Part One - Chapter Seven

2877 Words
  Marks Point of view Fuck me, she was hot, I wanted nothing more than to break down the barriers around her.  I knew she was attracted to me; her body had given me the all the information I needed.  She was feisty, determined not to give in, and it spiked my interest further.  I never had to work to get my way with women, if they were not up for it, I moved on, but there was something about her that made me want to try.  Probably down to the fact I was stuck in the no s*x limbo, unable to move on to the next one, as I was forced to be a good boy for another five days and counting. But I was finding myself wondering not only what it would be like to taste her delights, but also what made her tick, this again was a first, but given my lack of any distraction, I guess I just had to run with it.   I made my way to the garage, time to go switch off my d**k and my brain on, the objective set out by the team for this qualifying session was to be around P5, my objective was always to be higher, to surpass the expectations of others and meeting with my own.  The further to the front you were at the start of a race, the easier it was, helping you avoid the gaggle of riders.  Success was down to so many factors, Me, the bike, and the others on track not f*****g up and taking me out with them, it was different each time you went out, that is what kept me in the hunt.  I thrived on the uncertainty of everything, nothing no matter who you were was ever certain when racing motorbikes, it was that uncertainty that excited me, and drove me towards the ultimate goal every one of the 22 riders attained to.  I completed my routine, stretches, loud music that pumped me up, and then headed out for the final practise session before qualifying. The session was good, finishing 5th on the timesheets again, I was happy with that result as we were working on race pace, rather than just on hitting the quickest time. Now it was qualifying, the first of the season, my first for this team, let me see what this baby could do over one lap, how fast I could push her, I was confident, my personal aim was not the 5th set by the team, it was on the front row of the grid, top 3.  I took on some much-needed liquid, the cool water refreshing me.  As always it was in a bottle of one of the team sponsors, a high energy, high sugar, high caffeine drink, but I avoided that unhealthy s**t like the plague, but we all played the game, swapping out the drink with water, the sponsors got what they wanted, athletes with the appearance of drinking their product, the reality being we all drank water. All to soon, it was time, I jumped on my bike, and she roared into action, 15 minuets I would find out just where I would start tomorrows race from.  f**k yeah this baby was fast, but she was temperamental, sometimes she would like nothing more than to try and catapult me off her, others she was sweet and smooth, her unpredictability although a cause of some concern made perfect my enjoyment and excitement of bending her to my will. The adrenaline was pumping now, each lap I was going faster, I could not afford to look at where I stood on the grid, I needed to push and keep pushing till the session had ended.  I could hear the crowd cheering wildly, the noise spurring me on. With each flying lap I completed, the more I understood the bike, and the faster I would go.  It was exhilarating, I found myself behind Sab, and being his team-mate meant this was a good place to be, one I could learn from the master, two get a little bit of a tow, and thirdly protect him from others wanting to see if there were any c****s in his armour, and therefore that would keep the team happy.   The fifteen minuet qualifying session ended quickly, I had enjoyed every last second of it, I looked at the guy’s hanging out my pit board, #72 P2.. f**k me, I was second on the grid, I could not have asked for anything better, and I headed off to Parc ferme after first entertaining the crowds with a massive wheelie, followed by a big stoppie.  Sab shook my hand smiling at me, he was a good guy, genuinely pleased at my position, together we had taken P1 and P2 on the grid, even the usually stony-faced team manager was cracking a smile.  I had come some way towards redeeming myself, and f**k that was good news. We completed the media bullshit, then headed for the debrief, f**k I was tired, the only issue with night races was the fact they were at night, and by the time you were finished and the adrenaline wore off it was nearly morning before you caught some sleep, and given the heat during the day, it was not the best preparation for race day. I headed back to the motorhome, around midnight, f**k I was pumped up still, and I had nobody to get rid of some excess energy with thanks to that dose I had caught.  Sleep would not be my friend for another few hours, and all I could f*****g think about was little Miss Innocent, and f*****g how lovely she was, and that was frustrating as f**k. My mind was acting like some love sick puppy, probably because she was not a racer chaser, she was a sweet innocent girl, someone who demanded love not a good hard f**k by the paddock playboy. I took a quick cold shower, and headed out for a walk around the paddock I needed to burn off some of this f*****g energy and clear my mind from thoughts of her.    Lilly’s point of view Every time I closed my eyes, I saw that d**k head pressed against me.  A heat rose between my thighs as I remembered how he felt, the tingling of my skin against his, his rock-hard chest, this was not good, and disturbing my sleep!  Why oh why was I so turned on by this dickhead, okay so he was, it had to be acknowledged drop dead gorgeous, but he knew it, and he was the expert in talking the panties off women!  I was not like that, and I would not cave, I was worth so much more than being a one night stand, but my resolve was going to be put to the test, and it would be the biggest test of my life.   I turned over in bed again, trying to get comfortable, and trying to sleep to shut down my mind and bodily desires.  I was not the slut the bullies had called me, and I certainly would not give up my virginity to a smooth talking, s*x crazed i***t like Mark Johnstone, no matter how much my body wanted it.  Turning again I knew that sleep was still far from me.  The noise from the track had ended some hours ago, and now it seemed like everyone was settled down for the night, I needed some fresh air, to clear my mind, to hit reset and try again.  Getting up I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt over my PJ’s then quietly headed out silently locking the door behind me, to keep Agnes safe, not that it wasn’t safe here, hence my confidence  to walk off some of this frustration.  Although the night was still hot, it was a lot cooler than the daytime, so the air was refreshing, I took a deep breath, relaxing my body, then headed off for a look around the paddock.  I headed up towards Paddock tot’s noting the lights were on, s**t in my hurry to leave I had forgotten to turn everything off.  As I arrived, I opened the doors, not only had I forgot the lights, but the paint pots were still stood, having not been emptied, and that would be a nightmare to sort in the morning, so gathered them up, and headed out back to give them a good wash, rescuing the paint brushes before they set to hard.  Nothing like multi coloured soap suds on paint brushes that had started to set, and refused to clean easily to concentrate the mind, I had leaned over the sink, and now had big wet patches of coloured water pain all over my t-shirt, good job it was an old one, as it was now only fit for the bin! I was busy scrapping out some rather stubborn blue paint from its pot when I froze, I heard footsteps.  I found myself holding my breath, and a child’s paintbrush like a weapon, not sure what that would do, paint someone to death possibly, ahh if I held it by the brush end though the other could possibly jab somebody in the eye if need be. I felt nervous now, as the footsteps sounded like they were inside the nursery itself. “Hey anyone in here?” the Australian accent full of authority rang in my ears, and I froze with a different fear than I had just a couple of seconds ago. “What the f**k are you doing here?!” I shouted, but rather glad it was Mark and not some perv, oh... hold on a minuet, he is some sort of perv, a great big pervert with the disease to prove it! “f**k me Lilly!” Marks voice was full of surprise “No Thanks!” “You have a dirty mind little Miss Innocent; I didn’t mean it like that” he teased “Makes a change!”  I muttered back at him, he was stood grinning at me now, looking me up and down, I was obviously a sight, paint everywhere, holding a paintbrush like a sword, and my hair like a bird had nested into it given the restless attempt at sleep. “seriously though, what the f**k are you doing here at this time of night Lilly!” Not that I had to explain myself to him I found myself doing just that, nervously. “I couldn’t sleep, so came out for a walk, and realised I had left some things undone when I left work, so decided to get it sorted now” I was rambling, he did not need to know, so why was I engaging him in conversation! “Seriously Lilly, you should not walk about here in the middle of the night, you never know what wierdo’s you may come across” his face looked serious, like he gave a s**t, although I knew he didn’t really “Yeah, kind of worked that one out when you turned up, now if you don’t mind, I am busy, and need to get finished off!” I turned on my heal and headed back into the kitchen area to continue cleaning the dam pots. “All banter aside Lilly, if you think for one minute, I am leaving you alone in here, or letting you head back by yourself at this time of night, you are mistaken.   I may be a bastard, but I am not that much of a one.  Plus, little Molly likes you and would hate me even more if I let anything happen to her favourite teacher” he smiled.  My heart did a small somersault when he said my name, stupid traitorous heartbeat I picked up a pot of yellow paint and threw it at him, which he caught with lightning fast reaction times, shame I wanted it to splash all over him, dam. “Best make yourself useful then” I knew he would not leave, and to be honest it was a little idiotic of me to be out on my own at this time of night, well that was my excuse for not protesting to much.  It had nothing at all to do with the wave of warmth running though my body, or the butterflies in my stomach, or the fact that my heart was now beating so fast I could hear it in my own ears, no, nothing to do with that what so ever, who was I kidding, it had everything to do with that, but I would press on supressing the urges I felt in his dam presence. We continued to clean up in a somewhat awkward silence, I refused to look at him, although I could feel his eyes on me, God this was embarrassing! He finished off the last pot, then smiling at me “What now Miss?” he asked, his voice sounded so dam sexy, ignore him, just ignore it all yeah, I was unable to do that though. “I lock up and go home” my voice barely above a whisper this was getting intense, the atmosphere between us was electric. I went over to the lights and switched them off, we were enveloped in darkness, as I stepped back I felt strong arms circle my waist. Woah, what was he doing, oh no it felt amazing, I was fighting a loosing battle, and I knew it, I needed to come up with something quick, but my mind would not conform, and I was at a loss. s**t, double s**t. Suddenly his breath was on my face, and he whispered huskily in my ear “So f*****g beautiful” then his lips crashed into mine, I was stunned, my body trembling so much I was glad his arms encircled me else I may collapse on the floor, triple s**t, his tongue licked around my lips as it begged for entrance, and before I could control myself I opened my mouth, after a few moments of pure pleasure I came to my senses. “Stop, please just stop” I begged, hot tears streaming down my face, angry at myself, how could I have allowed this to happen.  I managed to steady myself and pushed him away. Then headed out of the door, quick footsteps followed me, “Lilly” he whispered urgently “Lilly stop, you haven’t locked the door!” he continued.  Ahh f*****g great, now I looked even more like an i***t! I pushed passed him and locked the door, he placed his hand on my lower back, “Lilly, I am sorry” he whispered, Ignoring him I headed off down the road, my mind in a daze, what had I done, he was beside me, looking at me, I was so embarrassed, so kept my head down. Suddenly he pulled me to a stop, and stood in front of me “f**k sake Lilly, your driving me wild, and you are now acting like you have never been kissed properly before” he whispered, looking a little dishevelled Truth was I hadn’t Mick had pecked my lips four times in the on off 3-year teenage relationship, no matter what he had told people. So yes, that was in fact my first proper kiss. I looked down again and turned my head away from him in an attempt to hide my embarrassment. “f**k Lilly, it was, wasn’t it!” and with that he pulled me into his arms and held me to his chest, as big tears streamed from my eyes.  I was such an i***t, what on earth would he think, and why on earth did I even care this whole situation was f****d up to the maximum.  “Hey if it makes you feel any better, I don’t normally kiss women” his voice was tender, like he was trying to communicate something secret to me, but my anger at who he was, and how he made me feel spilt over now. “No, you just use and abuse them” I retaliated and again tried to push him away, his arms held me fast against him “Only the ones who want to be used, God knows how I am in this situation, but f**k Lilly, you are different” he whispered “Mark, no I am not, and if you tell anyone about this, I will deny it” I hissed at him “I wasn’t going to, f**k Lilly, what do you actually want from me” he whispered “For you to leave me alone”  And with that he uncurled his arms and then looked at me, his eyes boring into mine, “Okay, if that is what you really want, consider me gone” and he left, just like that, he strode away, and I was left feeling betrayed by my feelings and wants, and strangely betrayed that he had left me. 
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