Substitute bride

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"Check if the princess is ready or not. The carriage has arrived to take her to the kingdom of Lycans." Silvia only gave a nod to the king and returned to leave the room. As soon as she left the room, she let out the breath stuck in her chest. She would do anything to not let the king realize that she was his daughter too. She was happy being an unknown servant because whenever her father remembered that she was also his blood, life would become more ugly for her. She reached to the room and knocked at the door. As she opened it, she found her half sister ready to jump down the window. Both stared at each other before Silvia broke the silence and ran towards her half sister. "Barbara, what are you doing....?" She paused in horror as Barbara held the rope and jumped down. Silvia held her scream and ran to the window. She was relieved to see that Barbara was alive and unharmed as she got up from the ground and freed the rope around her wrist. She picked her dress and ran to the other side while Silvia came ou t of the shock and yelled her name. She quickly left the room and went back to the room where the king and the queen were sitting. Looking at her face that showed shocked shocked expression the queen knitted her brows. "What happened?" "Barbara...she ....she ran away. She jumped out of the window and..." Silvia was trembling and before she could complete her sentence, a slap landed on her face. Plack.... Stunned, she put her hand on her burning cheek and stared at the queen who looked angry. "And you let her run." "I did not do anything. I..." "You want me to believe this. You knew how important this wedding is for this kingdom and you let her go. Why did not you stop her? Could it be that you wanted this to happen? For your revenge ..." The queen made fists in anger while Silvia shook her head in utter horror. Yes, she hated them but she had nothing to do what happened earlier. She look at her father hoping for him to come to help her but the king looked even more angry. He threw the glass against the wall and the wine splashed everywhere. "My king, calm down." The queen walked towards him and tried to calm him down about was pushed back making her fall down on the floor. Soon the guards were everywhere to look for the elder princess but she was nowhere to be found. Everyone was ready to face the wrath of the king and even the queen looked scared. "My king, let's send Silvia there as Barbara. She is your blood too." The queen gave an advice to the king who wanted to say something but watched her daughter. Silvia wanted to object but was too scared to say anything. Her cheek was already swollen and she did not want to get another beating from the queen who won't even hesitate to do so. The king gave a nod and Silvia fell on her knees before he could say anything. "Father, kindly take your order back. I can't do this. They will find out about me. The Lycans are enemies of....." She cried knowing once she entered the Kingdom of Lycans, her secret will be revealed. "Then, try to hide yourself well." The king ignored her and left the room while the queen only glanced at her. "At least you have your mother's seduction skills just like she seduced the king and had his child." The queen snarled at her. Whenever she looked at Silvia, she remembered how her husband cheated on her while she was carrying his son and the future king. In just fifteen minutes, Silvia had to wear the dress that was made for Barbara. She was silently crying over the turn of the events. She always thought a prince was going to save her from her miseries. Someone, who would love her for what she was. Someone who won't see her as the illegitimate and worthless daughter of the king. But now, all her dreams were crushed knowing her life was going to be even more pathetic at the Lycans. An year ago, the human king asked a peace treaty from the Lycans and in return he will marry his only daughter to them. It was a deal from which both can get benefits. Barbara objected against this but in a world where men o ly used women for breeding why would anyone listen to her. Now that she was gone, Silvia had to go in her place to marry the prince who was known for his brutality. A man who killed so many people that one can't count properly. And everyone knew Lycans hated succubi. And she was half succubi. Her mother was a succubus who seduced the king and then dumped her daughter here before leaving. Silvia never had anyone who actually loved her except for the empress, her grandmother. Even though, she never showed love towards her but at least she never let others harm her. As Silvia sat in the carriage, she pulled the veil over her face. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she felt like an object who was being sold to others for some benefits. As the carriage started moving, she looked out of the window and glanced at the palace one last time. This was when her eyes fell on the person whow as wearing a golden dress and standing behind the window of the green room. She blinked few times before removing the veil and stared at her held sister Barbara. Suddenly everything became clear to her. Barbara never left the palace. She was hiding in the green room that belonged to the queen and teg queen did everything she could to keep her daughter safe. Suddenly Barbara smirked as she covered the window with the curtain and Silvia felt she lost everything in life. .......
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