants looked at Doria with some sympathy. This Doria, although the young master may be better to her, but dare to the young master's tie, the young master will be angry... "Sorry master, I can't tie..." She felt a little hot in her face. Alan looked at her, raised his hand, motioned Mo Chen behind him to wait, and watched Doria pick up his tie in obvious panic. He drooped his eyes. Without waiting for Doria to say anything more, she reached for the tie in her hand and said, "I'll do it myself." At this point, Gu Zitai tied it up, and it was tied up a few times, much more agile than the way she dallied just now. "Let's go." Alan did not look at her again. It was to Mo Chen behind him. "Yes, young master..." Mo Chen looked at Doria, who made a big red face, with some amusement and followed Alan towards the outside. Doria: "…" She is obviously not so stupid. The son said she was stupid. She was playing coquetry with her son, but how did she behave like an i***t in front of Alan... … … Listen to the sound of footsteps walking far away. She unconsciously looked up and saw that the man, dressed in a tailored suit, had already walked towards the outside. Doria hesitated, his resignation letter has not yet been given to him... I can't say for sure that he will come back at night. She is off duty and has no chance to give it. Without much thought, she ran after him directly, "Master, wait a minute..." Basically, as soon as her voice sounded, the man had stopped and looked back at her. His eyes were fixed on her little crimson face. "What's the matter?" "Master, this is for you..." She said and took out her resignation letter. Alan raised her eyebrows and curled their eyes over her hand. She noticed that it was an envelope. "What?" ###Angry him again Alan, take it. Fingers with distinct joints slowly opened the envelope. Doria coughed lightly, did not open his eyes, saw him open, sidewalk: "It's a resignation letter, I want to resign..." When Doria said, his eyes turned to another place, so he couldn't see Alan's expression at this time, and he didn't know why. He was a little uneasy... After she finished speaking, the air suddenly quieted down a lot. Alan was opening the envelope with a slight meal when he suddenly looked up at her and his eyes became darker and darker. Mo Chen's face also changed greatly. Oh, my God, what the hell is this Miss Doria talking about... … … … … Doria waited for a moment, could not hear his answer, unconsciously raised his head and saw Alan standing in front of him, staring at her coldly. She's stunned. The man put down his hand and still did not speak. Doria's heart was inexplicably tight, and he didn't know what was going on. Isn't it just to resign? Maybe Alan will eat her? She blinked and looked at Alan. For an instant, the atmosphere between the two seemed a little tense. Mochen immediately frowned and said, "Miss Doria, are you tired and want to rest? In fact, you can talk to the young master, even if you rest for a week or two, the young master will not say anything, you know, it is not easy to work here, 500 an hour, don't you want to still support your son, how good this job is, don't joke with the young master, the young master is still very busy... " Mo Chen said, dry smile. Alan looked at her with a slightly slower look. "No, I have already planned to resign, I think, may not be suitable to work here..." She don't open her eyes, some dare not look at Alan's expression at this time, should say scalp. Alan is indeed very kind to her. It is really not very good to say that she resigns and resigns. Her heart is also a little uncomfortable, she also don't know why some uncomfortable... Hearing this, Mo Chen immediately frowned. Why is this Miss Doria so stubborn? This... He gave a step, why can't he go down... Mo Chen unconsciously looked at his young master's side, and he really saw his young master's face was cold enough to freeze to death... "Do you want to resign?" It took a long time for Alan to speak. "Yes, thank you for your care for so many days, I..." Before she had finished speaking, she was interrupted by the man, "Why did you resign?" She choked immediately. Unconsciously looking up, I saw the man's black eyes were clear, as if I could see all her small emotions and expressions in my eyes... "Not suitable for..." She crustily skin of head said, oneself feel far-fetched, "is very normal to want to resign..." "Come if you want, go if you want, when this is where it is." Alan looked at her with a sudden chill. "I'm sorry, young master." Alan took back his eyes and did not look at her again. He just looked down at the resignation letter in his hand. His face was rather cold and he looked at him. "Is it because he has found a new job or because of what? Your blind date?" Speaking of which, Alan looked at her again. However, this time the eyes are colder. Doria was somewhat awkward to him. How to resign normally, in his here, as if his wife is cheating, clearly they are ordinary employment relationship... The servants in the room all looked at this side, and Chen Yi couldn't help frowning. "I have asked my friends to find a new job..." Before she had finished speaking, she saw Mo Chen behind Alan squeezing her eyes and motioning her not to say any more.
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