Part One - Chapter Six

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Part One Chapter Six I walked her back to the Motorhome, and once I was happy Agnes was settled, headed back to open up. Emily was first to arrive with a rather unhappy Molly “Hey Molly, what is wrong why are you feeling sad today?” I asked her, she pouted her lips and stamped her little feet in defiance “I want to go in the garage” she explained, this made me chuckle, Molly Cornwall-Sutherland was a determined little girl, and would not be amused at how the racing and action all happened well after her bed time. “I tell you what Molly, why don’t we make a garage of our own, right over here,” I pointed to the side of the room, I had a load of boxes out back that she could paint and make her very own pit box with.  She stood thinking about it for a little while.  “I want to be Uncle Sab, Marc can be my mechanic!” she stated, and when I nodded my approval, her little frown turned into an excited smile, crises averted. “are you going anywhere nice this morning Em?” I asked, “Back to bed, I think, the heat is killing me, and I have had a bad bout of morning sickness” She did look pale, and I hoped she was okay. “I am cooking roast beef tonight, as a thank you to  Dr Rinns,  I will be serving around five if you Sam and Molly would like to come, I am going to invite Nat as well” I offered “Yeah, that will be great, although we cannot stay for long, given that Sab is out on track from 8pm, and Molly will need to be in bed by then as well, but hey a nice dinner sounds amazing” “I don’t want to dampen your enthusiasm, but nice dinner may be a stretch with my abilities in the kitchen, however Agnes will be there to guide me” I laughed. Nathalie and Marc arrived now, and Molly excitedly informed him that we were making a pit box and he was going to be her mechanic, Marc smiled, nodding his little head, everything Molly said to him was always agreeable the little boy adored her. I extended the invite to Nat, Sab and little Marc, and she accepted, informing me not to worry if I burnt everything, apparently bad cooking skills run in my family.  Alli, another rider arrived with his little boy Bengi dropping him off, and we began breaking apart boxes for the kids to make their own pit box with, who were all squealing in delight.   The day passed quickly enough, all the kids were picked up by three, so I could get an early finish to make the meal, the heat was still hard to manage but I was getting acclimatised now. I locked up and headed over to the motorhome, as I walked towards it, I could smell beautiful, mouth-watering wafts of brisket coming from inside, oh bless her Agnes had made a start, although I really did not want her to do anything today, I am grateful, maybe the food would be edible after all. As I entered, Agnes was happily making the Yorkshire pudding batter, she looked like her old self, and was that a little touch of lipstick I saw, oh dam, I forgot to get the gossip of Emily regarding Jorge’s relationship status, I best get fishing for information tonight. “Hey Agnes, I wanted you to rest today, not do all this” I told her, but she had a big bright smile on her face that could light up a darkened room “Hi Lovely, I am better, and I was bored, plus we both know as much as I love you, and as amazing as you are, you have yet to make a meal without setting fire to some of it” she giggled. She isn’t wrong, not at all, I once even burnt a salad, when I say salad, not the lettuce or tomatoes I mean the bacon I had cooked/ cremated to cut up and put in the salad, but still cooking was not a thing I was good at. “Why don’t you go for your shower and get ready, Lilly, then you can help peal the veggies” well at least if I am only pealing, I cannot do much damage.  I headed off to get ready, after the nice cool shower, I headed to my room, looking through the closet, I had plenty of clothes to choose from given we would be heading straight over to Argentina, then to Texas before heading back home. I rifled through them, choosing a maxi dress, to keep me somewhat cool, it was long with a halter neck, and large print brown leaves on it, this would have to do. I quickly dried my hair and tonged it to give it some lift, God I was going whole hog at being the hostess tonight, this was fun.  After applying a little lip gloss, I headed out to peal a batch of potatoes, settling at the table beside Agnes, I told her all about my day and the kids enjoying making their own pit box.  “So, I heard from Nurse Jan, that Jorge, got divorced last year” Agnes told me, trying a little too hard to sound blasé about it. Well that was good news, well I say that, but it was depending on the reason for the divorce whether it would really be would be good news, if it was because he was some kind of cheating i***t, then he could screw right off if he thought he could wangle his way into my friends affections.     “Oh, that is a shame for him, but maybe not for you “I smiled at her, and she proceeded to throw a potato skin at me, laughing “Behave Lilly” she joked “I will say nothing more” no matter how tempted I was, which right now, I was very tempted to say a whole lot more. Finally, dinner was prepared, and I wondered if everyone would fit into the motorhome, well if I sat Jorge next to Agnes, they would have to bunch up all close together…God I was turning into Emma Jane Austin’s beloved Matchmaker!   There was a knock at the door, Nat, Sab and Marc were here, followed by Jorge, who looked ever so handsome in his jeans and black t-shirt, if I was a few years older I may have given Agnes a run for her money with him! Nat, Sab sat right at the end of the table, with Marc on Nat’s Knee, Jorge positioned himself perfectly beside Agnes, this was all going to plan.  Emily arrived with Sam and Molly, the bunched up beside Nat, and I sat to the adjacent to Jorge.  “Sorry Lilly, there is one more, coming, I hope you don’t mind, but he was at a loose end, given he cannot use his end so to speak, and Sab felt sorry for him so invited him along” Nat told me, she could not mean Johnstone, surly but who else had lost the ability to use his end this weekend, absolutely no one, I felt my heart start to beat erratically, God please do not make me blush, I hate him, remember Lilly hate him.  I turned to look at Agnes, who gave me the look that told me she hated him as well, and Molly well even at three years old, she was also immune to his charms, he would not get the loving reception he was used to here, and that made me laugh a little inside. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and in he walked, oh noooo he looked amazing, black jeans ripped at the knees, a sleeveless grey t-shirt, with a Black #72 on it, and sporting a black cap with a grey 72 on the front, his tattoos, that decorated the tops of his arms in full view, making him look bad, sexy and dangerous, and was causing me to have a mini melt down.  Lilly, he has the clap, he is a man w***e, a neanderthal, a misogynistic bastard, get a grip right now! “G’Day folks, I could smell that beef cooking right across the paddock, my mouth is watering already” he said happily.  Agnes looked like she had sucked on a lemon, I looked down at my table settings, not wanting to meet his gaze, and Molly well, she stuck out her tongue at him, making me supress a giggle as she was instantly told off for being rude by Emily. “ahh shucks Molly, you are still not my friend?” Mark laughed at her as she shook her head at him. I got up to go serve the food, and Mark took my place beside Jorge leaving me no other place to sit than right beside him, s**t, f**k bollocks.  I handed everyone their plates and made an extra for Mark, passing him it as I sat down beside him.  I ignored the fact that my leg was resting against his and the fact that the touch was sending electric type shocks through my body.  Definitely wasn’t concentrating on that feeling, who was I kidding, it was to amazing not to think about it! Everyone was chatting happily, and I noted that Jorge was in deep conversation with Agnes and this made me smile. “You look so f*****g hot tonight Miss Innocent” Mark whispered huskily in my ear, oh no, don’t do that, he has a std, he has an std don’t listen to him and ignore that infernal heat your feeling as his hand brushes against your elbow, accidently on purpose. Ignore him, just ignore him and he might go away, but given I was blocking his exit it was quite clear he was not going to go anywhere. “are you tyring to drive me wild in your dress” he continued leaning in closer so no one else could hear him, and there it was, the blush, I could feel my cheeks start to burn, and in my nervous state I manage to drop my gravy laden fork which I attempted to catch and failed, it landed right in his crotch, followed by my hand… OH MY WORD why me, why is it always me, and why did he have the biggest bulge in his trousers, the man was an animal but more importantly, why did the bulge excite me! Everyone turned to look then, ground just swallow me up right now! “Hey Lilly, if you wanted a feel you only had to ask” he laughed, “Mark, Children!” Emily scolded him, and he nodded apologetically at her “I think I need to go disinfect my hand, it may have caught something nasty” I quipped, and headed over to the sink to wash my gravy-soaked fingers. The table all laughed then, “Did you get your hands all mucky Lilly?” little Molly’s voice rang out, “Yes, sweety it was the gravy” I quickly told her. Just keep washing your hand, get a grip of yourself, what an idiotic thing to do. Mark headed to the bathroom to clean off his trousers his bulge covered in gravy.   He returned with what was now a wet but clean patch and I had to avert my eyes and concentrate on my own task of. Finally, after somewhat composing myself again I headed back to finish my meal. The banter resumed around the table, and I stayed quiet now, not daring to move or speak. Eventually the meal was over, and it was time for everyone to head off, the guys were due on track in an hour, to start their qualifying, Jorge had to go to the medical centre to be ready if any accidents happened, Nat and Emily taking the children home for bed time.  Mark was the last to go, I stood at the door waiting for the bozo to leave, but he hung around till everyone was out of earshot, then leaned into me pushing his chest against mine “Now you had a feel, why don’t you come sit in my box and cheer me on” he drawled “Would rather stick pins in my eyes thanks” I retorted, quite pleased I had come up with that in double quick time “Na, that’s a lie, I can feel your hard n*****s against my chest, and it is 30 degrees out here, so you aren’t cold Miss Innocent” his face displaying a smug grin. s**t, dam him, dam my body, dam physical attraction! My body shivered slightly as he trailed his hand down my bare arm, pull yourself together Lilly, now, I shoved my hands forcefully into his chest pushing him away, “Get lost” I shouted then closed the door in his face for the second time in two days.
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