Chapter 3: nothing breaks like a heart

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Scarlet’s pov how does one say goodbye? i think saying goodbye doesnt hurt much, especially when you know that you will meet again in the future. there is a saying that the pain of parting is nothing compared to the joys of meeting again, i wont ever be able to feel that joy. this will be the last time i see the man i love, the last time i will get to see his smile, or be near me. i cant see again, once i do this i will not be able to see him ever again, our goodbye will be final. I got a text from Derek asking me to meet him in an hour at the rooftop of his apartment. I quickly got there, the moment I opened the door I was welcomed by roses and candles, they made a small passage. They led me to the roof and the moment I saw him in a tux my heart broke even more, you only love once, and Derek is my one and only love. I tried to hold back the tears as I looked around, the place was beautiful, he looked at me and gave his signature smile and my heart told me one thing. i looked at the moon, it seemed to be mocking me, reminding me that all this time i have been nothing but a star. reminding me that i will be losing the only person who looks at me the same way one looks at the moon. i know i have to say goodbye, i know that i have to wipe away any memories he has of me but looking at him now all the determination i had flew outside the window. how will i be able to live without his touch? how will i get through all those rough days without his hugs that always seem to recharge me? how will i get any sleep without him by my side? i know i have to say goodbye but just one more night, just one more night with him and then I can go, and then I can erase myself from his memories. I looked at him and smiled, “don’t you look good in a tux” I said, and he came and took my bag and then kissed me. I melted into his arms like always and he supported me as he kissed the daylights out of me. He pulled away and looked at me, “dinner first” he said, and I shook my head and started unbuttoning my shirt. “no, this first” I said and threw myself to him, he kissed me back with just as much passion as I was kissing him, and I could tell that he wasn’t holding back. “okay, this first” he said in the middle of the kiss, and I could feel his lips smiling as he said so, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he took me to his room.. “well, that was amazing, what did I do to deserve that?” Derek asked still panting a little from our very long session. “you existed, you are a wonderful man Derek and the love of my life” I said and kissed his lips and he looked at me surprised. “what does this feel like a goodbye?” he asked me, and I smiled sadly. “its because it is goodbye Derek” I said, and he looked at me and shook his head. “I am not letting you go, is it the council?? Is this their doing? We will fight them together, but I can’t let you go, I wont let you. I love you Scarlet” he said, and I kissed him again. “and I love you, but I have to let you go” I said, and he shook his head, “I told you I wont let you” he said. “you don’t have a choice” I said, and he looked at me confused as I touched both sides of his cheeks and made him look at me. “Derek, you will forget me, you will forget that you ever loved me, that you ever knew me or that I ever existed. Even if we ever meet all you will see a stranger, and you will move on with your life, fall in love and get married” I said, and he shook his head. “Scarlet no, it’s you I want to have kids with. It’s you I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with, marry” he said, and I kissed him before he could even finish. he looked at me as a tear fell off his eye, i could see the pain and hurt when he realised what i just did He then fell into a deep sleep, I looked at him and kissed his forehead “I want to have kids with you too but when you wake up you wont even remember me” I said. i stayed by his side for hours and watched as he slept, i could tell that it will soon be morning and i need to get going before he wakes up. I looked around the apartment and I knew that I had to get rid of every trace of me, so I started cleaning and packing anything that’s mine. Deleted my number from his phone, deleted all the pictures of us from his phone and basically cleaned myself out of his life. When everything was packed I looked at the man sleeping peacefully, “I hope we never meet again, because I don’t think I will be able to let you go if we meet again” I said and closed the door and left. Well it turns out it is true, nothing breaks like a heart, and mine just broke into a million pieces right now. I took a cab because honestly I couldn’t drive at all, it took everything in me to not break down inside that cab but the moment I got to my apartment I fell down on the floor and cried my heart out. I just gave up a love that you only find once, I know he will met someone and fall in love again but will I? will I be able to ever love someone again?
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