Shadows of deception

1087 Words
"It's .... it's you? It's really you.. " Silvia took few steps towards him and she lifted her finger and pointed towards Gerald's chest who frowned. "Yes, it's me. Do I need to remind this everytime I meet you?" He scolded her who blinked slowly and watched him leaving the room. Silvia wondered why he never stayed in the room at night. He would only come to change and then he would leave as soon as he could. He would not put a glance over her and she always felt like an unwanted guest in his presence. "What happened with him? His face...." She paused she she was still stunned over the discovery she made. She still remembered the day she met him for the first time and he saved her. She wished all those years to meet him again. In her dreams, she gave his face to the unknown prince who was coming to save her one day. The next day, Silvia came out of her room looking for Henry so she could continue their conversation from the previous day. She found him in the library, poring over another stack of books, his brow furrowed in concentration. Silvia approached him hesitantly, her mind still reeling from the revelation about Gerald. "Henrik," she called softly, causing him to look up and smile at her. "Silvia, good to see you again," he greeted her warmly, gesturing for her to take a seat beside him. Silvia sat down, her heart racing with nervousness. She knew she had to focus on her mission, but she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind. "Is everything alright?" Henrik asked, noticing her apprehension. Silvia hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before plunging ahead. "It's about Gerald. How did he get the scar on his face?" Henrik's expression darkened slightly, a shadow passing over his features. "It's a long story," he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "One that I'd rather not relive." "I understand, but I can't help but be curious," she said gently, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on Henrik's arm. "Gerald's scar is quite prominent, and I can't help but wonder how he came by it." Henrik sighed, running a hand through his hair as he contemplated her question. "Gerald got that scar when he was still young." He looked hesitant. "I'm sorry," she said softly, squeezing his arm in a gesture of solidarity. "I didn't mean to bring up painful memories." Henrik gave her a small, grateful smile, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "It's alright. At least, you are someone I can talk anytime about." Silvia smiled back, feeling a sense of connection with Henrik that she hadn't expected. Despite the difficult circumstances that had brought them together, she was grateful for the opportunity to get to know him better. "He got that scar on his eighteenth birthday, the day he shifted," Henrik explained, his voice heavy with emotion. "It was a brutal fight, and Gerald killed the General that day." Silvia's breath caught in her throat as she absorbed Henrik's words. She could scarcely imagine the horrors that Gerald had endured on that fateful day, the violence and bloodshed that had marked his transition into adulthood. "And the scar?" she asked softly, her voice barely a whisper. Henrik's expression darkened as he recounted the details of the deadly encounter. "During the fight, the General managed to land a blow on Gerald's face with his claws," he explained. "The wound was deep, and it left Gerald with a permanent scar and completely damaging his right eye." Silvia shuddered at the thought of Gerald facing such a terrifying opponent, his life hanging in the balance as he fought for survival. She could only imagine the pain and trauma that he must have endured, both physically and emotionally. "You see, Silvia," Henrik began, his tone grave, "Gerald's scar is a result of his own reckless actions." Silvia's brows furrowed in confusion as she processed Henrik's words. She had expected him to sympathize with Gerald, but instead, he seemed to be placing blame on her husband. "It happened on his eighteenth birthday, the day of his first shift," Henrik continued, his voice tinged with disapproval. "Gerald was arrogant and hotheaded, always eager to prove himself in battle. And on that day, his pride led him into a confrontation with the General." Silvia's heart sank as she listened to Henrik's damning assessment of Gerald's character. She struggled to reconcile this portrayal with the man she knew, the one who had shown her kindness and compassion in the midst of her struggles. "And during the fight," Henrik went on, his voice heavy with condemnation, "Gerald's recklessness nearly cost him his life. He underestimated the General's strength and skill, and he paid the price for his arrogance." Silvia felt a knot form in her stomach as she absorbed Henrik's words. She couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the story than Henrik was letting on, if perhaps there were other factors at play that had led to the confrontation between Gerald and the General. "But why?" Silvia blurted out, unable to contain her curiosity any longer. "Why would Gerald pick a fight with the General? What could have possibly driven him to such recklessness?" Henrik's expression darkened, and for a moment, Silvia thought she saw a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "No one knows for certain," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "Gerald has always been a mystery, even to me. He keeps his motives hidden, his true intentions veiled in shadow." Silvia's brow furrowed in confusion. She had hoped that Henrik would provide some clarity, some insight into Gerald's enigmatic behavior. But now, faced with his uncertainty, she felt more lost than ever. "It's as if he's a different person," Silvia murmured, more to herself than to Henrik. "As if there's a darkness within him that he's trying to hide." Henrik nodded gravely, his gaze distant. "Yes," he agreed softly. "A darkness that threatens to consume him, if he's not careful." Silvia shivered, a chill creeping up her spine. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Gerald's story than she knew, that there were secrets lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be unearthed. But for now, all she could do was wait and watch, hoping that someday, she would uncover the truth behind Gerald's scar and the darkness that seemed to haunt him.
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