Chapter 3

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MILLIE “A pup?” Was the first thing that rolled out of my mother’s tongue a few seconds later after we had digested what the man had just told us. “I told you, Millie. I told you these beasts exist. And this man is one of them.” She rambled off, something that she did when she was nervous or scared. The rest of the three of us in the room were quiet as we waited for the man— or beast to speak up and tell us why he was here. “Mr Roman, if you could please calm down,” Dr Sharma said after a beat. She walked towards him. I was surprised by how she was not as terrified as we were, until I remembered that he was the person that had donated his sperm here, which meant that she was his doctor. She was used to seeing him and she knew what he was. “I am so sorry, but we made a mistake in the hospital. Your sperm that was in safekeeping, it was… uhh it was used to inseminate some girl accidentally. She is pregnant now.” Dr Sharma turned to look at me. Roman’s eyes trailed to mine, and I nearly choked at how his eyes looked. Authoritative and sinister. “A human?” His tone was now calm as he approached me. He kneeled down in front of me, and his sweet scent and dominating aura made me shiver. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue. Like the skies on a clear day. He brought my hand up to his lips and he kissed them. “What is your name, lady?” It suddenly felt like my words were shoved down to the deepest part of my lungs because I could not make them. I did not know what to say. I was pregnant for something I had never believed in even though my mother had said it so many times. He was not a human. He was something feral that could tear me limb for limb whenever he felt like that. But he wouldn’t, right? His touch felt soft and welcoming. Like I could be safe with him. “Get the hell away from my daughter, whatever you are.” My mother screamed, startling all of us but Roman. “She is pregnant with my baby.” He shot her a look. I was surprised that she did not back down, knowing what he was. “Not for long,” she stood up to her feet. “Dr Sharma, you are going to get in there and remove the atrocity that is growing in my daughter right now. Do you understand me?” Dr Sharma nodded before she turned to look at me, waiting to hear what I would say. I did not know if I wanted to abort or keep the baby. That would be murder. Killing off a baby. It was going to haunt me for the rest of my life. But so is keeping it. Having a baby with a non-human entity. A beast, as my mother termed it. I needed time to come to terms with it and make a decision. I was not going to abort it now. The baby was still young. It would take me a few weeks for it to surpass the legal time frame of an abortion. I would be able to make a decision before then. I wriggled my hands away from him and turned to face my mother. I knew this was going to be hard. She hated it when anyone challenged her decisions. “I do not want to abort the baby now, mum.” I deadpanned. The look on her face was exactly what I imagined in my head. She looked taken aback and insulted. Like I had just hurled a bag of trash on her face, “What did you just say?” “I need time to come to terms with it and make a decision. I don’t know if I am going to abort it or keep it. I have to think about it.” “Millie. It is not a human child. It is a beast. A werewolf. You are going to give birth to a freak. Listen to yourself!” Her tone turned motherly, something she does when she is trying to manipulate me into doing something her way. But it was not going to work now. I was an adult and I had a right to make a decision like this. She was not going to stop me. “I know. But as I said, I need to think about it.” I still stood my ground. Her expression changed into a cold one almost immediately, “Then you are not going to raise that thing in my house and feed it with my hard earned money. Do you agree?” Collective gasps came from Dr Sharma and Sheila. I couldn’t believe she was suggesting that I move out of the house when she knew I did not have money or accommodation to sustain myself. The plan I had, about the drug test, had gone to s**t. They were not going to give me the money they were initially going to pay me. And if I am to pursue this legally, it is going to take some time before I finally get a settlement that is going to be enough for me to get a shelter. “If I do not abort it now then you are not going to allow me back into the house?” I asked her, a lump forming in my throat. “Yes.” There was finality in her tone. She was a narcissist, obsessed with everything going her way. If they did not, she would resort to emotional manipulation or her belt. “I am not going to abort it today.” I said, standing my ground. She did not wait to reply to me. She stormed out of the room, and I followed right behind her. She was not my only parent. I knew no matter what, my father was not going to take her side. When I got outside, she had already left with her car, so I got into a taxi that took me down to our house. I battled the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. I couldn’t just make a rash decision now. I needed to wait it out and see which decision resonated with me more. When we got home, the sun had already started to go down. Nighttime was kicking in, which made me think that perhaps she was going to make me stay one more night. I was wrong. When I got down from the taxi, the first thing I saw was my sleeping teddies, and then the rest of my clothes that she threw out like they were trash. “What the fuck.” I whispered to myself as I approached the door to the house. She was still throwing out my clothes while my father tried to stop her, but it was to no avail. She did not even have the decency to put them in a bag. She just threw them like they were not clothes of the daughter she had birthed herself. “… you need to stop this madness, Hilda. I am sure she is going to come to her senses. You do not need to do this. She is never going to forgive you.” My father tried to reason with her in a soft tone. When she moved her gaze from him and saw me, her eyes darkened. She threw the pile of clothes in her hands outside, with the rest. “You are really going to throw me out like this because I wouldn’t do what you wanted?” I was on the brink of tears, but I would be damned if I allowed her to see me crying because of her. It was what she wanted. For me to break and accept defeat. “I told you. It is either we go to the hospital now, or you get the hell away from me and my husband. You are not raising that,” she threw a spiteful look at my stomach and then back at me. “Abnormal bastard in this house.” “I did not say I was going to raise it. I just need time to think about the decision,” I looked at my father, and there was a pitiful look in his eyes. I thought he was going to make more effort to stop her. “I am your child, for God’s sake!” “No, you are not.” She deadpanned. My pulse roared tenfold in my veins, “What?” “We found you here,” she pointed at the porch of the house where my clothes laid. “With a note. Your mother left you with nothing but that. We took you in and raised us like a daughter and this is what you are going to repay me with.” I turned to look at my father, waiting for him to say this was ridiculous and she needed to stop lying. But his eyes were glued to the place on the porch where she had pointed at. Like it was just yesterday when they found me there. They never thought about telling me about it. They had lied to me all my life, and now she wanted to paint me as a bad person. No wonder she was sending me out like I was an animal, without even an ounce of dignity. They were not my parents. I did not know what else to tell them. I looked down at the pile of clothes, and nothing interested me in them. They were my clothes, but these two impostors and liars in front of me had bought them for me. If I took it, then they won. They would see me fall to my knees and be vulnerable. “Goodbye. I am not going to disturb either of you again.” My lips formed into a pained smile before I turned around. “You won’t take your clothes?” My father— George called out. “Allow her to leave, George. Good luck to her finding another home that will take her in.” Hilda said before she banged the door shut. The tears that were threatening to escape had reached the brim and there was no stopping them. I had lost everything I had in a day, and I did not even know who to fall back to. I couldn’t go to stay with my friends. They too are as poor as me. I did not want to be a liability to them. I hated my life, myself, and the two people that I thought were my parents who lied to me. When I got to the corner, there was a car there. A flashy car that was barely seen in this part of the neighbourhood. There was someone standing by the passenger door. As I approached the car, I realised what it was. Roman, the man that I was pregnant with his child. He opened the door for me to get in. There was pity in his eyes, like he had overhead the encounter I had with my parents. Or maybe he did not, because he was too far away from the house to hear us. Except if his hearing was heightened, because of course, he was not a human being. The thought of that did not terrify me as much as I thought it would. “Come in, Millie.” He said. I had no other place to go. My parents have forsaken me. He was the only option. He was a stranger, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I was carrying his baby. He seemed to care about it a lot. It was just going to be temporary. I was going to stay in the house until I made the decision. If I am to abort it, I will hopefully have my settlement before then. If not, then I will still sue and I was sure he wouldn’t mind if I billed him for carrying his baby. “Thanks.” I croaked out and got into the car, praying to God that I had not just made a decision that was going to alter my life in an irrevocable way.
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