Chapter 11

2004 Words
"Well, thank Chen Yi..." "By the way, the young master asked you to make a cup of coffee and deliver it. Go ahead." Chen Yi said and left. "That, Chen Yi..." ###Alan is really willing to give up Twenty minutes. In the study, the man is looking at things with his head hanging. "Benedict, Benedict." There was a knock on the door. "Come in." "Your coffee, master." Chen Yi's voice sounded. With a pen in Alan's hand, he looked up at Chen Yi. Gently puckered his brow. "Where is Doria?" "Doria has just made it. She may be a little uncomfortable, so she asked me to send it to the young master." Chen Yi said. Hearing this, the man lowered his eyes and stared at the coffee for a long time before taking back his sight and said lightly, "I know." … … All morning, Doria hid from Alan. Basically, when she felt that he was going to come out of the study, she hid in the guest room and pretended to wipe it. For example, just now, when she heard the man's footsteps far away, she walked out slowly and walked slowly towards the downstairs. Some absent-minded people have been thinking about things at sixes and sevens since last night. At this time, too. When I went down the stairs, I was thinking about things and my feet were empty. She exclaimed. All of a sudden, her warm hand was buckled around her waist and tightened hard. She was hugged back and her back was attached to the man's body. Then, her whole body was surrounded by the perfume peculiar to the man... "What are you thinking?" Alan's voice sounded, a low, slightly magnetic voice sounded behind her. Doria's body a stiff, conditioned reflex pushed him away, took a step back, a pair of water cut eyes in some panic, "master..." The man's hand was empty, and he looked at her with his eyes hanging down and took a panoramic view of her little moves to avoid. Doria's heart beat a little fast. Seeing Alan looking at herself, she looked as usual. Instead, she looked nervous. By contrast, it was really obvious. She stabilized her mind. "Sorry, master, I... thank you..." The man did not speak. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs. Mo Chen walked up slowly and saw the man standing on the stairs. He said directly, "Master, Miss Zhao has come." "Yes." The man looked back. "Let her wait for a while." "All right." Mo Chen then went down, leaving only the two of them. Doria opened her mouth and wanted to say something to break the embarrassment. As soon as she looked up, the man had left slowly. What she wanted to say was immediately stuck in her throat. With a flat mouth, he turned back to the third floor. As soon as I got up, I heard someone whispering, "See, Miss Zhao is here again. Who do you think the young master accompanied to attend the event? Isn't this just Miss Zhao?" "I think Miss Zhao will definitely be engaged to the young master in the future. Both families have acquiesced in this matter." Hearing this, Doria stepped slightly, then raised his steps and went upstairs. It turned out to be the future lady. She went up to the third floor and stood on one side of the cloister. She could see the man coming out of the bedroom and changing into a formal suit, apparently to go out with Miss Zhao. It seems that the young master attaches great importance to this Miss Zhao. She should be very beautiful... … … Jiang took it away without delay and wore a straight suit, as if he were such a person, always looking perfect, no matter where he was at home or where he was. Doria watched Jiang seize the building in the distance and was stunned. She unconsciously went downstairs and looked outside. At the gate of the villa, the black car had already been parked. A girl of her age stood there. She seemed to hear the noise, turned around and looked at Alan coming out. She hooked her lips and smiled. It was really beautiful. Rao was Doria, who was also a woman. She couldn't help looking at it. Alan and her walk together, is really a good match... … … After Jiang was taken away, Doria didn't have to hide from him any more. It was much faster to clean up. It didn't take long for him to have nothing to do, so he simply started to stay. At this moment, another black car came in downstairs. Immediately a servant came out and saw Arlene get off the bus, followed by several guards, ostentation and extravagance is very big. "Big miss, young master just went out with miss Zhao, not at home..." Chen yi explained. The woman handed the bag to the person nearby and smiled, "It's okay. I'm not looking for him. It's just okay. I'll just stroll around and don't worry about me." At this point, he went straight into the door and went upstairs. Seeing this, Chen Yi had to order others to inform the young master and followed him. Upstairs. Doria was wiping the wall lamp and was distracted. Suddenly, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground sounded behind her. She turned back and saw a woman coming up behind her, followed by several servants, all carefully following, obviously a big shot. She's stunned. ###Who gave you the right to do it here Arlene saw her stop, her eyes flashed across the name on her chest, and the corners of her mouth hooked, "Doria?" "Is..." She received Chen Yi's wink, bowed her head slightly and assumed the appearance of a servant. "Miss, would you like to go downstairs and have a rest?" Chen Yi said. "No." The woman did not move and still stood staring at Doria as if she were looking at him. It turned out to be Miss Alan family... Although Doria used to be Miss Doria family, at that time, she could not come into contact with people with Alan family's status. The only time, I remember, was in high school when my father took her to a banquet of a nearby relative in Alan family. At that time, he once saw the big lady from a distance. "Go ahead and do your job. I'll stay by myself for a while." Arlene looked at Chen Yi and others, and they had to go downstairs. The two of them were left upstairs. When Doria was about to turn around and leave, Arlene seemed to chat, "How long have you been working here?" Stunned, she asked her, "It's been a week." "Alan has a bad temper." "..." She glanced at Arlene and had to say, "The young master is very kind..." Hearing this, Arlene smiled, "Why do you want to work here?" The big lady jumped a little fast in the question. With a smoke on her mouth, she immediately said, "Because of the good salary, she came..." "Oh? How much is it?" Arlene asked her smiling. "..." Why did the big lady still inquire about her salary? "Five hundred an hour..." With that, Arlene burst out laughing, "I know the president's son. He can't afford such a high price for anyone he hires. Alan is really willing to give up." Doria: "…" She also felt that her master was generous... … … Doria thought she would leave after a few words. As a result, the big lady seemed to be chatting with her for a long time. Arlene asked, and she replied that Doria did not understand what the big lady was doing... When the big lady left, Doria felt as if she had just been checked. Not long after Arlene went down, she was about to get the cleaning tools when she felt that she had stepped on something and looked down. It was an earring that Arlene had just worn. She picked it up and rushed downstairs, intending to send it to the big lady. As soon as I went out, I saw that the car at the door had not left yet. The woman was about to get on the bus when she saw that the car was full of guards and could not see the outside. "Big miss, earrings..." She ran to the side of the car, intending to hand Arlene the earrings. However, before approaching, suddenly the wrist was suddenly torn and then pushed. Then, the guard's slightly cold voice sounded, "No one is allowed to approach Miss Arlene." Arlene, who had just got on the bus, heard the noise and just turned his head. Only then did he see Doria. The guards pulled Doria apart with great strength, and now they are still clasping her wrist tightly to prevent her from approaching again. At that moment, Doria suffered from pain and his eyes turned red with pain. She opened her mouth before she could explain. The next second, suddenly another wrist was caught, and then, feeling someone tugging at her behind her, she fell directly into a embrace with the familiar smell of men's perfume. Alan's thin lips sipped slightly and his face was rather cold. Holding Doria in one hand, he raised his foot directly and kicked the guard in the chest. Strength is not small, directly kicked down the tall horse guard. Zhan Hei's eyes were full of cool thin, and he said coldly, "Who gives you the right to do it here?" The guard fell to the ground, his face changed because of the pain, but there was still a little panic in the light of Master alan's eyes, just like he was very afraid of him. Doria didn't react yet. The next moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind him. ###It's time to fall in love Later Mo Chen also had a number of bodyguards, "Master..." "Yes, I'm sorry, master..." The guard was so scared that he rushed to apologize. Arlene returned to absolute being, looked at the cold face of his younger brother outside, glanced at Doria beside him, and got off the bus in time. "Don't blame him either. He is responsible for protecting my safety." Alan looked up at Arlene and did not speak, but his expressionless appearance was angry. Arlene didn't care what his face was. He looked at Doria and laughed, "You want me?" "Ah, yes, the big lady's earrings have fallen..." She hurriedly reached out and handed it to her. "Well, thank you then. Didn't you panic just now?" "No, it's okay..." Before Doria finished speaking, Alan dragged him behind him and interrupted her. "What are you doing here?" "Oh, I'm fine. Come and have a look." Arlene shrugged his shoulders and looked calm. Alan stared at Arlene for a long time. "Mo Chen, send off guests." "Yes, young master..." Alan said, cool and cool swept the fallen guard one eye, buckled Doria's hand did not loosen, directly took her to the villa. Arlene looked at the two men holding hands and raised his eyebrows. Why is he so angry today? Mo Chen leaned over and looked at Arlene with a smile and said, "Miss Da, if you go back slowly, I won't send it." Arlene: "…" She took back her eyes and glanced at Mo Chen. She did not have a good air way: "I have been following Alan for a long time. I have been saying so directly that I have the same virtue as him." Say that finish, gently hum a body, let a person pick up the guard, turned and got on the car again. Mo Chen: "..." … … Doria was dragged away by Alan in front of so many people. His face was a little hot. He dragged his hand and did not pull it out. He was dragged upstairs by this man in front of many servants in the room.
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