Chapter 12

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"Master..." Doria tugged at her hand again. Although the man's hand was still slightly cold, she felt very hot... Alan stopped his hand and looked down at her wrists, which were red because of the light and heavy guards. Doria noticed his line of sight, a little embarrassed, drew out his hand, don't open the line of sight, "thank you young master, I have nothing to do..." He just, unexpectedly because of her angry... With this in mind, she still has some incomprehension... "Well, if there is nothing wrong with the young master, I will go to clean..." She dodged his sight. Alan stared at her for a long time. "Make a cup of coffee." Then he turned to leave and suddenly remembered something. He looked back and glanced at her. "Send it to her in person." Say that finish, this just left. Doria had no choice but to make coffee and send it to Alan's study. As soon as he entered, he saw the man leaning on the back of the chair, staring at his eyes and looking tired on his handsome face. She couldn't help softening her steps. "Master, the coffee is ready..." "Put it down." She put it down and wanted to leave, but the man spoke. "Next time Arlene comes, don't pay any attention." "Ah?" She stunned, "This is not appropriate, sir. I think the eldest lady is quite good. Moreover, I am just a servant, ignoring..." The man frowned lightly, opened his eyes and stared at her for a long time. Doria felt that he had said something wrong again. Alan did not speak. I don't know how long it took. Suddenly he reached out and dialed the telephone of the doorman. The doorman answered quickly, "Master, what can I do for you?" "Next time Arlene comes back, don't let her in." "Young master, big miss..." "Well, let her in again next time, the doorman can be changed." Hang up the phone, and then leaned back in the chair, looking as usual, as if he was not the one who just said he would not let his sister in... Doria: "…" She felt that the man's eyes were fixed on herself, and when she thought of the two of them at this time, she unconsciously said, "Well, if there is nothing else, I will go out first..." "Stay here." "Hmm?" ###She has a boyfriend The man picked up the pen on one side and began to find out something. "Stay, Mo Chen is not here, you are responsible for printing the materials." "Master, don't you go out, not with miss Zhao..." She stared blankly in the same place, not agreed to go out with miss Zhao? "Canceled." Doria: "…" Why cancel, because of her? Doria, you are dreaming again... … … One noon, Doria watched the man sit there to deal with things except occasionally helping Alan run errands. The study was very quiet, and he could hear the rustle of information occasionally. Doria sat aside and secretly looked at Alan. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that he was familiar with the eyebrow and eye. The more he looked at it, the more flustered he became... Looking at, suddenly, on a pair of Zhan black calm eyes. Her ears turned red unconsciously, so don't open your eyes. Alan said nothing, and it was not long before he could occasionally hear the sound of leafing through the data. Doria leaned against the sofa and had to close her eyes. She felt that she was going to have neurasthenia... I don't know how long it took. The man looked at the woman who was breathing shallowly on the sofa and was obviously asleep. He picked up his eyebrows slightly and looked at it for a long time. He slowly stood up, slowed down his pace, walked directly to the sofa, bent over and picked up the person gently. Last time I found out, she was much lighter than she looked. Frowned, this woman, really didn't grow any meat. … … Holding the woman out of the study, directly into the next room, he walked steadily, Doria in his arms did not show any sign of waking up, he put the person on the big bed of the room, covered with a thin quilt, the woman still slept very well. He stood by the bed staring at her. For a long time, stretching out his hand, he pushed away the broken hair on the woman's forehead, revealing the palm-sized little face. Before the finger abdomen was removed, he naturally touched her cheek. Just a little fingertip, gently rubbed, then put away his hand... Before long, the sound of closing the door sounded and the room fell into silence again. Doria's heartbeat was banging, banging very fast and violently... Eyelashes trembled and slowly opened her eyes. Her little face was also stained with a little crimson. Her stare big eyes were somewhat dazed. She unconsciously raised her hand and touched her cheek for a long time... She suddenly turned over and buried herself in the quilt. Doria, Doria, haven't you been in love for a long time? As for your longing for spring! Just at that moment, I was wondering if Alan liked her... Is it really time for her to talk about a boyfriend... … … On the weekend, Doria worked half a day's work because there were still some places to clean. Alan was not in and was heard to have gone out. A servant aunt who cleaned together chatted with her, "Doria, aunt gossip, you don't care, that day you held hands with the young master..." "No, the young master just told me to make coffee. I was probably angry at that time, so I forgot to release me..." She was somewhat embarrassed. "Is that so?" Auntie shook her head, "How do I feel young master..." "No, I have a son, how also impossible, moreover, I have to see my boyfriend in the afternoon, after all, it is the weekend..." She hurried to clear up the relationship and did not say the blind date or the boyfriend. At this time, the door of the study not far away was opened. It was Mo Chen, who had just returned to fetch things, who listened to the words, walked with a meal and unconsciously looked at the past. "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Well..." she replied vaguely, then changed the subject. "When did you hand it in?" "Not long ago... well, it seems that it is not clean over there. Let's clean it up." "Yes, pack up quickly and don't delay your afternoon appointment." Auntie smiled. Mo Chen: "..." ###Let her follow At the same time, Alan family's old house. In the large old house, Alan family's old man and old lady were sitting on the main seat of the sofa. The old man's face was full of smiling faces. He was talking and laughing with his younger generation. The old lady's face around him looked much lighter and more serious. Arlene was talking and laughing with the old man. The old lady suddenly looked at him and frowned. "I know to laugh all day long. Apart from working and wandering around at home, when will your marriage be decided?" Arlene choked immediately. The old man also fell silent. "Grandma... you care about Alan, isn't he going to make a decision?" "Is it, Alan decided who? If you want me to say, Zhao's girl is good, but she is also kind. I grew up watching her, and I don't know what he is doing." The old lady said, turning her eyes to Alan, who was standing by the window not far away. Alan did not lift his eyelids as if he had not heard them. The old man sighed, "Don't worry about the young people." "Well, I'm just worrying about it. Anyway, I'm old enough to walk into the coffin with one leg. He won't let me see my great-grandchildren. I can't help it." The old lady's face was slightly cold. Arlene leaned in at the right time. "Grandma, don't rush him. He is very good at it. I can't say for sure when I will bring the girl back to you." "I can count on him?" I am humane. Old Jiang sighed, "The children have their own ideas. Even if he is engaged now, the children do not say that they can hold it if they can. Otherwise, can you expect him to bring you back a big fat boy now?" "Well, if he can bring me back a great-grandson, I will not care about him in the future." Alan stood aside, feeling the sight of the crowd from time to time, and his forehead jumped. "I'll go out for some air." Say that finish, straight out. Seeing people go out, the two old men who had spoken to each other immediately stopped talking. The old lady stopped talking, and the old man chatted with the younger generation with a smile. … … As soon as Alan went out, Arlene walked slowly out. Before she walked past, she saw not far away. Mo Chen came and walked in a hurry. "Master..." Alan walked slightly and sniffed, "What's the matter? It's a fuss." Mo Chen saw many people looking over and realized that he was rude. He immediately slowed down his pace and went to the man's side. He hesitated a little and said, "Master, Miss Doria seems to have made a boyfriend..." The man's original faint face suddenly became cold, turned to look at him, and said coldly, "What did you say?" "I said... Miss Doria seems to have made a boyfriend and heard that he is going on a date this afternoon..." Mo Chen said, unable to wait for the man to speak, but he heard the sound of high heels. Then, he heard Arlene say, "What's the matter? Who has a boyfriend and who is going on a date, the little servant named Doria?" With that, he turned to Alan and narrowed his eyes with a smile. "Come on, what's the matter with this? You can also take care of the little girl's date. On big weekends, let others go." He gave her a cold look. Arlene was not afraid at all, but laughed even more. "You don't like others. Why bother to stir up the mess? Grandma was still talking about Miss Zhao just now. Don't let Grandma down. Otherwise, you won't have great grandchildren next year, and you will suffer at home later." Mochen stood aside, sweat dripping down. This big lady is really watching the scene of bustle. It's not too big... Fools can see that the young master is not interested in Miss Zhao... Seeing that Alan did not speak, Arlene looked at him up and down, fiddling with his hair, as if he were careless: "Also, the second uncle's side is staring at you, Alan, you think it over." Speaking of the back, it is actually a little bit of a joke. Arlene thought he would seriously consider his words, but he saw Alan hum coldly, "You can have great grandchildren at any time if you want." Say that finish, look at Mo Chen. "Where is the man?" "Should be haven't left..." "Prepare the car and go back." "But young master, didn't you promise to make up for Miss Zhao's invitation this afternoon and stand up to others again, wouldn't it be inappropriate..." He twisted his eyebrows and was somewhat impatient. "Did I say cancel?" "No..." The man said, has raised his steps towards the outside. Arlene still stare blankly there, see river took away, immediately a hurry, "Alan, are you foolish to fight with second uncle in the past two years, do you think giving birth to a child means giving birth? You..." Before she could finish, Alan had already left. Arlene stare blankly in situ for a long time, this boy, is it not really enlightened?
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