Enslaved by the demon

1010 Words
Running through the dark forest, Silvia dared not to look behind her. She knew she was going to be free soon because she could not hear anyone following her. Past few days, she did not hear good things about Gerald. He was cold bloodthirsty monster who killed the General on the day he shifted for the first time. The scar on his face was from this fight. The scar was enough to show how dangerous was his opponent but still he ended up winning the fight. "Aaa..." Silvia screamed before she tripped onto something and fell flat on the ground. Her head hit the soft soil making her go dizzy for few seconds. Suddenly she heard dry leaves crunching sound and as she lifted her head, she found Gerald standing few inches away from her face. She quickly sat up and moved back but he put his foot on her leg making her wince in pain. She twisted her ankle when she tripped earlier. "You are useless." He pressed his foot on her leg as if wanted to break her bone underneath. "Please let me go." Silvia begged him a she tried to remove his foot. She did not want to start a dangerous game where only she was going to lose in the end. "You should have run from the wedding too." His voice held no emotions making Silvia look up. Suddenly she realized he knew about everything. He was not waiting for Barbara because he knew she was going to run from the wedding. "My father always wanted a perfect son. Someone powerful who can lead all the Lycans and all those years I proved it to be right." He removed his foot and Silvia rubbed the place which went numb due to the pain. "Since childhood, Henrik always wanted to get things that are mine and right now his eyes are on the throne. But things can change anytime. Therefore, I needed to stay ahead one step from Henrik. What if he tried to take the throne?" Gerald watched her with no expressions. "Then, he made sure I get married to the human princess saying things that were mean hidden behind the honey coated words. You must be wondering why I am telling you this? Right? Well, before killing my victims I tell them everything so they won't be confused after their death." He told her and as he attacked her, Silvia nearly screamed. She was trapped under him who was ready to cut her neck with his sharp claws. "Wait, wait. I will do it. I will do everything that you want me to do..." She nearly cried as Gerald traced her neck with his finger. "Should I trust you?" He questioned her as he tried not to take a decision in a hurry. "Yes, yes, you can. I have no where to go. Please..." Silvia begged him who squinted his eyes. He came after her with the intention that he was going to kill her today. He was ready to get rid of her. "Prove that you are loyal to me, succubus." ........... Silvia looked at her reflection in the mirror. She could not believe the pretty looking girl wearing a simple white dress is her. A little attention on herself and she felt so confident on herself. Gerald did not return to the room and now she had to prove she was not going to make a mistake of offending him again. Last night in the woods, she knew he was not just threatening her but he only came after her to get rid of her. She left the room looking for Henrik and reach to the garden where she found a little girl playing with herself. Silvia was surprised to see a girl who was wearing a cute yet expensive dress indicating she did not belong to a maid. As she took few more steps, she found the queen sitting on the bench while was maid was standing behind her. Seeing her, the queen gestured her to come near and asked the maid to leave. Silvia walked towards the queen and sat on the stone bench after greeting the queen. "She is cute." Silvia started the conversation "How is your days going on in this palace?" The queen question her instead and Silvia tried to smile. "I am happy to be here." "Don't be too happy." She cut Silvia immediately. "The palace is a poisonous maze. You need to be careful on each step. One wrong move and you will end up where the previous queen ended up." Silvia blinked slowly trying to understand what she said. The girl came running towards the queen and hugged her legs. "Aunt, I am hungry. I want cake. You promised you will buy me a lot of cakes." "Of course I will." She smiled with her eyes full of affections. The queen stood up making the Silvia follow the same. The older woman who looked young enough to be in her thirties, gave her a nod. "This is lilly, my niece." Silvia smiled softly at the innocent looking girl who hid behind the legs of the queen. "Can I know who was the queen before you?" Silvia questioned her before she could leave. The woman chuckled softly. "Of course it was the mother of the princes. If they can get rid of her, we are nothing for them. And you are married to the prince who has the coldest blood in the palace. I can't believe you are still alive but it seems like you also have some tricks up your sleeve." The queen wanted to turn and leave while Silvia pressed her lips together. "What happened with her?" "Don't ask this question again. Even the walls here has ears. " She warned Silvia and grabbed the hand of her nice before leaving. Silvia nearly fell on the bench feeling numb. Everything was turning into a mess and she needed someone she can hold onto. However, she did not know who that person could be. ....
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