Her secret

996 Words
Silvia looked out of the window of the carriage and found the majestic looking castle in the distance. Her hands trembled knowing she was in the territory of Lycans and if someone find out she was half succubus, she would be killed instantly without asking any question. Many people were unaware of this but some knew who she actually was. When a war broke out between succubus and Lycans, the succubi took refuge in human kingdom. The humans were easy to manipulate and the king was easily swayed by one of them. For years, the succubi stayed here until one of them because pregnant by the king. As soon as she gave birth and find her daughter was a human, she gave her to the king and just disappeared. Some said the king was actually in love with her and wanted her to stay with him. Silvia's father was not a good person. He never cared about others and she was an example of this. She lived like a trash in the castle. Even the queen was afraid to offend the man. He was a narcissist sexiest person who had no respect for women and this could be the reason her mother left him. "We have reached to the castle." A maid informed her making Silvia come out of her thoughts. Her face was cover with the veil even though she knew no one from here has seen Barbara. As she came out of the carriage, she nearly gasped see how beautiful and elegant this palace was. It was much bigger than her's. A maid lead her inside and Silvia tried not to. panic yet her heart was beating fast in her chest. She reached to a room and was asked to change and have some rest. She did so as she was tired but after a couple hours, she was asked to join the others on dinner. She got ready and followed the maid who took her to the dining room. Silvia entered the room and felt the air became heavy. It was not much different from the dining room of her country. The only difference was the people. The king sat at the head of the table looking all cold and cruel. His queen was silent and trying not to do anything to offend him. But then there were two men sitting on the left side of the king. "Join us for dinner." The king gestured to his right side and Silvia had to follow the maid. She greeted them and sat on the chair beside the queen. The dinner started and no one said anything. Silvia scanned the two men. They looked nearly identical with sharp features. But one of them looked handsome and kind while the other had a scar starting from his right eyebrow down to the right cheek as if something clawed him. He looked cold and mysterious like a hunter. Silvia dared not to look at him. "What is your name?" A cold voice made her come out of her senses and in a panic she was not able to conceal her identity. "Sil...via." It was too late but seeing that no one cared she was relieved. So, these people did not try to get any information on her. The king got up and left while the man with scar also followed him. As they left, the queen also got up and without saying or looking at anyone, she walked away. "You have a nice name." Silvia turned her head towards the other man who had smooth features and looked handsome under the moonlight. "My name is Henrik. I am your brother in law." He smiled mysteriously and Silvia froze at her place. So, the other man was her husband. "He...." Silvia pointed towards where the other manw as sitting before as if wanted to confirm her worst fears while Henrik nodded. "Gerald. His name is Gerald." Henrik chuckled. "You must have heard stories about him. But trust me, he is not that bad." His comment did not help at all as Silvia wanted to know what were those stories. "I feel so bad for you. It must hurt a lot knowing that your father sold you so his son could get some benefits." Henrik clicked his tongue making Silvia realize the reason why her father wanted to marry Barbara in such a hurry. Henrik smiled looking at her. She looked weak who could be tamed easily. "You should go to your room. Gerald must be waiting for you." His smile deepened knowing what devil his brother was. Silvia had to get up and leave the dining room. She felt scared to even go back to the room as she kept imagining the face of her husband. The maid left her in the room and she waited for hours for Gerald. It was nearly midnight, when the door opened and a man entered inside. Silvia straightened up as she watched him sitting on the chair. He looked even more scary as his scar became illuminated by the moonlight. He watched her silently as if thinking something. Silvia wanted to say something but she felt as if she lost all her words. "Silvia." The man called her making her flich. "Wasn't it Barbara?" His voice echoed in the room and Silvia forgot to breathe. Gerald scoffed as he rested his chin on the back of his hand. "Aren't you the illegitimate daughter of the king?" He added again and Silvia did not know how to react. She stared at him waiting for him to reveal what he wanted. "It's quite brave of you to think that...." He got up and walked towards her while Silvia stood up in fear. The man stood next to her and looked in her eyes while Silvia could clearly see his face that had no kindness. "...that I won't recognize a succubus." He spoke in a calm tone indicating he knew all her secrets. ..........
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