Chapter 13

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###Light bulb Doria and the servant aunt packed up and planned to pack up and go out for the appointment. But before he reached the door, he was suddenly stopped by Chen yi. "Doria, you can't go..." "What's the matter?" "This... the young master has something urgent, so he wants a servant to follow him. I know that you used to be from a rich family, so your vision is definitely much better than others... you have to go out with the young master, all of which is counted as overtime. The young master will not mistreat you for the overtime expenses." "No Chen Yi, I have something today..." "Master has an appointment, people will arrive soon, Doria, this... temporary also can't find other people... heard is very urgent..." Hearing this, Doria paused. In the end, I called Chen Jinfeng and told him that there was something temporary. I roughly told him that I could not keep the appointment. Chen Jinfeng was stunned at first, but he was very accommodating and just said to Doria that he would make an appointment another day. She also didn't know how many words she said she was sorry for. When she hung up the phone, although she was somewhat sorry for Chen Jinfeng, she was inexplicably relieved from the bottom of her heart. Suddenly and a man always meet for the purpose of marriage, she is still a little not used to. … … Hearing the noise of the car outside, she went downstairs. She didn't know why. When she thought of going out with Alan, she became a little nervous for no reason... Out of the porch, walked to the steps, unconsciously looked out. As a result, I didn't see Alan, but I saw a familiar figure. The woman, dressed in a light dress and holding a delicate bag, was standing by the car at the door. It was Miss Zhao last time... Doria stunned. Is this Miss Zhao the guest who said he would go out with Alan? My foot, which was going down the steps, did not walk well and almost fell down. "Well..." The wrist was suddenly buckled, and the man held down her shoulder to prevent her from falling in public. She vaguely turned her head and saw Alan standing behind her. "Thank you, thank you, master..." He frowned. "Be careful." The tone is a little unhappy. Doria opened her lips and was about to say something when she saw that the man had taken back his sight from her and looked out. She followed her eyes and saw Miss Zhao at the door... It seems that the movement here shocked her. She turned her eyes and looked at her side... … … Zhao Xinyu's eyes were fixed on Alan's hand on Doria's shoulder. She was slightly stunned... Only then did Doria react and know that Alan had just helped himself with kindness, but it was not good to be misunderstood by his fiancee. However, her hand had just been raised and before he could be reminded, the man had already withdrawn his hand and released her. Then, he did not look at her again and walked directly towards Zhao Xinyu. Doria once again stunned, only feel just Alan exceptionally cold. At that time, he looked at the back of the river and did not move. "Just now, Mo Chen called me. I thought you, a busy man, would have no time to cancel my appointment again." Zhao Xinyu smiled calmly. Alan glanced at her and frowned almost invisible when she heard the word date. "Back to the old house." "Oh... I've been back home for so many days and haven't visited grandpa and grandma Jiang yet. Take me with you when you go back another day. I'll bring some nutrition for the elderly." "I don't have time. If you want to go, let Mo Chen take you there." "Cut, you always don't have time. If it weren't for Grandma's words this time, you wouldn't accompany me out. Who told me that Grandma didn't like anyone and liked you? Thank you, gentleman, for accompanying me out to pick out gifts." Zhao Xinyu laughed and the two were very familiar with each other. … … Doria looked aside and only felt that the two were even more suitable when they looked closely. I have been working here for some time, and she knows a little about it. Alan is very cold to everyone and has never seen any woman come here to find him. It seems that this Miss Zhao is really special... ###Alan was looking at her She watched and lost her mind. In the head is at sixes and sevens thinking, suddenly, eyes on a pair of bottomless black eyes. "Why, who is she?" Alan did not answer, looking at her side and frowning slightly, "I can't come and do anything there." "… yes, sir." She had to crustily skin of head walked over, smiled at Zhao Xinyu and stood aside. Alan took the initiative to say, "Let's go." Zhao Xinyu looked at Doria's servant's uniform, looked at her for a long time, turned around and followed Alan on the bus. Doria saw this and had to open the front co-pilot's door and got on the bus like a light bulb. Did she come to accompany Miss Zhao out to pick out gifts? … … Doria sat quietly in front and never looked back. He got on the bus. Along the way, Zhao Xinyu was talking to Alan. Women's words should be a little more, which seems to be in a good mood. Alan would answer occasionally. Even if he talks very little, in Doria's view, it is already very rare for Alan to talk to others like this. This Miss Zhao will certainly be happy when she marries Alan in the future. After all, Alan, although his temper is sometimes a little bad, is not very difficult to serve. Sometimes, instead, she felt that he was very considerate... That kind of temperament still has self-restraint, no woman is not like it. She thought so, in her heart don't know why, a little boring, uncomfortable, she attributed this to Alan may be the father of his son, if he is Little John's father, he and other women engaged to marry, her heart some thoughts are normal. However, these are all her fantasies... When listening to the conversation at the back, she secretly turned her head to the back to take a look at the man's face... … … However, as soon as she turned her head, her peeking line of sight immediately crashed into the black eyes, as if all her little tricks were in his eyes. Her heart suddenly stagnated. Alan looked at her as usual and still looked at her with certainty. She unconsciously withdrew her eyes and her ears turned red... "Doria, it's time to get off." It was not until the driver reminded her that she noticed that she had already arrived at the gate of the shopping mall. Alan and Zhao Xinyu had already arrived at the gate of the shopping mall. She called herself a fool and rushed out of the car to follow her. Alan's pace was not fast until he heard the rapid footsteps of the woman behind him, which gradually accelerated his pace. … … Entering the shopping mall, Alan and Zhao Xinyu were still walking in front. She followed like a light bulb. The person in charge of the shopping mall was accompanied by the person in charge of the shopping mall, who lost their smiling faces all the way. This shows how honorable the identities of the two men are. She followed absently. As she passed a cafe, she suddenly heard someone calling her name. "Doria?" With a step, she turned to see the nearby cafe. Chen Jinfeng came out and saw that it was really her. She was obviously surprised and followed by three to five friends. She's stunned. Before she said hello, the next second, she felt a cold back, turned to see Alan handsome face has sunk, the eyes staring at her as if to eat her. She thought she was wrong. But the young master's face is obviously not good-looking... … … She wondered if she had offended him inadvertently again... … … "Alan, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Xinyu glanced at Alan. "Go upstairs." He spit out only two words very sparingly, then raised his steps and walked upstairs. He did not look at Doria again. His face was cooler than when he came. Zhao Xinyu rushed to follow the past. The person in charge of the shopping mall wiped the sweat from his forehead. Indeed, Jiang Dashao's moods and moods were not easy to ponder. He was afraid that he had not done a good job in provoking the Giant Buddha... Doria was still stunned there and had to smile apologetically at Chen Jinfeng in the distance, motioning that he could not pass now. Chen Jinfeng knew that she was now a servant. Seeing that she was still wearing the servant's work clothes, she smiled and nodded at her. Doria also gave him a polite smile. ###Is this woman dumb "What are you doing without walking?" A slightly cold voice came. Alan looked at the smile on Doria's face, only feeling extremely displeased, and her eyes were cold. Doria hurried back his eyes and followed. Zhao Xinyu saw this, looked at Doria's eyes and frowned slightly. How did she feel Alan always looked at the maid... … … At the door of the cafe, looking at Doria, who had gone far away, Chen Jinfeng laughed unconsciously. In fact, he was still worried that she was looking for an excuse to hide from him intentionally, but he didn't think there was something to get away from. "Hey, Jin Feng, what are you thinking? Is that your friend?" My good friend came over and patted him. "Well, let's talk. I left a little ahead of time. Coffee is on me." He said, settling the account and walking out directly. Without hesitation, she went upstairs directly. Although she could not come out together, it was also good to look at her from a distance. In fact, he likes Doria. He used to feel comfortable staying with Doria, whether chatting or anything. At that time, he knew he liked her, but at that time she already had a fiance. Now, although she has a child around her, he has a chance. … … Next, along the way, Alan's face was not very good. Zhao Xinyu is still saying this, but this time, Alan did not respond again, let alone look at Doria. Doria sometimes went to see him, but the man looked extremely cold. She also felt a little wronged, this gentleman, she sacrificed her blind date time to accompany his girlfriend to choose gifts, and then looked at his face... If it weren't for his salary to her, according to her previous temper, she would have left. There are many gift shops that can be seen. Zhao Xinyu seemed to be deliberately dawdling around and wasting time. He looked at them carefully one by one. Occasionally, he would deliberately gather around Alan with a smile and ask his opinion. Although men will respond, they are much colder than when they first arrived. Zhao Xinyu doesn't seem to care either. She still chooses carefully. If she can come out with Alan, her interest will not be bad. This is bitter for Doria, who has been suffering from insomnia and lack of rest recently. Today, she accompanied the young master and young lady out to pick out things before lunch. She also walked so far. At the moment, she only felt hungry and black in front of her eyes. She stood aside, feeling that she was really a light bulb and had no effect. She could only watch the two men picking things over there.
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