Chapter 5: family

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Scarlet’s pov I could hear my mother following and screaming my name, “Scarlet wait, if you continue walking away then I wont have a choice. If you quit the council then you might as well as goodbye to me and your little sister, you will no longer be a part of our family” my mother said. I turned around and looked at her, I felt myself smile, I looked around and all the council members were looking at me with smug looks on their faces. To them it was like they had already won, they all know that I would do anything for my family, I have been for years, and they are trying to take advantage of that fact. “if you walk away Scarlet then I wont be your mother anymore and Jennifer will no longer be your little sister” she added. As if she could hear that we were talking about her Jennifer got off her car and ran to our direction and looked at me and mother. “sister don’t do this; we did what we thought was best for you. We were just looking out for you” she said with the same innocent voice but now I could sense the manipulation and lies in it. “listen to your sister, when she came to me to tell me about the human you were seeing she was doing it for you. She had your best interest at heart, we all do” mother said making me smile. I looked at my little sister, so she went to our mother herself, all that doubt I had about leaving my younger sister were gone. She started all of this, she went to our mother herself and I was going to let it go thinking that maybe she was manipulated and forced to talk but no she wasn’t. I looked at my mother and sister for the last time, “Okay then Ruby Hale, consider all ties cut… from now on I am not your family nor are you mine” I said and started walking away. “this is the council young girl; you can’t just walk away” said one of the council members and I turned and looked at them with a smirk. “my name is Scarlet Bennet and just like my father and my brother I will walk away, if anyone tries to stop me I will just take them to hell” I said, and they all looked at me shocked when they saw the fire in my hands. Ruby looked at me shocked, there was also this look in her eyes that I know very well but I don’t care about her anymore to read into it. “you mastered the fire element” my aunt Rita Hale said what everyone seemed to be too shocked to say. I got into my car and drove away; I didn’t even look at the mirror to see what they were doing or if they were watching me walk away. When I was far enough I stopped the car and got off, that’s when everything that just happened kicked in again. I didn’t only lose the love of my life, but I just lost everything, everything I worked so hard for, I even lost my family. I felt like someone was removing the air inside my lungs and that’s when I realised that I was having a panic attack. ‘breathe Scarlet, breathe honey, breathe… remember you will always have a family with us, you will always have a family with me’ my father’s voice resonated in my head. I took deep breath and breathed in and out, I looked around me and I found that I was surrounded by nothing but darkness. I saw myself in the window of my car, I looked like a mess, the once powerful Scarlet Hale who had everything now has nothing. I had the amazing family, my relationship with my mother wasnt great but we tolerated each other, my sister was my world, I loved my job, and I had a man I saw a future with. Now I have nothing, I don’t have a family, a job, or money, I looked around me and the darkness seemed so happy to see me like it was welcoming an old friend . I sat down because I had no else to go, anyways I couldn’t drive at the moment because I am not in my right mind. what If I have another panic attack while driving? I don’t mind dying but I don’t want to take someone else along with me. I had a panic attack, I haven’t had those in years, the last time I had one was years ago, when I was 16 years, and it was when my father was leaving. After that I told myself that I need to toughen up and take everything that comes my way head on, I vowed to be the most powerful witch to ever walk this land. Flashback I just got a call from Jennifer, and I couldn’t hear what she was saying but I could tell that she was freaking out about something. I was in the family’s secret training grounds; I quickly ran home, and I found my father and Daniel standing outside the house with bags in their hands. “daddy don’t do this” Jennifer said holding our mother’s hand and Daniel was standing with some bags with dad. “dad what’s going on?” I asked him and he looked at me and gave me his usual gentle smiles. “you are back honey; I didn’t want to have to go without saying goodbye to you” he said, and I looked at mother who was just looking at us with indifference. She was holding Jennifer’s hand and looked at me, “you have 10 minutes, then you need to come inside” she said and went inside. I have never seen my mother acting this cold towards my father, he looked at her and I could see the hurt in his eyes. “what’s going on dad?” I asked again and he looked at Daniel who nodded and took the bags leaving the two of us alone. “honey I am going, Daniel and I are leaving for good. The council wants me to do something that I can’t in my right mind do, your mother already told me that you are staying but if you want you can come with us” he said. I looked at Daniel and my father, I felt my world fall apart in that moment and I was so confused. “you are leaving, why are you leaving?” I asked him and he kissed my forehead. “because honey I have to leave. This is the best choice I have, and I can’t do this with you mom anymore, I need out of everything, of this world” he explained. “out of everything? Including us? you are leaving us?” I said and he shook his head as if trying to explain but he stopped when he noticed that I couldn’t breathe anymore.. “breathe Scarlet, breathe honey, breathe… remember you will always have a family with us, you will always have a family with me” he said, and I could breathe again. “I will explain everything in time, but Scarlet beware of the council, honey you are strong, and I have no doubt that you will grow up to be one powerful witch. Which means that the council will try to control you and if the time ever comes then you need to be prepared. If you ever work for the council or are a member gather as much dirt on them as possible, if you ever need it then use it to walk away. remember Princess, you will always have a home with me” he added. I was still a mess, but I nodded, he kissed my forehead and looked at Daniel who came to my side with his usual smile. he looks just like dad, even when he smiles you can tell that he the exact copy of our father. “you always have a home with us” he said as he hugged me, and I tried to stop myself from sobbing, but I cried anyways, and he didn’t seem to mind. “go on in now, we will call you once we are settled and you can visit for the holidays” my dad said, and I nodded and walked inside. End of flashback That’s right, dad and Daniel said that I always have a home with them… I got into my car with a destination in mind and I drove there with hope in my heart, I still have a family out there. As I was driving away from the city that once had the love of my life and all my dreams. I vowed to myself then and there that I will never come back to this city because if I did then all hell will break loose. If I ever found myself in this city again I will get back the man I love, I will take everything that was taken from me, and I will burn this city down. It took me about 3 hours to get where my father and Daniel live, the moment my father opened the door he looked at me with a smile. “welcome home honey” he said and gave me a much-needed hug, he didn’t ask any questions. Maybe it was all written in my face, maybe the pain in my face was clear as day.
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