Chapter 2

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MILLIE TWO WEEKS LATER I did not record anything bad that had happened over the next two weeks. My mother has been helicopter parenting, checking at me at odd hours to see if I had turned into a ‘beast’. I always laughed her off because I still couldn’t believe that she thought things like that existed. It was too complex. There has to be a very significant gene mutation for it to happen, something the human body will not allow and will try to correct. The only places they existed were in movies and books. After I woke up this morning, I decided to go to school and feel normal for some time before I found out what was awaiting me back in the hospital. I had been very nervous about it since I woke up and now that I was in front of the hospital with my mother, I did not know it was possible to feel more nervous than I did earlier. My mother held my hand and her lips curled into a smile, “You are going to be fine, Millie.” “I hope so.” I sighed, squeezing my mum's hand slightly. “Listen, dear. When you get the money later, we have to go to the bank and portion it into two. Half should go to the family expenses and you can take the rest.” My mother said. I turned to look at her, waiting to see if there was an inkling of humour on her face but there was none. She did not really expect me to share half of my money with her when she did not even want me to go ahead with this. When she saw the look on my face, I could see how she had quickly come back to her senses, “I am kidding, Millie. Learn to take a joke.” She laughed it off. I snorted before we walked side but side into the hospital. It was not as empty as it usually is today. When I went home two weeks ago, I decided to dig deep into the hospital to see why they did not have many patients and I realized that it was an exclusive private hospital that caters to the richest people in town. I dug deeper, just to quench my curiosity about if they had ever done something shady, and there was nothing like that. It was either they were genuinely good, or their team was working nonstop, trying to clear their name from the internet. Either way, the damage had already been done and I just had to wait it out. When we got to Dr Sharma’s office, this time my mother did not leave me behind. She came in with me and I was grateful because I did not want to be alone with a group of strangers that doomed me if anything bad was happening to me internally. When we got in, Dr Sharma was seated on her table, her head bowed down while the thick glasses she wore rested on her nose. Sheila was standing right beside her, and she looked worse than the last time I had seen her. She was shaking while tears streamed down her face like a waterfall. I wondered what the hell happened to make them both look like a mess. The thought that it might have to do with me settled in the back of my throat like a thick sour candy. Either way, the thought of all of the money I was going to have by the end of this meeting made the feeling dissipate almost immediately. “Good day, Shiela. Dr Sharma.” I greeted, and so did my mother as we headed into the room. We sat down on the two seats on the other side of Dr Sharma’s table. My mother and I exchanged a few confused glances when Dr Sharma looked up, and her eyes were bloodshot. “Millie. You are back.” She managed to crack a smile and failed miserably at it. “What is wrong?” I asked her, looking between her and Sheila, who looked like she was about to explode as her lower lip quivered. I wondered why she was always sad whenever I see her. “I am so sorry, Millie,” Sheila finally exploded, a new fresh set of tears accompanying her words this time. “I thought it was the sample drug. I was going through a bad breakup, and I really messed up. Please forgive me.” She brought her hands up and entwined them both. “What?” I choked out, jaw slacking as my eyes darted to my mother. I hoped what I was hearing was a joke. How could a prestigious hospital like this make a stupid mistake like that? What the hell did they inject into my system if not the test drug? I immediately started to feel feverish. My mother looked feral with anger, “What the hell did you do to my daughter?” Her tone was low and dangerous. I knew the lengths that my mother would go if she was angry. She often gets super blinded by it and acts on the first thing that comes to her mind. The scars I got from her that were spread all over my body were the testimony of that. “Listen, Mrs Walker. I am genuinely sorry that this happened, but the hospital is going to compensate you. No matter how much you ask for. We just need this to stay on low while we run a few tests on your daughter.” Dr Sharma explained. She was trying to wear a professional demeanour, but I could see right through her. She was scared and terrified of what they did. Of what Sheila did. She knew the consequences were going to be lethal. “What did you inject into my daughter?” My mother asked again, folding her arms to her chest. “Well,” she sighed, placing her palms on the table. “The thing is, Sheila confused the medicine sample we were going to inject you with, with sperm from a donor.” “What?” Both my mother and I shouted at the same time. “Where did you inject it?” My mother asked me, her eyes wide in horror. I gave her a knowing look, and she leaned back on her chair as both of her hands flew to her mouth. How could this happen? How was this possible? What kind of doctor makes a stupid f*****g mistake like this. I could not be pregnant. I hoped to hell I was not, because I do not want to be a mother at this time of my life. There were too many things, too many bills, too many aspirations to just be weighed down by the baby of someone I didn't even know. But what if I was? I had to keep it. I will not be able to live with getting an abortion. I could not risk breaking myself mentally and killing off a child. My child. I let out a breath before I turned to face Shiela, “We should have a test. To check if I am pregnant or not.” I told her. I should at least know before my decision is made. I crossed my fingers. If I found out that I was pregnant, then everything was going to change. The course of my life was going to be altered forever. “Yes, that was what I was about to suggest.” The smile she had been trying to form finally worked now. The both of us got up to our feet, but the sound of heavy footsteps stopped the both of us on the way. The sound was getting closer and closer, like an angry stomping of an animal. I turned to look at the two doctors in the room to see if this was something normal they heard, but it was not because they looked as confused as my mother and I looked. The door to the office flung open, and a man came inside. All 6’2, bulky, dreadfully handsome of himself stepped in, and then his teeth bared. No… not teeth. They were fangs. Beastly fangs that looked like they were being used to tear flesh off of bones daily. No f*****g way. I leaned back to hold my mother’s hand, afraid of what this man was and what he had come to take. “Mr…” Sheila started to speak, but the man— or whatever he was, stopped her with his deep, authoritative tone that nearly made me drop to my knees. “This is impossible,” he growled, “I could have just sworn that I had smelt my pup!”
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