Chapter 10

2017 Words
"I'm sorry, young master, I just didn't hold the bowl firmly, I will compensate for the new bowl..." The man approached and did not answer her at all. Instead, he grabbed her hand directly, looked down, then took her hand and turned to the side sink to wash. Looking up at the side face that the men around her looked good, Jun's face looked serious. At this time, she was very patient to help her clean the wound. Her body froze and she forgot how to react. His fingertips, with a little coolness, even cooler than the water. Her body quivered unconsciously, and the tip of her heart quivered. She suddenly withdrew her mind. When her little face turned red, she would withdraw her hand. "Don't move." He frowned at her, took her hand, naturally opened the cabinet, found the medicine cabinet inside, and disinfected, drugged and bandaged her. Doria felt his heartbeat was abnormal and struggled hard. The rare ones stuttered. "Master, I, I'll do it myself..." "How do you bind up one hand?" The man did not give up, picked up the cotton swab and continued to wipe it. He turned his eyes and looked at her. He raised his eyebrows slightly. Doria felt that his black eyes, which could not see the margin, seemed to have a little narrow smile. "Or would you be embarrassed if I took your hand like this? What are you thinking? Your face is red." Doria's face looked stagnant and he got a fright. He coughed unconsciously. His little face turned redder and retorted, "I was scared!" "Is it?" His eyes were somewhat intriguing. The movement of his hands slowed down. With a slight pull, she fell to him and the two got closer... Near, she could smell the pleasant fragrance on him. For a moment, her forehead wiped his lower jaw... Bang Bang Bang... … … The heartbeat is so fast... … … Looking up, she saw that the man was still looking at himself and knew that he was deliberately embarrassing himself. She felt that her face was still very hot, but she pretended not to care. "Yes, how could she blush because she touched her hand? I have been close to my fiance before. How could she blush?" Say that finish, the man's hand movement has a moment of stagnation. Doria could feel the man's eyes fixed on himself. "Your fiance?" "Yes... I used to have a fiance, but the marriage was yellow, six years ago..." She said of jack, her face stiffened for an instant. Alan's eyes are getting darker. "Have you been close to your fiance? How close, how close?" "Hmm?" ###There is no compassion at all. Stunned, she saw that the man's face could not show emotion and looked straight at her. She didn't know how to say it. He looked at her like this. She was a little nervous and intimate for no reason. In fact, it is not too close... … … "Have you kissed?" His voice is cool and refreshing. "Well..." She answered vaguely and unconsciously did not open her eyes. Only then did she find that the two men were so close and spoke face to face, as if the breath they breathed could stir to each other... Does she know how close it is? She can't be as calm as he is, her heart beats so hard... … … The color of the man's eyes became heavier and heavier, and the strength of her wrist was tightened a little. Doria immediately felt pain and had no time to take it out. He listened to the man and said, "So young, I thought you had no experience in kissing your face." Hearing this, her face turned red. "How, how is it possible! I even have children, how can I not have kissed, and then, besides, isn't it normal for normal male and female friends to hold hands and kiss..." Although she was with jack, the most was jack's quick kiss on her 18th birthday. The rest, for so many years, have long been forgotten. What impresses me most and often remembers in my midnight dream is that six years ago, on that muddled night, the man's domineering kiss... "We often kiss, not without experience..." She said unconsciously, her little face redder, like a little red apple. She said that finish, the man has not spoken, for a long time, she raised her eyes to the man's eyes, only to find that the man did not know from what to start, eyes are cold. "You said you kiss often and have a lot of experience?" Alan looked as if he was expressionless at this time, but if he could not bear it, he could even drip black ink at this time. "Well..." "Lie." He said coldly, greatly displeased. "At first glance, he is an inexperienced little girl." He knew that night if he had any experience. She stared big eyes, she was already face thin, at this time listening to the man's words, and his some aggressive line of sight, angry unconsciously way, "you... I have no experience, you have experience?" Hearing this, men's black eyes narrowed tightly. Holding her hand, she tightened it a little more, and then pulled it hard. She was forced to stick it over. The distance between the two was closer. Her other hand was unconsciously stuck to his chest... He bowed his head, his forehead was already on her forehead, and his other hand was on her waist, shackling her and making her unable to retreat. Doria felt a daze and took a deep breath. Alan's eyebrows puckered and he said, "Are you provoking me?" "No..." Her voice was small and low. Although there is no mirror, she can't see what she looks like at this time, but she can also imagine that her face must be red like monkey's ass... She stopped and could not hear the man's answer. It took a long time before she said, "No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to provoke you..." Her body was stiff, but her heart beat very fast and plop plop. She doubted that Alan could hear her jumping so loudly... Alan looked at her for a long time, then suddenly raised her hand and slowly raised her lower jaw, forcing her to look straight at him. "If you don't say so, I just wanted to prove if I had any experience." Doria's eyes widened. Proof? How to prove... All of a sudden, the atmosphere between the two seemed a little ambiguous. She felt so hot and thirsty... Suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed him away. She gasped softly and tried to change the subject. "I believe the young master has experience. The young master has such good conditions that he must have a fiancee..." Feeling his hands empty, he frowned lightly. "No." "No?" She opened her mouth. "I thought there would be many famous ladies who would like to marry the young master..." Alan looked at her, a little unhappy, tone seems a little cold, "marriage object? Which do you say?" Doria stunned. Then looked up eyes, the man handsome face look as usual, although is casually said, but light eyebrow eye, has the innate pity and arrogance, she dazed for a long time, then relieved. Yes, master Alan family, there must be several choices for the marriage. "Oh, oh..." The man glanced at her and then grabbed her hand. Doria was immediately nervous, but this time Alan just picked up the band-aid and put it on for her. The man sipped his thin lips with a lot of strength and no mercy at all. "HSS..." ###Both acquiesced She took a light breath and her painful eyes were wet. Unconsciously secretly looked up at him, I saw the man's delicate side face was a little cold and alienated. She found that even wearing the simplest shirt, this man would look too expensive to reach. It was a kind of natural noble spirit... In the future, the object of marriage should also be a girl who can match him... At the thought of this, inexplicably, she felt a little bored and uncomfortable in her heart. Could he... be Little John's father? She looked at him a few more times, because she was so flustered that she took back her sight after a rough glance. No, it was impossible... Oh, Doria, what are you dreaming about... … … That night, when I came home, as soon as I entered, I saw a treasure sitting on the sofa, holding her arms and looking at her with a small face. "Doria, you came back late. I guess you had a good chat with your blind date. Doria, have you forgotten what I told you? The most handsome man is waiting for you at home. Don't be tempted by the men outside." Small eyebrows puckered, Doria stunned, for a moment, feel Little John like him... She took back her mind and laughed, "I went back to work, of course I remember my little boyfriend at home." A treasure raised her eyebrows and looked at her. She clearly wanted to ask, but she was still reserved and asked, "How was the date?" "Well, it's quite good." She said vaguely, but her head was unconsciously thinking about the possibility. Little John is Alan's child? It's impossible... … … If a family like Alan family knew Little John, she would have taken the child away long ago. Moreover, that night, she did not know who that person was, and that person should not know her, let alone that she had children... "Doria, you are distracted." Some treasure is dissatisfied. "Is it Lord Bao? Is Lord Bao drawing again?" She walked over with a smile and painted a man in a suit. She was stunned, her heart tightened and she felt dazed. How did she feel so like Alan? "Mm-hmm." A treasure's eyebrow and eye were somewhat proud, then frowned and looked annoyed. "Because of the good painting, the silly girl at my deskmate always pestered me to draw for her." "Poof, then you can draw one for others." A treasure looked at her and said, "I only draw for my girlfriend. Now Doria hasn't found a boyfriend yet, so I don't want to find a girlfriend." "Poof..." "Women are really in trouble." A treasure sighed, "I am already very tired to take care of you as a stupid woman." Doria: "…" Is it really good that she is despised by her son every day? Just as he was about to say something to save some dignity, his cell phone shook. It was Chen Jinfeng... I asked her out for a meeting at the weekend. I didn't say much, but I just said I would take her out to play... … … Doria hesitated for a moment and looked at Meng Bao and the painting on the sofa. Perhaps Little John and linda were right. She really needed to give Little John a home, and the delicate face of the man flashed through her mind... As soon as she froze, she edited the text message directly: OK, see you that weekend. The next day, after Doria went to Alan family Villa. Basically, if you can hide from Alan, you will try your best to hide from the river and take it away. I don't know what's going on. I feel very uncomfortable seeing him recently. She attributed this to the reason why he may be Little John's father. Whenever Alan has the possibility of being Little John's father, she dare not gamble because she only has Little John... Although I think so, when I am stunned, my mind always flashes through the way the man hung his eyes and bandaged her seriously the day before. "Doria, why blush? Is it uncomfortable?" Chen Yi came slowly. Doria got a fright. "Ah, no..." Did she blush? "Is it really okay?" Chen Yi looked at her eyes and immediately said, "There is a doctor at home. If you feel uncomfortable, you can see Dr. Zhang."
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