Chapter 17

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"Full, thank you..." Alan did not speak again, turned to continue to talk to the doctor, ignoring her. At this time, he seemed to be not alone with Alan, who had just forced her in the ward, making her so nervous, and he still looked as usual, just like nothing else... As if in his eyes, that is ambiguous, nothing... Doria looked at him, the in the mind head also don't know why, a little lost... I really don't know what she is looking forward to and what she is afraid of... … … When leaving the hospital, the car stopped at the door. Along the way, Alan walked beside her, one step faster than her. She followed suit and said nothing... When she reached the side of the car, her steps stopped for a moment. She looked at the car and then at Alan. She felt a little embarrassed. After all, when she came, she was held by him. Now she should... She deliberately dawdled the ink for a while. Alan turned her eyes and looked at her. Without saying a word, she got on the bus. Seeing this, Doria was relieved. From the other side, he opened the car door and followed. "Master, are you going home first?" In front, the driver asked. "Take her home." "Yes." Doria stunned, turning his eyes and looking at her eyes, saw the man sitting there with his legs folded, looking as usual, as if he felt her sight. He turned his head, looked at her and said, "Tell me the address and send you back first." "I..." She was a little embarrassed, but looking at Alan's eyes, it seemed that she could not refuse. Doria hesitated, then said the address to the driver, then sat aside and began to stop talking. … … The car soon fell into silence. Doria sat on one side, pretending to look at the scenery outside the window. In fact, her hands on her legs were tightly buckled unconsciously. She was still a little nervous. ###His gift to Little John 2 I always felt that this car smelled of Alan's faint perfume. As if with aggressive fragrance, just like Alan in the hospital... This taste is really suitable for him... … … Just when Doria was distracted, the man around him lowered his eyes and straightened his wrist watch, as if he were casually opening his mouth. "You don't know how to eat well at ordinary times?" "Ah?" She's panicking. Turning his head, the man just looked up and looked at her. His delicate eyebrows also gently puckered. "Hypoglycemia, anemia, diet is not regular." "I..." The man took back his eyes, as if he had casually pulled his tie and did not look at her. "When tired at ordinary times, he should pay attention to rest and ask for leave with me. I don't want my employees to fall ill in three days and two ends. Is this the second time, fainted?" Say that finish, looked at her. Doria on those beaming black eyes, heartbeat unconsciously accelerated a beat, "Sorry..." She took back her eyes, and then, the next second, she saw Alan throw a beautifully packaged bag. She caught it unconsciously. Looking down, I saw that there were pieces of fruit candy and some snacks inside, the kind that was ready to eat when opened, and at first glance it was the kind that girls liked, obviously just bought... "This is..." "Eat some when you feel uncomfortable. Hypoglycemia needs to be recuperated. Take some sugar and the like with you later." "Thank you, thank you young master..." She opened her mouth and did not say anything for a long time. It took a long time before she said such a thank-you word. "Yes." Alan leaned back in the chair, as if feeling that it was just a trivial matter that didn't hurt. He closed his eyes and took care of himself to close his eyes. Doria was holding the bag of candy, but he only felt his heart beat, plop, plop and jump violently... How long has this been? She has no parents and family, and she is alone with her children. No one has cared about her and taken care of her for a long time. She felt that her face was a little hot, and her heart did not know what was filled with. The darling feeling made her fidgety and did not know what to say. I had to secretly turn my head and look at Alan. I saw the man's side face with his eyes closed. It was perfect to be impeccable... Doria Doria, what do you see in your boss's heartbeat... … … It's really hopeless... … … Then some embarrassed don't open the line of sight, for an instant, the car was even quieter than just now, she pretended to have nothing to look at the outside of the window stupidly. For a long time, the car drove into the community. Only then did she realize that she had arrived at her home. As soon as the car stopped, she basically opened the door as if she were running away. "Thank you, Master Li Shu, for sending me back. That, go back slowly and be careful on the way..." She said that and left. "Wait." The man suddenly opened his eyes and frowned at her. This woman, so eager to leave why, he can't eat her again. As soon as Doria's body froze, he had to turn his head and look at the man with a smile. "What else does the young master have to say..." The man took out a box of delicate cakes directly and handed it to her with a frown. "Take it." "What..." She saw clearly that it was a box of chocolate cake, and this brand was still very expensive. She hurried, "Well, master, I'm full, so this cake doesn't need to be..." "For your son." He interrupted her. Doria stare big eyes, body suddenly a stiff, some startled look at Alan. The in the mind is also a moment a tight. Compared with her nervousness, Alan's face was very calm. "When you were asleep, the child's teacher called. I was afraid I would answer anything. He said he wanted to eat cake." Doria: "…" … … That night, Doria sat on the sofa and looked at a treasure eating cake gracefully one by one. He was somewhat absent-minded. Alan's appearance obviously does not seem to feel that Little John is his son. Perhaps she really thinks too much... But … The eyes are fixed on his son, which may be just a coincidence. It's just a coincidence that all the facial features are delicate. Besides, children look like one day at a time, and Little John just hasn't grown up yet... ###It's her resignation letter "Doria, do you want to eat my cake? It's drooling." A treasure looked at some anthomaniac's mother with contempt. Doria: "... Don't want to eat... Hmm." Before she had finished her words, she was fed a big mouthful by a treasure, and the sweetness of chocolate spread instantly on the tip of her tongue... A treasure shook his little head and sighed, "Woman, it's really duplicity." She almost choked, "Little John, with whom did you learn all this?" She already found it wrong. "Aunt Huan Huan told me that Doria is duplicitous. Doria is really a character that can be guessed at a glance and can only be protected by me." Some treasure said, after eating the last bite, gracefully wiped the corners of the mouth, love clean as hell. Doria: "…" … … That night, Doria lost sleep. In the dark, when I closed my eyes, the eyes of the man flashed through my head. The man seemed to be angered, and then there was a very light cloud and light wind. What does he think... … … Why do you want to be so kind to her... … … Is it really good to go on like this... She is so afraid, so afraid that she will get used to being taken care of, and then the other party is just kind, or... even if there is anything, they are also impossible, the somebody else is high above master Alan family, and she is just a little servant... Doria, Doria, can you be realistic... My head was confused all night, so the final result was that the next day, Doria asked for leave... -- The black car drove back into the villa. The man walked slowly in and handed his coat to Mo Chen. "What time is the afternoon meeting?" "Master, it's three o'clock." "Well, call me again at two." "All right." Alan walked slowly towards the upstairs. When he reached the third floor, he paused slightly and turned his eyes. There was still a servant standing there, but not Doria. He frowned lightly and turned around. Before he could say anything, Chen Yi had already come over. "Master, Doria asked for leave, so I arranged for someone else to take her place for a day." Hearing this, stunned, Alan, immediately frowned even tighter. "Have you asked for leave?" "Is..." Chen yi saw Alan didn't speak, couldn't help adding, "as if to say a little uncomfortable..." It took a long time for Alan to slowly say, "I know." Say, lift the foot just want to leave, just then, Chen yi called him again, "by the way, young master, miss Zhao called home this morning..." Chen Yi said, unconsciously to see his young master's face. The man paused, frowned lightly and asked, "What's the matter?" "This, Miss Zhao didn't say, she just asked what the young master was doing. I feel... maybe the little girl was embarrassed to call you, girl, often when embarrassed, she refused to ask herself, so she called home and asked from me." Chen Yi smiled and said. Hearing this, Alan's face stagnated. "Because I'm sorry?" "Yes, most of the little girls nowadays look quite open, but in fact they have little face." Chen Yi said with a smile. Alan tightened a little, not knowing what he was thinking. "Master, do you want to call Miss Zhao back..." Chen Yi asked. "Zhao Xinyu?" Alan frowned lightly and raised his eyelids to look at Chen Yi. Chen Yi and stunned, why, haven't you been talking about Miss Zhao just now... … … Alan's face faded. "What is she doing?" "It seems that there is nothing, just asked if the young master is busy, maybe just care about the young master..." Chen Yi said truthfully. Hearing this, Alan rubbed his cuff and frowned lightly. "Since it's okay, there's no need to call. If it's okay, tell her directly next time." "Is..." Chen Yi nodded and the young master was most afraid of trouble. Looking at the back of her young master who turned and walked away, she still sighed unconsciously... Master like this, should be don't like miss Zhao... at this rate, when can we get engaged and married... ###It's her resignation letter 2 This... The old lady in the family often calls to urge her, but she can't help it either. The young master doesn't like it, and it's useless for her to match again... … … Back in the study, Alan leaned against the back of the chair, folded his legs slightly, put his hand on the table top, knocked on the table top one after another, and did not know what he was thinking. A long time, chuckled. Sorry not to come, that is really a face-saving. … … Doria has really been a p***y at home all day. After struggling for a day, she always felt that it was wrong to watch herself go on like this. She secretly smiled wry. She had not made a boyfriend for too long. Some people were kind to herself and said a few words, and her heart could easily be stirred up... "What are you talking about?" Linda was somewhat surprised.
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