chapter 10:heartless person

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Derek’s pov “that is exactly what I am saying, you have turned the world upside down looking for her and we still haven’t found a trace of her. How can she help when she clearly doesn’t want to be found?” Jennifer asked her mother. “your oldest daughter Is still alive, and you think she can help?” I asked and Samuel Hale laughed shaking his head. “we don’t think she can help but she definitely can help, that girl is a genius and one of the most powerful witches to ever walk this land” Samuel Hale said with a proud smile. “I think everyone is missing the whole point, my older sister wants nothing to do with us. she cut all ties with us and even if we find her she wont agree” Jennifer said repeating what Andrew just said. “she could say no to you, but I think I can give it a try, we were friends after all, and I don’t think that she hates me just as much as she hates all of you” Andrew said. it was like I had a puzzle, and the pieces were slowly coming together, the reason why Andrew hates the Hale is because they did something to a friend of his. “you have to find her first, and it wont be easy because I have been looking for her for 4 years now but nothing” Ruby Hale said, and Andrew looked at me. “we will turn the world upside down looking for her, you have my promise” I said, and we spoke about when and where Ruby has looked. Until today no one mentioned her and suddenly today they talk about her when they see that we are in serious trouble but why did they never talk about her? Why did she cut ties with the council and her family? “how long have you been looking for her and why didn’t you tell us?” Drake Black asked, and Ruby rolled her eyes at this. “she is my daughter; you think I would let her wonder the world alone? I kept an eye on her and one day she suddenly disappeared” Ruby said. “and if she doesn’t agree? You do know that we might have to force her hand?” Elena Smith said, and the witches smiled like she said something funny. “you do that if you don’t like living anymore” one of them said and even Elena’s confidence went down a little. How can they be so confident about the witch’s power like this? if she is Jennifer’s older sister it means that she is probably about 3 years younger than me making her 28 or 27 years old. so how can a 28-year-old have such power that even the oldest member of the council doesn’t have? Hell, we consulted even the oldest witch for her help on this case but even she couldn’t help us. this Scarlet is such a mystery, Ruby looked for her all around the world but she couldn’t find anything so I doubt that we will. “you looked all over, is it possible that she is dead?” Damien Brown asked, and Ruby smiled, “not my Scarlet, she wouldn’t die like that” she replied and for once I saw her smile. this one was genuine, what happened between her and her oldest daughter because it’s clear that they shared a special bond. We got done and we were tasked to look for Scarlet, I got into a car with Jennifer and was driving with just the two us in the car. The atmosphere got weird because I could feel her rage and her sadness, I am not really good at helping people talking about their feelings. “are you okay?” I asked her and she looked at me and her brown eyes were filled with so much sadness, guilt, and anger. “my sister and I shared a hate love relationship; she blames me for what happened to her and no matter how many times I apologised to her she wouldn’t forgive me. I didn’t know how much she hated me until when I couldn’t get hold of my father and brother, she alienated me from them. My father never made a mistake and we spent time together even though he and my mother are divorced but I can’t tell you when was the last time I spoke to him” she said. that explains the guilt and anger in her eyes but the more she spoke about her sister the more I got curious. I guess I have been curious about Scarlet the moment I saw her bedroom door and wondered whose room It was. From what I heard once you leave the council even your room is given to someone but hers was locked and everything that was hers stayed there. Its like everyone was hoping that one day she would come back, “why do you blame yourself and why did she leave the council?” I asked her and she looked outside for a moment like she was ashamed. “because mom arranged for her to marry your younger brother and I never told her about it. when she found out about the marriage and that she had to leave the man she loved she was furious, she blamed me for not telling her about the marriage even though I promised our mother that I wouldn’t” she responded. I nodded, so this girl left the council and cut all ties with her family for a man? Well, she sounds selfish if you ask me, and the marriage between her and my younger brother was in the best interest of the world. She was doing this for her coven the same way that Jennifer and I are doing this for our people. I thought that she would be someone great but now I am truly disappointed in her, I couldn’t imagine leaving my family and pack because of a woman. It’s a selfish thing to do and she is causing her loved ones pain, why do people talk about her like she is this great person then? Why does Jennifer even feel guilty about all of this? “and the council just let her go? I thought it was impossible to leave the council, and what makes her so great? A girl who leaves her own family?” I asked. “they didn’t let her go; they didn’t have a choice. She had dirt on them, and she is powerful so bringing down a person like that would be close to impossible. She would have bought all the members of the council down with her if they tried” Jennifer said. she then went to further explain her sister’s power and explained how magic works, apparently all the witches get their magic from nature. They use the energy from nature to make spells and use their energy and convert it to magic, but her sister is different. She is like one with nature, she can control it and bend it to her will. She can control water, air, earth, and the only things I heard are left were fire, but she was getting around to mastering it too. Such witches are rare and apparently it takes to about 5 years just to master one element of nature, but she managed to master them in a year and a few months. They called her a genius and prodigy; she joined the council at a young age and apparently has the best strategies and could solve any case given to her and they always gave her the hard ones like this one. It would explain why they have no idea how to solve this one, its because for years someone else handled these problems and they just sat back and enjoyed the show. “do you think she will agree to help?” I asked Jennifer and she shook her head no, “I don’t think she will agree, she will probably laugh at our faces, but she won’t agree to help and it wont matter to her if the entire world is at stake” she replied. Of course, what else would we expect from someone who cut ties with her family for something so small? she won’t help us because from where I am standing she sounds like she is a heartless and unforgiving person. How can you cut ties with your family for a man? What if their relationship was never going to work? What if he was just playing around and wasn’t serious about her? Blood Is thicker than water but its clear that she doesn’t even care about her own family and the worst part is that she probably poisoned her father against his own daughter and a brother against his own little sister. That person sounds like a monster to me, how could a monster agree to help us? I wish that we had another option but from the sound of it we don’t have another choice but to ask for her help. She is going to help whether she likes it or not, I am the Alpha King and I made a vow to protect my people no matter what. I don’t care if she is some powerful witch, but I am also the Alpha King, feared and respected by all, I will not fear her at all. I think that the council just let her do what she wanted but I wont let her, are you ready Scarlet because unlike everyone I wont be scared of you. You will meet your match and even if you don’t want I will force you to help, and that is an Alpha King’s vow.
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