Chapter 15

1242 Words
###Do you like her 2 "..." Alan was silent for a long time before he said, "I am not Doria." Alan squinted. It turned out that this little milk bag was choosing a blind date for her. He really had eyes! "..." He said, Meng Bao on the other side of the phone was silent. The man raised his eyebrows, wondering if he had scared the boy. The next second, I heard the child with a pettish little milk stereo. "Wow, are you Uncle Chen? Doria is very stupid. You have to take good care of her for me when you go out with her. Let Doria bring me a chocolate cake when you go back. Thank you, Uncle Chen. In the photo, Uncle Chen is very handsome. I fell in love with him at a glance. Uncle Chen, Doria? Where is she... " The innocent tone and the extremely old tone just now are hardly like a baby. Men squint. Gently snorted, this little thing. "I am not Uncle Chen, I am an employer in Doria, and she has something to go out." "Oh..." A treasure answered with a tone of relief. Fortunately, it was not Uncle Chen... Alan raised her eyebrows, knocked on her knee unconsciously all the time, lowered her eyes and swept away the woman who was still asleep. She said directly, "Why do you call at this time?" "I care about Doria, and I don't have any homework... well, my deskmate's bed is beside my bed, how can I sleep with a girl as a man, Doria said, sleeping together is responsible, it's really distressing..." "…" his forehead jumped, "to take a nap." "No, uncle. Wow, is Doria with you? Didn't she go on a blind date?" "No blind dates." His face was cold. "Why!" A treasure shouted, "I only found Uncle Chen after careful ion..." Alan squinted. "You picked her a blind date?" "Of course, Doria listens to me." Some treasure is a little proud. "Good." "???" "The next time she goes on a blind date, I will replace all the beds around you with little girls." "Why!" A treasure is not calm, he can hear this is a threat. "Uncle... do you like Doria? Wow... you can show Ben Bao the photos. If he looks good, Ben Bao will consider it. Well... start with a chocolate cake." Alan: "…" This boy... He has never heard of anyone trying to please his son. … … After hanging up the phone, Alan put his cell phone aside and his face was really wonderful. "Well, whose phone..." Seems to be noisy, arms of Doria moved slightly. The man lowered his eyes and looked at her firmly. Doria frowned and slowly opened her eyes. She felt as if she had slept and vaguely knew that she had got on the bus. It was so cool and not so uncomfortable. As soon as he opened his eyes, the line of sight went straight into a pair of dark eyes. The eyes are really beautiful, staring at her eyes, just like shining fine stars, at a glance, can't see the edge, let a person unconsciously sink into the wipe scenery... "Wake up?" The man's voice is low. Her face stagnated and she froze for a moment. She instantly responded, "Little, young master???" The man raised his eyebrows. Only then did Doria suddenly find out that he was holding his whole person in his arms, and his hands were still attached to his chest through his shirt... The man seemed to prevent her from falling down, and his hands were still buckled on her waist. The heat of the palm, through the thin cloth in summer, could be clearly printed on her skin... "Master!" She exclaimed and unconsciously began to struggle to get off him. Oh, my God... She was sitting on his leg and was just held by him to sleep... … … She felt her face turned red when she was brushed. I don't know whether she felt embarrassed or embarrassed. Her heart beat faster and her eyes dodged. Some did not dare to look up at the man's eyes. Seeing her struggling, Alan frowned. "Don't move." At the same time, she held down her struggling hand, then tightened her arms and said, "Do you want to fall?" "Less, young master... I just sit aside..." ###He made her flustered She felt that she was stuttering in her speech. Where was she so close to whom... She had never been so ambiguous with jack before... Besides, there are not only the two of them in this car, but also others... Thinking so, the line of sight unconsciously swept towards the front of the car. However, the two men in front seemed unable to hear the movement in the back seat and did not return their heads. "Sit like this." He frowned. "Master, this is not appropriate... Miss Zhao, Miss Zhao..." She looked around, but she didn't see the shadow of Zhao Xinyu at all. Didn't she come together? Where are the people? Alan eyebrows puckered up, handsome face obviously some unhappy, this woman, just woke up either struggling or looking for Zhao Xinyu, looking for her to do something. See Alan don't talk. Doria couldn't help but want to speak again. Who can tell her why the young master is holding her? This way, how ambiguous... And this man is still Alan... … … Does he know whether he is like this to a girl, minutes can make people's hearts confused... … … "Master..." The man twisted his eyebrows. "From now on, say a word and deduct one day's salary until it is finished." "..." She opened her mouth, but she finally closed it wisely. Stealthily raised her eyes and looked at the man. I could see that he was already vaguely unhappy. She stopped struggling and just grabbed the hand at the hem of her T-shirt. She unconsciously tightened some and grabbed the cloth of the T-shirt out of folds... His side face was against the man's chest, and his steady and powerful heartbeat could be clearly heard. Bang, bang, bang... Doria was still sitting in his arms, his breath was full of the faint smell of men's perfume, and she felt more and more confused... It happened that the car was still unusually quiet. She was so afraid that he would hear her fast heartbeat... … … "Master, here we are." The car stopped suddenly and the driver said respectfully in front. Even so, the driver did not turn back. "Yes." Alan answered. Doria did not look outside and wanted to sit up and walk down on her own. However, before she could struggle, the man seemed to have seen her intention, frowned lightly and carried the man out directly. She exclaimed, "Master, I can go by myself..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the man looking at her with his eyes hanging down. She immediately closed her mouth and then frowned gently, chagrined. Why are you so unintelligent? Alan held her in her arms and walked slowly towards the inside. "River less..." The hospital security guard came out, saw Alan, did not dare to neglect, hurriedly ran over, "Jiang Shao, the ward is ready, please follow me." "Yes." Doria felt his face was very hot. Even if he did not have a mirror, he knew he was blushing and was carried directly into the hospital by the man.
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