Chapter 16

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Alan was followed by two bodyguards and a leading security guard. But no one dared to look at Alan, let alone Doria, who was held by him. … … VIP ward. Doria sat on the bed with a little bewilderment on his face. But more and more red, more and more red... How to return the vip ward, she is just hungry dizzy... this is too big a problem to do, if she said now just hungry, still can't come... "Jiang Shao, can you tell me the general situation of the patient?" The doctor came in and nodded at Alan. "I'm fine..." She fainted. Alan frowned at her and then said, "I just fainted suddenly. My face looks very bad." "Let me see, it may be heatstroke in summer..." The doctor said and came up. Doria's face was still a little embarrassed. "Listen to the doctor and see a doctor." He frowned at her. "Gollum..." Suddenly, Doria's stomach cried... She felt the crowd looking at her line of sight and bowed her head silently. She really wanted to bury her head in the seam of the ground. Alan, obviously stunned. "In fact, I should have nothing to do, maybe I didn't eat at noon, a little hungry..." ###He made her flustered 2 "..." Doria felt that she had not been so humiliated for a long time. She did not dare to look at Alan's face at this time. There was a moment of silence in the air. All of a sudden, the man's footsteps sounded, then, he heard the sound of the chair beside the bed being pulled open, and the man sat down. Turning his head, he looked at the bodyguard aside and frowned, "What are you still doing? To prepare the meal." "Yes, young master..." Doria's heart gave a sudden jump, raised a slight nod, and saw Alan staring at herself. She hurriedly withdrew her sight. "What's the matter?" "Are you with him?" He still stared at her. "What? With whom?" She looked up suddenly, some of which did not respond. Alan's eyes flashed with some dark awn and did not speak. Doria was stared at uncomfortably. It took a long time for Alan to say, "The one you are dating." "Ah, Chen Jinfeng... he is very kind to me, took care of me very much before, also don't abandon me to bring a son, he also don't plan to have children, we should be very suitable..." The man's eyes grew darker, "so you are together?" Doria looked up and looked at Alan. At this sight, he felt that the man's sight was extremely cold, his thin lips were sipping, and the delicate next line was tightly stretched, looking cold... She was somewhat puzzled by Alan's meaning. Why does he always look like he wants to eat people when he mentions Chen Jinfeng, does he not like Chen Jinfeng or does he not like her, does he still not want her to be with Chen Jinfeng... But clearly... … … He has a fiancee of his own. She is a small servant. It's nothing to kiss her. "If together, should also be normal..." By accident, she said so. After that, she was a little nervous for no reason, her heart trembled slightly, and she looked at the man's face with some expectation. But she found nothing, Alan still sat there with his legs folded, still looking at her coldly, as if just now, did not cause a stir on the frosted eyes... I don't know why there is a little disappointment. She still thinks too much... … … "So, are you together?" "No, not together..." Doria looked at the slightly disturbing eyes and told the truth. Hearing this, the man's face did not change, but his eyes became deeper and deeper. "If you are together because you are suitable, do you live up to yourself, because you are suitable together, are you willing to have any intimate actions with him? Let him kiss, let him hug, and still lie in a bed for a lifetime?" "I..." She was shocked. The line of sight to Alan's eyes for a long time, unconsciously don't open the line of sight, "I don't know..." "Do you like him?" Alan stared at her. She didn't speak, but her heart beat faster unconsciously. What does he mean? He asked himself this question, which made her feel whether he was jealous... … … Is it because he felt unhappy about his date and blind date with Chen Jinfeng that he would... "I don't know..." "I don't know?" She would still not change her face because of him, but when she finished saying this, Alan's face had sunk instantly. The next second, Doria saw that the man had already stood up, his eyebrows closed and he leaned in. Doria's heart suddenly a nervous, conditioned reflex toward the back to sit down. Alan took a panoramic view of her little tricks, squinting slightly, instead of stopping, she got closer and closer... Her hands were on her side, and her long arms directly locked the woman between herself and the bed. Doria was forced to lie down on the big bed, stare big eyes, watching the man drooping his eyes and looking at her, the thin lips more and more tight. She felt that the aggressive breath surrounded her instantly. "I..." "What do you like about him? What's good about him? Who else do you like besides him? How many men have you liked for so many years?" He stared at her and asked several questions directly. ###He made her flustered 3 She felt her heart beat was disordered. He stretched out his hand to push him, but when his hand touched his shirt, he felt like an electric shock and suffered it again... A little annoyed, "What are you doing?" When a man does not speak, he is waiting for her answer. What exactly does this mean? "I... I like a lot of men, I have long forgotten the reason why I like them, young master, don't you think this tube is a bit wide..." She bit her teeth and some could not bear it. Alan stunned. Then squinted. This woman even said that he was lenient. "At least, at least Chen Jinfeng is quite good... at least he doesn't smoke, and there are not many men who don't smoke." Doria don't open his eyes, don't look at him, tone sounds a little angry, but a face is getting redder and redder, as if to ripe... She tried to push him. However, as soon as his hand was raised, he was suddenly caught. Then the man pulled hard, she exclaimed, suddenly pulled close to him a lot, for a moment, she almost thought she was going to kiss him... "Don't smoke, do you? I don't smoke either." Hearing this, her heart suddenly missed another beat. In a pair of eyes, some startled looked at Alan. At this time, her hand was still tightly buckled by Alan. Alan held her hand with great strength. Master alan seldom lost his composure... Doria forgot what to say for an instant... "You..." She opened her mouth, her eyes dodged, and she was flustered. I don't know when, there were ambiguous factors between the two. The man's delicate eyebrow and eye were obviously strong and domineering, which made her feel at a loss... "What are you talking about..." "Don't you want a man who doesn't smoke, I..." "Jiang Shao, Miss Doria should be caused by hypoglycemia, suggest to drink more..." The doctor suddenly pushed the door and came in, followed by several nurses, footsteps heard a lot of people. Halfway through, the voice came to an abrupt end. They all looked at the two people on the sickbed in astonishment... Alan's eyebrows suddenly tightened, turned his head, and gouged out the doctor coldly. The doctor immediately turned his head and did not dare to look at it. Doria felt his face instantly like boiling water, as if he could be steaming. She jerked Alan away. The man was pushed away off guard, stepped back two steps and frowned lightly. "Don't you know to knock first when you come in?" "Yes, I'm sorry, Jiang Shao..." The doctor did not look back. Listening to this, Doria's face was already like a monkey's ass. She sat down hurriedly and did not dare to see Alan. Her heart beat very fast. Compared with her panic, the man's face quickly returned to normal, he sat back in his chair as usual, raised his hand and placed the hem of his clothes, as if nothing had happened. At this moment, there was another sound of footsteps outside the door, and the bodyguard came in. "Master, lunch is ready." "Well, bring it here." After saying this, he turned his eyes and glanced at Doria. "Have a good meal." Then he stood up again and went to the doctor at the door. "Let's go out and say." "Good river less..." Everyone went out and the room was soon quiet. The bodyguard put lunch in front of her and laughed, "Miss Doria, please have dinner." Say that finish, then back out. Doria looked at the food in front of him. Although he was still very hungry, he had no appetite at all. In his head, the words the man had just said rang out repeatedly. "If you are together because you are suitable, do you live up to yourself, because you are suitable together, are you willing to have any intimate actions with him? Let him kiss, let him hug, and still lie in a bed for a lifetime?" "Don't smoke, do you? I don't smoke either." "Don't you want a man who doesn't smoke, I..." … … Doria silently buried his face on his knee... She must be dreaming... … … Before she could return to absolute being, the mobile phone on one side suddenly shook up... "Buzzing..." Her body froze again, quietly raised a nod to look, see is Chen Jinfeng's phone, slightly relieved... ###A gift from him to Little John Just at that moment, she actually thought, could it be Alan... She found that she was really easy to think foolishly now. The man was clearly outside the door, and she thought it was him... … … "What's the matter?" Her voice sounded a little hoarse. "Doria, how are you? Is it better to go to the hospital now?" I can hear that Chen Jinfeng is very concerned about her. When the phone was connected, he asked many questions. "Well, well, it's okay, sorry, I just have a little hypoglycemia, which worries you..." She is still absent-minded. "It's good to be fine, you, it must be an irregular diet." Chen Jinfeng sounded relieved, but his voice still sounded a little heavy, "that... you are now..." "Hmm?" "Are you in the hospital?" "Yes." "With, with whom, or the same man?" Chen Jinfeng hesitated for a long time before slowly asking for an exit. Doria stunned, then eyes light unconsciously glanced at the door of the ward, vaguely can still hear Alan and the doctor talking at the door, the man's voice is very good, including the tone, speed, sound is very comfortable... Doria thought and thought, stunned. "Doria? Is he still there?" "Well, I'm sorry... I'm still in the hospital..." Chen Jinfeng opened his mouth and immediately said, "Then you should have a good doctor and I'll contact you later." "Good..." She hung up the phone before she could put down her cell phone. All of a sudden, the door was opened and the man had come in and looked directly at her. Doria didn't know what was going on. He felt his heart stopped for a beat and suddenly became nervous. Conditioned reflex left his cell phone behind him. Some did not dare to look into his eyes. Alan saw women's little tricks in his eyes. Slowly walked in, eyes light looked at the mobile phone, said nothing. Doria didn't go to see him, and he didn't know what he was afraid of... Clearly, the two of them have nothing to do with each other, but... because he seemed very angry with Chen jinfeng before, she was a little... "Are you full?" He spoke first.
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