Chapter 6: the empty feeling

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Derek’s pov I opened my eyes and looked on the other side of the bed, why did I even look? I live alone so why would I look at the other side of the bed like I am expecting someone to be sleeping next to me? I looked around my room and it was clean but something inside me told me that it was too clean. And what is this feeling? This empty feeling I suddenly feel now. Did I have a nightmare that I forgot? Why is my mind such a mess and I don’t even know what I am feeling. I sat up and tried to gather my thoughts, I looked at the watch and realised that I overslept today which isn’t like me. being a businessman and having inherited my mother’s business and also having my own makes me a busy man and I always have an early morning. Did I drink last night? is that why my head is such a mess? Why do I feel so confused and there is this feeling in my chest I cant point out what it is. I have never had my heart broken but in this moment it feels like my heart has been broken, I took a deep breathe and got up. I called my assistant to tell her that I will be late and to cancel some of my meetings, I thought after having some coffee and a hot shower the feeling will disappear, but it didn’t. I felt so lost, like there is a part of me missing which sounds weird coming from me, what part of me would be missing? I went to work, and the day was slow, I felt like I was having an out of body experience, like I was floating outside my body and looking down on myself. What is wrong with me? why do I suddenly feel like this? I mean everything was okay yesterday, I came back home from work and worked more here and then went to bed. I didn’t even touch alcohol, which means that I can’t be having a hangover and my alcohol tolerance is out of this world. It has been ever since I started drinking, which is surprising, hell I remember everything that happens when I am drunk so that cant be it. when I got back home I realised that I didn’t even make my bed, so I got there as I was making my bed I found a little box under the pillow that I don’t remember putting there. I opened it and inside was a very beautiful ring, I don’t remember buying this but why does it look so familiar? What is an engagement ring doing here? I saw that something was written inside the ring, ‘my moon’ it said, and it didn’t make sense. my moon? Am I holding it for someone else? Maybe one of my friends or colleagues? But why don’t I remember them giving it to me? why is there this huge gap in my mind today? The next few days were like that I would randomly dish up for two like I am expecting someone, and I would buy jewellery like there was someone I can give it too. Not to mention the ice cream that was In my freezer, not only that but I would buy junk food that I never touch myself like I am buying it for someone. I could feel myself slowly losing my mind, what is wrong with me?? when I was finally tired of feeling like I am losing it I went to see a doctor and the examined me from head to toe and it turns out I am healthy as a horse. Then why do I feel so empty? I picked up the phone and called my mother, “mom something is wrong with me” I said, and we spoke for a while, and I explained to her everything that has been happening. “don’t go to work tomorrow, I will be there, and I think that I can find someone to help you” she said and as she promised she came the next day with a woman. “this is a friend of mine, she is witch” my mother said, and I looked at the older woman who looked at me and smiled for a bit. “nice to meet you son, what you mother said you are experiencing sounds as if someone erased you memories with magic” she explained as she sat down. I looked at her confused, I do know that we live in a world where supernatural beings exist but why would someone erase my memories? I am nothing but just an ordinary human being. “erasing my memories using magic? Is that even possible? I don’t know any witches” I replied, and she gave me a gentle smile. “maybe you knew one, but you don’t anymore, I have seen this a lot and what you told your mother sounds exactly like it or maybe you are just mentally tired” she said and looked at my mother. “son just let her do her thing and see if she can help, you do know that this world we live in nothing is impossible” she said, and I nodded. The old woman took out some herbs and put them on the floor and made a circle, she lit some white candles and asked me to step inside the circle. I sat down and she stood behind and put her hands on my head like she was praying for me or something. I heard her murmur a few things in a language I couldn’t understand at all and then there was wind and then everyone went quiet. “that’s weird, I found no trace of magic” she said and looked at my mother concerned, “what no trace of magic, are you sure?” my mother asked, and she nodded. “does that mean that my memory isn’t erased using magic? So, there is nothing clinically wrong with me and I was not bewitched. Then what’s going on?” I asked her. “yes it could mean that no magic was used on you, but it could also mean that if your memories were truly erased then a powerful witch did this. my gut tells me that your memories were erased, its telling me that the only reason I cant find a trace of magic is because a powerful witch did this” she said, and I looked at my mother. She seemed just as worried as I was about this, I don’t know a powerful witch at all, “so how can we know for sure?” I asked her. “another witch, just as powerful or perhaps more powerful than the one who did this spell can help. But I don’t think I can help” was her response. I couldnt find it in me to believe anything she was saying, I don’t let people in easily and I know about supernatural beings so how can I let a witch have access to me? I refuse to believe that what is happening to me is a result of magic, “I will find answers son, I promise” my mother said as she got into her car. My mother is the sweetest person in the world, she is so understanding, and she never wants to see me struggle in any way. when I got to my room I realised that I haven’t actually rested in days, maybe this whole thing is just my mind telling me that’s it tired. I have a cabin somewhere in the forest, it would be nice if I go there for some time and relax for a while. I did exactly, I drove to the cabin and my assistant told me that she had to get it fixed because a storm damaged it or something like that. even as I was there the feeling was still there, I had a few drinks hoping to drown it away and also decided to paint as well. when I paint it’s like I am in my own world, I didn’t know what to paint but I just picked up the brush and started painting. After a while I looked at the painting and I froze for minute, I looked at my own hands wondering if I am truly the one who painted that. it was a painting of two brown eyes, they were looking at me and they clearly belong to a woman but why don’t I remember her? How did I paint these eyes without even realising it? its like my hands just moved by themselves. What Is going on with me? Why do I suddenly feel stuffy? Like my soul wants to escape from my body? Why is suddenly so hot in here? I need air, I quickly ran out of the cabin and went outside. I looked up at the full moon and I could hear howls, since its in the middle of the forest I half expected wolves here. as I was looking up the moon I felt the urge to run, so I did, I started running but then I started feeling like my bones are cracking and I swear I heard this growl escape me. but I didn’t stop running, I kept running like my life depended on it, my bones kept cracking and the pain kept getting worse. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming after me, the world seemed to be much clearer, and I could hear even the smallest sounds. My bones stopped cracking and everything around me seemed to be magnified, I could even see the smallest of insects on the grass. I stopped running and that’s when I saw it, why am I looking at paws?? I heard two wolves come behind me and I turned around to defend myself which also came naturally. Then a human appeared following behind the wolves, his eyes landed on me, and he bowed his head and the wolves followed suit. “Alpha King” they said with their head bowed and everything turned dark.
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