Chapter 8: the locked room

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Derek’s pov “we will take you with us to today’s council meeting so that you could explain to them what happened” Andrew said to the omega who just came back. “yes Beta, I will do so. If they are not stopped then we will all end” the omega added, I could feel his fear from where I was standing and I knew that what he saw and went through must have been terrifying. “for now, take some rest and eat, if you still can then go and see the pack doctor and I will have someone call you when we are about to leave” I said to him, and he bowed his head and left my office. “what could this be? How can someone take out our wolves? Is that even possible? Isn’t our wolves a part of us? isn’t it like taking out our limbs?” David asked shaking his head. I have heard that the wolf can be suppressed but that can only be done when one is still at a young age because by then their wolves aren’t strong enough to fight back. But taking out a grown person’s wolf out, that’s something that I haven’t heard off and come to think of it whoever is doing that must a powerful witch. Magic seems to be involved so there is really nothing I can do so far; I just need to tell the council what is happening and then they will give us a helping hand. the time for the meeting with the council arrived and Andrew, his father and I got ready to leave and the omega joined us as well. as we got to the palace like building, and I was about to get out of the car the omega vomited on the clothes that I was wearing. “I am sorry Alpha; I don’t know what came to me. I tried to hold it in” he tried to explain and tried to wipe off the vomit from my shirt. “its okay, you have been through hell” I said taking off the shirt, but the stench of vomit was still on me. “please come with me, Alpha you can go ahead and take a shower” Damien Brown who is Andrew’s father said and I nodded. I walked inside and went to the private area where only council members can enter, every council member is given their own room to sleep in or take showers in. this is because usually we find ourselves trying to solve cases or find someone which might take some time and we cant afford to travel back and forth. I walked to my room and the room that was next to mine which is always locked was slightly open and I got a little curious. No one ever talks about that room, like a ghost lived in it and they are scared that if they mention the ghost’s name they might be haunted. I opened the door and that’s when I found her sitting there, Ruby Hale was sitting there looking at what seems to be a picture. I don’t know why but the moment I entered the room I felt this calmness washing over me, whose room was this? whoever it was had an amazing scent because its still there a little. The room was dusty like it hasn’t been cleaned in years and yet everything was in its place like they were waiting for the owner of the room to come back. When she felt my presence she hid the photo behind her so I couldn’t see the person she was looking at, but I did see the pain in her eyes for a moment, but it disappeared as if I imagined it for a minute. Maybe I did because Ruby Hale isn’t someone who feels pain, she is one of the most powerful and stubborn members of the council. She has the power and influence and honestly she scares me, and I am pretty sure that she scares everyone here. “I am sorry, the door was open and its never open, so I got curious” I said, and she looked at me and then back at the photo and then put it in the drawer. “it’s okay, I understand why you would be curious about” she said and started walking outside, when she was outside the room she gave me a look that told me that I need to get out too. I followed suit and when I was out she locked the door, “who did the room belong to and why do you have the key? I haven’t seen anyone use it” I said, and she smiled for a minute. “you sure are curious huh, it belonged to my daughter. My oldest daughter and yes it hasn’t been used in years” she said and walked away. I thought Ruby Hale only had one daughter and that’s that Jennifer, did she have another daughter who was in the council? Did she die? Is that why no one talks about her at all? And why am I suddenly so curious about a stranger I haven’t even met or will never meet because I have much bigger things to worry about. I went to my room and took a quick shower and quickly hurried to the meeting hall where I found everyone else already seated. Everyone said their bit and the Ruby Hale stood up, “Derek we have been postponing this for a while now because we respected your father, and we didn’t want to sound insensitive, but the time has come now” she said and then took out a file and gave it to me. I took the file and I saw that it was a marriage agreement between my younger brother and the oldest daughter of the Hale family. “you father signed that before he died, it was his dream and mine that our families unite. But since you youngest is no longer here and nor is my oldest daughter the only people left to honour this agreement are you and my youngest daughter Jennifer” she said. her tone was gentle, but you could tell that she left no room for ifs and buts, “are you saying that I have to marry your youngest daughter?” I asked her and she nodded. “what? Derek wasn’t there when his father signed that agreement and things were different then and you know that. Jennifer isn’t fit to be a Queen Luna, but she was, you know why wanted your oldest” Damien said. Ruby looked at him and I saw her frown for a minute. “Damien if I were you I would shut up, your reign ended when you let your Alpha King die. Now its Derek’s turn and its his decision to make but if you aren’t aware Young Alpha I will remind you of what happens to people who betray the council. The decision is yours” she added and sat down. I could see that I didn’t have a choice, I have heard a few stories about what happens to those who think that they can deny the council. And come to think of it having a witch in my pack would be of a great advantage for me, I wouldn’t have to consult with the Council about every little thing that happens. “you know that I cant marry another woman and deny my mate her rightful place as the Queen Luna” I said, and Ruby looked at Drake Black the Vampire King who smirked. “we guessed you would say that which is why we have made an exception. You will marry Jennifer and when you do find your mate you can marry her as well and make her Queen Luna, but Jennifer will be your connection with the council” said the Vampire King. they were all looking at me, I looked at everything in my mind and honestly it’s a win win situation. If I say no then I will feel the wrath of the council and they won’t even bother to help us with what is happening which means that my people will suffer too. Its been 4 years and I haven’t found my mate yet, what if I hold on to a mate that I will never find? But I know that it’s the right thing but why does it feel so wrong?? “okay then, I will marry Jennifer as you want. Because I know and have heard enough stories to know what happens when a person crosses you and I have seen some first-hand myself. But there is also something you should know that I m going to need your help with” I said, and Ruby smiled and gestured that I go ahead and tell them. I told them everything that happened, and their faces went pale, “who could possibly be that powerful to do such magic?? That’s not true” Rita Hale said. the omega we came with came in, one of the witches who guard their leaders came to the omega and touched him. “it’s true, he doesn’t have his wolf anymore and there is traces of magic in him” she said looking at Rita Hale. “impossible, who could possibly do this? such powerful and godlike magic” Ruby Hale said and for once I saw the fearless woman look afraid. Is it that serious? Is this such powerful magic that it even makes such powerful witches cower in fear?
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