chapter 4: Betrayed

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Scarlet’s pov The next morning, I woke up on the floor, I knew that I couldn’t stay in this place, every corner of it has the memories I shared with Derek. Staying here would be bittersweet and I don’t think I have the emotional capacity for it, I got off the floor and started packing a small bag. If there is anyone who can help me through this then its my little sister Jennifer, she has always been by my side and supported me when I need her. I honestly trust Jennifer with my life, I drove home, which is like an hour away, I remember how happy I got every time I went home. But now all I feel is this weight on my shoulders, I don’t know if I can take it, the closer I got to home the more I felt like crying. I got out of the car leaving it in front of the mansion and then one of the workers went to pack it in the garage. Jennifer was already waiting for me outside and the moment she saw me she came to me running and gave me a much-needed hug. That night I avoided my mother as best as I can, I stayed in my room and ate anything unhealthy I could find but no matter how much food I ate I still felt empty. It’s weird isn’t it? how sometimes we expect food to fill in a void that’s in our hearts? I mean it would be nice if it could because then a lot of people wouldn’t be so broken and lost in life. “I will sleep with you tonight” Jennifer said, and I shook my head, as much as I like having a shoulder to cry on I also like crying alone. Not that I like it, but I would prefer it sometimes, it’s a little therapeutic. “no need, I will okay. You have your final exams so you can go and sleep” I said, and she nodded before kissing my head and leaving the room. I was finally alone, alone to face the harsh reality, the reality that I can’t even daydream about spending the rest of my life with him anymore. when I was dating him it was a possibility but now I know that it will never happen again, so I can’t even daydream about that. I don’t know who to be angry at the most, the council for the harsh punishment they gave me? those vampires for attacking us and trying to kill Derek or the universe for even putting us in such a situation. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go and steal some whiskey from my mother’s secret stash which is also in her office. I tip toed all the way there, trying my best not to wake anyone at all, my mother would kill me if she knew that I am the one who is always stealing her secret stash. Her office door wasn’t locked as always, I walked to the lower drawer on the left side of her desk and as always it was locked. Took out the key, which was on her other right drawer, the moment I opened the drawer I was welcomed with the bitter and strong scent of whiskey. I took out one bottle but on the side was an envelope, when I took out the whiskey the envelope fell down. I picked it up to put it back where I found it, but I found it weird that my mother would put it here, most of her important files are in the safe so why is this one here? I then switched on the light and decided to give it a read, I sat down and drank from the bottle. I almost choked on the strong whiskey when I was reading the document, it's an agreement, it was signed two months ago. An agreement between my family and also Alpha King Cullen’s family, a marriage agreement between me and their oldest son and I repeat it was signed two months ago. Now everything made sense, the fact that they were so tough on me because I broke the rules which wasn’t the case. I told them that Derek already knew that I was a witch, he did his own research and found out about the Hale witches and tracked them to me. actually, this can’t be a coincidence, my relationship with Derek would ruin their perfect plan of getting me married to some spoilt Alpha Prince. I hate the guy; he thinks that just because he is born in a powerful family with a title and a throne that will one day be his he is better than everyone. Wait, mine and Derek’s relationship was the only thing in their way, unless they find a way to break us up for good which it seems like they have. I just sat there and looked at the document, the pain of losing the love of my life was gone replaced with the feelings of anger and anguish. I just found out that everything was all planned, that my own mother didn’t even care that I love this man but just made plans to manipulate me and control me. all of it was planned, I sat there until the next morning, the first thing my mother does is come to her office because she is obsessed with working. She opened the door and jumped a little when she saw me, then her eyes landed on the bottle of whiskey I was holding. “what? If you are going to steal my secret stash then don’t drink it in here or at least try not to get caught” she said and rolled her eyes looking at me. I took the envelope that had the contract and then threw it at her feet, her eyes landed on it, and she then looked at me. “Don’t be dramatic, it had to be done,” she said completely making it seem liit'sits not a big deal that she just ruined my life and arranged for a marriage without my consent or knowledge. “don’t be dramatic, don’t be dramatic its not a big deal, is that all you have to say for yourself? Don’t be dramatic Scarlet?” I asked her and she rolled her eyes. “yes, there were no ill intentions involved, I did what every mother would have done in my situation. I fixed you a great and secure future, something that human wouldn’t have been able to provide for you” she said. the fact that she didn’t even seem guilty nor remorseful was like a slap in the face, it was pretty obvious to me that my mother didn’t care about me. I looked at the bottle of whiskey I was holding and threw it next to the file, completely soaking it and covering it with shards of glasses. Jennifer along with a few workers came in running, “it’s okay you can go back, and I will take it from here” Jennifer said to one of the workers who nodded and left the three of us alone. “you did this, you betrayed me and trapped me. you are the reason I can never be with the man I love, the reason I can never be happy, and you don’t even care about that” I yelled at her and she just kept a straight face. “don’t be emotional” she shrugged, I wanted to say something, but Jennifer stepped in front of us and looked at me. “Scarlet mother was trying to do what is best for you” she explained, and it felt like I got poured with a bucket full of icy cold water. “you knew” I uttered and looked at me, I could see the guilt in her eyes as she did so, “how long?” I asked her. When she didn’t answer I just knew that she must have known from the very beginning, she is practically mom’s personal assistant, so she knows everything. My heart broke once more when I realised another thing, Jennifer was the only one who knew that I was dating Derek. I never really told my mother because I knew that she wouldn’t approve, she was the only one that knew about the plans we had that night and where we were going. “you told her where I would be that night” I said and she nodded, “but I didn’t know they would do this, I didn’t know that they would try to break you up” she said. For once I saw my little sister for who she really is, she doesn’t only look like our mother, but she has now turned into our mother. They did this to me, how do I stay with people who would betray me to such a level, “I honestly didn’t know that they would do that” Jennifer said almost crying. “save your crocodile tears, you are not that naïve. You knew exactly what was happening and what they were willing to do, you betrayed me” I stated. She tried denying it further while my mother just stood there not saying anything, I couldn’t stay in that place any longer. I felt suffocated, I got up and left without saying a word, I got into my car and just started driving without a destination in mind. I just kept driving, I wanted to get as far away from everything and everyone, I was betrayed by my own family. They didn’t care what would happen to me, about my happiness, about what I want and what I need, they didn’t care at all. I got a text from my mother reminding me about the council meeting held tonight, I will be telling them about how erasing Derek’s memories went. I wiped away my tears and started driving to the location, “I want to go first” I said, and my mother frowned for a moment. “fine but don’t cause a scene, we will talk when we get home” was her answer, still didn’t show any signs of remorse but its expected from a Hale witch. “I did as I was told, I erased his memories and any traces of us ever being together” I explained, and I saw how the Alpha King smiled and then looked at my mother. One thing is sure, they were all in on it, they knew about this plan, and they sided with it and decided to betray me, one of their own. “but I have another request” I said, and my mother’s smile dropped like she didn’t like the fact that I had more to say. I took off my council ring and put it on the floor, “as of now, I Scarlet Hale cut all ties I have with the council, the coven and also my family. From now on my name is Scarlet and I am a rouge witch” I declared. They all looked at me surprised, “I wont let you, you wont quit the council, the only way you will is over my dead body” my mother said, and I smiled. “that can be arranged, I would like to remind you who I am and all that I know. if people ever got to know all the dirty and unethical things you do in this organisation they would be really furious. You try to stop me; I will spill everything I know. I cut ties with anything that connects me to you. I am done” I said and looked at my mother. The ring on the floor caught on fire signifying that it is done, all connections have been cut and I looked at my mother one last time. “I hope all this power you keep chasing is worth losing your daughter, anyways you have another, and the good news is that she is exactly like you. If anyone of you tries to even contact me I will set your world on fire” I declared and left the meeting room with my head held high. I am so done with the council, with this life, I will live a quiet and peaceful life somewhere far away from here.
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