Chapter 7: 4 years later

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Derek’s pov I opened my eyes and looked around the room, still I found myself in that room alone as always. I looked around and all I could see was the paintings I have been painting for 4 years now, the paintings of the girl in my head. Sometimes I can hear her laughing in my head, I can hear laughing in my dreams but when I open my eyes I cant find her. For the longest time I wanted to not believe that my memory could be erased with magic but now I really think it’s a possibility. Why else would I keep seeing some girl I have never known? How can someone I barely know and whose face I don’t see in my dreams give me so much peace when I see her? And also, so much pain when I wake up and cant find her around me. I heard footsteps and Andrew knocked on my door, “come on in” I said, and he opened the door and bowed his head. “Alpha there is news, the group of guards you sent to go and look for those who are missing are now also missig. We cant find them anymore and we cant feel their connection anymore, something is really wrong” Andrew reported. I didn’t say anything, and his eyes landed on the paintings, he didn’t say anything, but I know that he is also wondering who she could possibly be. Andrew is someone I trust and its not because he is the one who found me 4 years ago but as my beta we have spent so much time together that we are basically best friends now. He wouldn’t tell anyone about these paintings, and he is the only one allowed in my room, as the Alpha King no one would dare to disobey my orders. Even now I still have a hard time believing all this, I grew up and spent most of my life as a normal human being. But that one night changed everything, when I woke up I was here, and Andrew explained how he found me. apparently they were still mourning the loss of their Alpha King who also happens to be my father when they heard my growl. They all came running in my direction because only a royal werewolf can make that powerful sound, we called my mother, and it was confirmed that I was the Alpha King’s oldest son. My mother didn’t think to tell me because she thought that I didn’t have a wolf, but it turns out that my father has suppressed it with magic as a way to protect me or something. It turns out the man I once saw when I was young was my father, I mean the wolf I watched turn human right in front of my eyes was my father. Apparently he did that a lot, he would come and see me in his wolf form and would watch from afar as I was playing or painting outside in the dark. Since the old man had just died and so did my younger brother I had no choice but to be the Alpha King. I felt a connection with these people, and I must say that all of this has been a much-appreciated distraction. “Alpha what should we do? Do we send more after them?” he asked, and I shook my head. “no lets wait for a minute; we don’t know what we are dealing with yet so let’s wait until we figure out what’s happening” I said. He then bowed his head, “of course Alpha” he said and gave him his usual friendly smile before leaving my room. Something is wrong, I can feel it, why are they suddenly disappearing and why cant we feel any connection with them? As werewolves we share some kind of a bond, we can feel it when one of us dies but we lost contact with the missing werewolves, but it didn’t feel like they are dead. I got up and got ready for the day, I got downstairs, and my sister Samantha gave me a warm smile as always while her mother just looked the other way. I can understand why she doesn’t like me but now its too much, for the first year I understood her resentment and I didn’t push it further. I am her husband’s illegitimate son, but at the end of the day my mother had me way before she and my father found out that they were mates. So technically he didn’t cheat on her, and one reason I understood her hatred was that I got it that for a mother it can be hard sometimes. When I came here I took the position that should have belonged to her dead son, he should be the Alpha King and not, but he is dead. So, I guess that she would want someone to hate and blame but its been 4 years and she still can’t stand me. its because of her that my mother cant even come and stay with us here, but I do respect her because at the end of the day this is her home, and she is still the Luna of the pack. “older Brother please do tell me if you need any help, I heard about the werewolves that disappeared” Samantha said as I sat down. “if my son was Alpha King this wouldn’t have happened” Rose said, and I saw Samantha roll her eyes at what her mother just said. we sat down and had breakfast, “do you think we should tell the council about all this?” Andrew asked and I shook my head. “not yet, we don’t do anything for now unless we have something solid” I responded, and we continued talking about what else we can do, and everyone told me about their theories on the matter. After breakfast I went to my office and started working, I don’t know why but my father left me in charge of the businesses, and I own half of what he had, and the other half was given to Samantha and Justin but since Justin Is dead it all went to his mother. I guess that could also be one of the reasons the Luna doesn’t like me, she feels like I have taken everything from her kids. I got there and started working, I heard it again, that laughter, the woman who has been taunting me for years. I have went to almost every powerful witch I can find in this world, but they don’t see anything, hell I even asked a Hale witch for help, but they couldn’t find any trace of magic. Is it maybe in my head? How can my mind make up something so real and so beautiful? The sound of her laughter is like music to my ears, I just find myself smiling when I hear it in my head. Maybe I have lost my mind but after 4 years of living with this I guess to me it has become normal and it doesn’t bother me as much as it did when it first started. I have heard theories but one that I think could be a possibility was the one that Andrew’s mother told me about. I don’t know how she found out but somehow she did, and she told me her theory. Years ago, there was a couple of mates, they apparently shared some telepathic bond between them. They both could see briefly what the other was doing even way before they met, and maybe that is what is happening with me. maybe that is why I feel this connection with the girl in my visions or dreams, I feel this connection with her. It almost as if I have known her for a thousand years, I can feel it, I feel like I was destined to love her and protect her. That is why even her laughter is like music to my ears, so every time when I meet someone with brown hair I cant hep but wonder if its her. But because if she is really my mate then her scent will be different from others scents, so far I haven’t found her yet. I stayed in my office the whole day looking into this and getting all the work that needs to be done out of the way. “Alpha you need to come down right now, there is something you need to see” our Gamma David said to me through the mind link. I got up and went outside as he asked and then that’s when I saw one of my man, if I never paid attention to how my man look then I wouldn’t have known him. As werewolves we use out nose to recognise the people around us but this one, his scent was different, and his eyes landed on me. he then went down on his knees and looked straight at me, “Alpha, my wolf, my wolf is gone. They took away my wolf” he said, and I looked at him confused. that’s when I realised that his scent is different because he smells human, what does he mean that they took away his wolf? Is that even possible??
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