Chapter 5

1111 Words
MILLIE Morning came and my eyes fluttered open, which surprised me because I had thought I was not going to be able to fall asleep in the house. Maybe it was the silk sheets or the comfort of the bed but since yesterday night when Roman directed me to the room he assigned me and I laid on the bed, I fell asleep almost immediately. I made sure to close the door with the keys from the inside because I did not trust either of them yet. I stretched from the bed and put my feet down on the lush carpet that was covering most of the flooring. This new life was not bad at all. Would it be that bad to keep the baby if it meant I lived in a house like this? I needed the security and comfort if I was going to have a shot at finishing college and also, it would be easier for me to get my money from the hospital to pay off all of the debts I owed. I remembered my parents, or at least the people that I thought were my parents and my mood immediately soured. They had chosen to throw me out and humiliate me like that so when I got my paycheck from the hospital, I was not going to include them. I had not yet come to complete terms that a baby was growing in me. If I kept the baby, then that meant I was going to have to give birth to an entity that was not human. How was I going to raise it when I was in the middle of college? Does Roman even want to co-parent with me or was he just seeing this as an opportunity since he wanted to get a surrogate? So many questions were wafting through my mind but I decided to keep them for the time when we were going to have a conversation about it, which would be when I was less busy because I had things to do today. I sighed before I got up and opened the door. The fresh aroma of bread and eggs hit my nose and my mouth watered. There was a hamper in front of the room that had clothes and some supplies that I was going to need to get ready. I happily picked it up before I got it back into my room and then I showered in the toilet. For the first time in my life, I showered without feeling bad about the water bill my parents were going to pay. It felt free and emancipating. When I was done, I wore the new jeans and shirt that Roman had given me. I had to take the tags off of them so I guessed they might be some of Stevie’s unused clothes since she was a model. I had to be at school because I had a presentation to make so I planned on asking Roman to take me there first before we spoke about whatever needed to be spoken about the pregnancy. I left my room and tiptoed downstairs so I wouldn’t disturb them in case they were in the middle of something. The sitting room was clear and there was no one there. I decided to look into the kitchen to get something to eat, assuming that they had both gone to work but then I heard noises coming from the kitchen stopped me in my tracks. It seemed like they were arguing. “I don’t like this at all. I feel like all of your attention is going to be there now!” Stevie’s hands rested on her waist as she walked around in the kitchen while Roman leaned back on the kitchen island with his arms crossed over his chest. “It is not my fault that I feel like that towards her now. She is carrying my child so of course I would instinctively feel more protective towards her.” “So protective that you feel like she is your mate?” There was a brief pause and my eyebrows furrowed as I thought of what that meant. I knew that animals mated for life, and they had an unbreakable strong bond that they got once in their life. Did Roman think I was his mate? Is that even possible for him to be mated to a human? “She is not my mate, and the feeling is not going to be there forever. It is just until she gives birth to the baby and then I will stop feeling this way,” he paused to catch a breath then continued. “You asked me to be open to you about how I feel so we will not keep secrets from each other and that is exactly what I am doing. You know I will never do anything that is going to hurt you.” Every ounce of flesh I was made of was telling me to leave. This was very private and I was intruding in their personal space, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. I wanted to hear the end of it. “Your words are not going to help when you just told me the girl that is pregnant with your child feels like a mate to you!” She sniffed and then I heard her heading towards the door. I quickly moved and tried to get away from the door but it was late. She had already seen me by the door and she knew that I was eavesdropping. Blood rushed to my face as her eyes widened when she saw me, and then her eyebrows furrowed in anger. I guess she realised that I was the reason she was in the situation with her boyfriend, which isn’t true. It was all the doctors who inseminated me in the first place that put us in this mess. “Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?” Her eyes narrowed into slits like she had just caught me committing a felony. “No, I—” “See, I told you we could not trust this girl. She was just listening to our conversation. Goodness knows how much she has heard.” Her tone was loud enough for Roman to hear. He came outside the kitchen and Stevie pointed an accusing finger at me. “What is it?” Roman asked, his eyebrows knit in confusion. “Ask the creep what the hell she thought she was doing listening to our private conversations.” She hissed, and Roman gave me a disappointing look that made my heart drop almost immediately. Shit.
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