Chapter 12: save the world

2237 Words

Derek’s pov “it must be an allergic reaction to something” I replied, and they nodded. I quickly wiped away the tears but the feeling that came with them never went away, I felt this anger and sadness inside me. I didn’t even know where it suddenly came from, Scarlet turned away and went on to what she was doing completely ignoring us again. “I came with Derek Cullen; he is the Alpha King, and you know Samantha” Andrew continued. She turned around and looked at me, she smiled for a minute, but I thought I saw pain in her eyes. “Alpha King huh, what are you doing here Andrew? And that too bringing me people I don’t know” she said and got off the stool. “we need your help; something is happening to the wolves and witches. Someone is stealing their magic and we cant find anyone els

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