chapter 11: tears

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Derek’s pov “Alpha I found her” David my Gamma said entering my office without knocking but I let it go because he seemed excited. “how is that possible? My mother has been looking for her for years but couldn’t find a any trace” Jennifer said, and David’s smile got even wider. He is one of the best trackers in our pack, if you want to find someone then he is your man and he is also leading the group that is looking for those missing werewolves. “don’t be too happy, we still need her to agree to help us” Andrew said, “did I hear you correctly? Did you say you found her?” Ruby asked as she stood at the door. “yes mom, they said they found her, but I am still wondering how its even possible.. where is she?” Jennifer asked David. “in a small town which is about 6 hours from here, she even made it her home and has a book shop there” David answered. “let me guess, it’s a bookshop that sells flowers outside and also has a little bakery inside?” Ruby asked and David nodded looking at her surprised. “she always wanted to do that; I should have looked for her by looking at that” Ruby said. “so, who is coming with me? Jennifer will you tag along?” I asked her and she looked at her mother who shook her head. “I told you that my sister hates me, so she won’t agree at all if I come along, chances are she won’t agree but with me there she won’t even listen to what you have to say” Jennifer said. “I really hope she says yes” Andrew said more to himself than everyone else, Ruby sat down and smiled. “ohhh she is going to say yes” she said. This was the same person who was confident that Scarlet wouldn’t want to see even their shadow but now she is certain that she will agree. “why do you sound so sure” Samantha asked her, and she smiled. “because I know my daughter very well, if you found her in less that two days it means that she wants to be found. She wants something” Ruby replied. “or your daughter could be behind all of this, we do know for sure that the person who is doing this is a powerful witch and your daughter is one” the Luna said. Ruby just rolled her eyes, its been clear to me that the two woman don’t like each other one bit and yet they were almost in-laws. “that’s not possible Luna, my sister doesn’t leave a trace of magic. Its even hard to tell when she does a spell if a spell was even cast, she doesn’t leave a trace and there was traces of magic on the omega that was found. I know that she is not the kindest person in the world, but she wouldn’t do such a thing” Jennifer stated defending her sister. “don’t tell me that you are still bitter about her refusing to marry your weak son” Ruby said with a smirk, and I could sense the Luna’s anger. “I will come with you as well brother, in case she tries to resist or tries something” Samantha said, and I nodded. The Luna left still furious but there is nothing she can do, Ruby Is more powerful than her and she also outranks her and since her mate died she has gotten weaker. “okay we need to leave as soon as we can. Since it’s a six-hour drive then we will leave first thing tomorrow morning” I said, and everyone agreed to this. “David did you take any pictures of her?” Ruby asked and David shook her head. When I got to my room I took a shower and got ready for bed but the moment I closed my eyes I saw her again. every time when this happens it feels more like a memory than a vision, is it possible that these are my memories? I don’t know how to explain this but the feeling of nostalgia every time I see these pictures in my head Is too hard to ignore. I even asked Jennifer if she can find a trace of magic, she didn’t ask many questions about that but did as I said, and she didn’t find anything. I did research and it turns out that there a few witches who have the same abilities as Jennifer’s sister. So maybe it’s possible that I bumped into one of them and they erased my memories, maybe it’s possible that I saw something that I shouldn’t have. That is the only explanation, did they kill the girl in the memories? Did she suffer a horrible fate, and did I notice? Who is she and who was she to me? why do I see her everywhere?? This time I couldn’t see her face as usual, but she was eating something, and she seemed to be hiding it. every time I pray to the moon goddess that she would turn around and I would see her face, but she never does. As always I painted that moment the same way I have been doing the many other moments for years. The most useful thing I ever got from these pictures was her eyes, they were filled with tears of pain. Those beautiful brown eyes, but I cant use that to look for her now can I? there are many people in this world with brown eyes so it would take forever to narrow it down. Jennifer has brown eyes as well, but I when I finally saw her long brown hair I was thrilled and then I realised that she could have dyed it. people change their hair colour every chance they get, it could be possible that Brown was never her actual hair which complicates everything and makes everything harder for me. the next day I woke up and we got ready to leave, “I hope that Ruby was right, and that Scarlet wants something” Andrew said as we got into the car. “I have met her once; she didn’t seem like someone to be reasoned with. She didn’t even talk to anyone that day” Samantha said, and Andrew frowned. “Scarlet was just a person with a few words, she never talks too much and maybe that’s how she managed to solve her cases. Sometimes one needs to talk less and look around” he said, and Samantha frowned a bit but didn’t say anything after that. what I know so far is that I don’t like this Scarlet at all for what she is doing to her family, you can see the sadness in Ruby’s eyes when she talks about her. Not to forget Jennifer, I wonder how long she has been living with all that guilt. It took us 6 hours to get there just as David said, ‘you hate the poor girl, and you haven’t met her yet’ my wolf said, and I just ignored it. I wouldn’t say that I hate her, but I am not a huge fan of hers, I haven’t heard anything that makes me look forward to seeing her. We got there and we looked for the bookshop that David spoke about, it looked cosy and had a lot of people coming In and out. It was clearly people’s favourite spot in this town because in order to get in we also had to wait in line. Andrew wouldn’t stop smiling, I could feel his nervousness from where I was standing, and he kept looking around hoping to see her. He is the only one who knows how she looks, “hello I am looking for the owner” he said to the woman who was standing behind the counter. She first looked at us and I could see her hesitate, “she is in the back, she is packing some books” she said gesturing at the little shelves in the store. We started walking towards the end and there standing on a little stool and arranging the books was a woman with double French braids. “Scarlet” Andrew said, and she turned around, I froze for a minute, its like time stopped and there was only me and her in that room. The first person she looked at was Andrew and then she looked at me, I saw something in her eyes, but it disappeared before I could figure out what it is. she didn’t say anything but continued what she was doing completely ignoring our existence. “Derek what’s wrong?” Samantha asked me and I looked at her confused because I didn’t know what she was talking about, but it got Scarlet curious enough to look at us. “are you okay Alpha?” even Andrew asked, and I didn’t know what they were talking about, so I just stood there confused. “you are crying” Samantha explained, and I touched my face, and they weren’t lying, I had tears, why was I crying? Why am I crying? I looked at Scarlet and I hate how she wasn’t even reacting to any of this. why do I feel so much anger towards her? Why did I even cry in front of this woman I don’t even know? what is this feeling?
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