Chapter 4

1487 Words
MILLIE The ride back to his place was quiet. There were so many thoughts creeping into my head on our way back, like where this strange man lived and where he was taking me to. I did not know anything about him and I just got into his car. Maybe I was being too foolish. I counted the amount of times I almost told him to stop the car, and it was more than a dozen times, but I could not bring myself to do it. Where else was I going to go if I did not follow him? I had no one else, and I would hate to be a burden to the few friends I had. I had nothing on my back. No money, nor my clothes or any other belongings. Wherever I am to go, I would have to start from scratch and maybe this man— or whatever he was, would be able to provide that for me. When we got the place where I supposed his house was, I gaped. He lived in a freaking mansion. I could not stop my eyes as they grazed over the lush modernized mansion that was his house. I have never come across a house like this in the city. The location of this house was hidden, which I guessed was crucial for him since he was not a human and all. I wondered how I was already so comfortable with the fact that he was not one when, a few hours ago, I did not even know about their existence. What if this man hurt me? What if he accidentally rips me limb for limb? A voice at the back of my head told me that he wouldn’t because I was pregnant with his baby… or pup or whatever the hell he called it. Roman parked the car, and before I removed my seatbelt, he had already undone his and rushed to my side of the door. He opened it and handed over his hand for me to hold. I hesitantly put my hand over his, and I was shocked at the softness and warmth of his hand. It was like a regular human being's hand, except that he was not. I did not like how safe I felt holding his hand. “Thank you.” I whispered as I stood straight, and he closed the door behind us. “You are welcome to stay here for however long you want to, Millie.” He told me while we approached the front door of the house, his hand settling at the small of my back. I rolled my eyes because I was sure he meant as long as I was pregnant with his baby. I wondered if all werewolves were touchy because he didn’t seem to be able to take his hands off me, at least not in a way that creeped me out. “Do you live alone?” I asked as he opened the front door of the house, and we were immediately greeted with a welcoming smell of apples and comfort. The house was wonderfully furnished with modern furniture, coded with white and gray. The thought of living alone with him in the house made me feel uneasy, because what if he decided to wolf out in the middle of the day? Was he even able to turn into a wolf or was that just an assumption? I needed to do a lot of research on his species because if I decided to keep the baby, it was going to have the same lineage as Roman. “No, I don’t,” he released me, then rubbed both of his hands together. “Please sit down, Millie. Do you need anything? Food, drinks, a massage? Anything. I will be here to help out.” He led me to one of the soft plushy chairs that I practically sunk into when I sat down. He sat down next to me as he waited for me to answer, “No. I do not need anything right now. Who do you live with?” I reverted to the question because I needed to be sure. Just when he was going to answer me, the door opened to the house, which made both of us veer our heads back in the direction. A tall, slim, model that I was sure I had seen a few times in adverts came into the house, and she paused in her tracks when she saw Roman and I seated in the sitting room. Her eyes narrowed when she registered the proximity between us. “Who is this, babe?” She asked, her tone was laced with venom. “I was just about to tell you about her,” Roman said, and for the first time since we met, he was not in my proximity. He went over to her and kissed her on her forehead, and then she laid her head on his chest, establishing her personal space. “This is my girlfriend, Stevie. She lives here with me,” then he turned to his beautiful blonde girlfriend. “Stevie, this is Millie. A mix-up happened in this hospital a few weeks back, and I just found out that she is pregnant with my pup.” “What?” Stevie gasped. “How did that even happen? I told you it was a bad idea to get a surrogate. We could have at least kept trying for a few months!” Roman sighed, his eyes traveling down to his entwined hands with his girlfriend. I had a feeling that I should not be seated there during this conversation, but there was nowhere else I could go. I was not assigned a room and if I left, I had a feeling Roman would follow right behind me. “Well, it is too late now, I guess. We do not need to go through the stress of hiring anyone now, since we have already gotten Millie. Isn’t that a good thing?” He tried to cheer her up, but I could feel the daggers she was shooting at me burning through my skin. When she did not answer him, Roman turned to me and sighed, “I am going to cook something for you, Millie. Do you have any requests in particular?” He asked me. “You never cook.” Stevie rolled her eyes. “I will look through the cook book.” He shrugged, then his eyes were back on me. I almost forgot that he had asked me a question and was waiting for me to answer. “Anything would do.” I felt bad, so I decided not to decline his request. I hope whatever he cooks is eatable or else I will just have to pretend to be sick and secretly order takeout when he is off to sleep. That is if he even sleeps at all. Roman nodded before he pried his hands away from Stevie, and he headed to the kitchen to cook. The air in the sitting room got thick just like I had expected. “I want to make something clear with you, Maddie-” “Millie.” I cut her off mid-sentence. “Whatever the hell your name is. You will keep your distance with Roman. I am certain you know about his identity and all, yet you still chose to bear the child. Bear in mind that this is not one of the fictional stories you read and anything… and I repeat it, nothing is ever going to come between you and Roman. Is that clear?” A flash of her fangs accompanied her threat, which made me jump back in shock. Great. Not only was he a werewolf, but his paranoid, insecure girlfriend was too. “I am not here to do any of that. I assure you. You don’t have to worry about me.” I gave her a tightlipped smile, throwing my hands in a surrendering gesture. “Good,” her lips formed a thin line. “Because I would hate to use these fangs and claws to use.” She whipped her hair, and I couldn’t help but notice the bite marks on her neck like she had been in a fight with a wild animal. I did not know if she meant for me to see it, but immediately, my heart rate picked up. She was not attacked by a wild animal, she was one. So is the man that was cooking me food to eat and potentially, so is the child that I am going to give birth to that was growing in my stomach. My head immediately dizzied, and then it mixed with Roman’s voice telling me that food was ready, and then with the unstoppable voice at the back of my head that was asking me what the hell I had gotten myself into.
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