Chapter 6

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MILLIE “Were you listening to our conversation?” Roman asked, his forehead knitting into a frown. My words felt like they had been knocked off my airway as I tried to defend myself but instead I stood there looking like a complete and utter fool. “Did you not hear him?” Stevie had to add before I could find the words to reply to him. “I thought you guys were not at home. I wanted to have something to eat before I went out. I have a school presentation.” I stammered in between my words, which made me want to smack my head because I was pretty sure they thought I was lying to them. “Then why did you not come in?” Stevie barked, and I gasped. She looked and sounded very angry, which did not make sense because I was not the cause of Roman feeling that way. “It is fine, Stevie. She was just going to get food. You heard her.” Roman backed me and I let out a silent sigh of relief. “How can you even trust a stranger in our home? You do not know anything about her. She could be a thief or a f*****g creep for all we know!” She threw her arms into the air. “You do not just invite anyone into our home like that. Why can’t she live with her parents or wherever she was living before she got pregnant?” “She is not a stranger,” Roman snapped, and her jaw slacked a little. “She is the mother of my child and I would appreciate it if you accorded her the respect she deserves. She is here to stay so you have to learn how to live with it. Is that understood?” Stevie did not reply to him. She looked between the both of us and the ire in her eyes intensified before she stomped off upstairs, leaving the both of us downstairs. I hated that I was driving a wedge between them, but there was nothing I could do about it. For the first time since Roman came out of the kitchen, I noticed what he was wearing. He wore a white shirt that hugged his muscled body, and then grey sweatpants. He looked so incredibly hot that I almost lost my words yet again but I quickly reminded myself that he had a girlfriend and the said girlfriend had just stomped off, angry with me. “I am so sorry you witnessed that. Good morning.” Roman stepped into my personal space yet again but I did not mind. In fact, I kind of liked it. It felt safe which was strange because this man was a stranger to me. “Good morning.” I replied, sucking in a breath when he wrapped a hand around my shoulder and ushered me into the kitchen. “I woke up early to make something for you. I hope you will like it.” He smiled as he showed me the plate of eggs on the island and suddenly, a wave of nausea hit me. “No, I do not want to eat that.” I shook my head, sucking in my breath to avoid the vomit but it was too late. I rushed to the nearby toilet which was in the sitting room and I vomited the contents of my stomach. Roman was right beside me. He held my hair and made soothing circles on my back which helped immensely. When I was done, he flushed the toilet and then he helped me wash my mouth. He handed me over a mouthwash silently and I collected it and gave him a grateful nod. It was going to help a lot with the horrible taste in my mouth. When I was done with that, he collected the bottle back and closed it then helped me to the sitting room where I practically collapsed on the sofa. “Do I need to take you to see the doctor?” He asked, feeling my temperature. “No, I am fine,” I told him. I did not feel that bad after this, and I had a busy day ahead of me. “I was just wondering if you would take me to school. I have a presentation that I can not afford to miss.” “School?” He frowned. “You just got sick, Millie. I think you should stay back and rest for today. I do not want you getting all stressed up when I am not around to take care of you.” “I can take care of myself.” I snapped. Did he think I was a child or what? “Of course. I know. Just that it might be more personal because my mind is not going to be at rest when you are out there alone. Maybe I could get you a bodyguard.” “No,” I cut him off. “But,” “I have not even decided if I want to keep the child yet so save yourself the stress.” I did not want to be followed around like I was some egg. I was going to be a mother. I did not need all the babysitting. Having him care for me was cute but I did not want it to be too much. “Oh, I see,” He resigned, his eyes darting to my stomach and then back to me. “We have not had the talk yet. I just thought you would want to keep it.” “I do not know yet. But I will tell you whenever I come to the conclusion,” I knew by the end of the day, I would probably have an answer for him. I just needed to talk to my best friend first to know if I was being stupid or not. “For now I just need you to drop me at school. Okay?” “Okay.” He smiled. He extended a hand for me to help prop me up and I accepted it. We headed to his garage in the basement of the house where there was an array of cars. I had never seen so many expensive sports cars in one place before and I tried hard to not look like I was completely mesmerised and impressed with them. When we got the car of the day, Roman opened the door for me and I got in. He closed the door and got into the driver’s seat. “Where do you study?” He asked me. I told him the name of my college and he gave me a quick nod before he ignited the engine to life. The car fell into a comfortable silence as we drove down the streets of my city. I tried to not think of all of the memories I had in different places with the people that I thought were my parents. How could they throw all of that away just because I didn’t agree to abort a child at the time when they said it? What if I had agreed to do it eventually? Was it really worth destroying our relationship? A weight settled at the pit of my stomach as I battled the tears that were threatening to escape my eyes. Roman distracted me from the moment when he cleared his throat and spoke, “I know you are going to need a lot of things since you got nothing from your parent's house. I am going to have a maid draft up a list and buy you anything you would need. I will have some money transferred to your account if you need to buy any more stuff. Okay?” “Yes.” I nodded, hiding my excitement. I couldn’t believe I was going to get brand new everything. I hated that this was swaying my decision of whether to keep the child or not because whether I liked it or not, all of this was going to happen during the duration when I was pregnant with his baby. When I give birth, his attachment to me is going to wear off and I would have to be on my own. I needed to think it through well, with the help of my best friend. “Also, can I have your number?” He handed over his phone to me. I collected it and punched it down with my full name ‘Camila’, before I handed it over to him. “Your name is Camila?” He asked. “Yes, but I mostly go by Millie. I only use that name in legal situations.” I explained to him. My father had started calling me that when I was little and then everyone started to call me that. Some people still called me Camila at times, though. “Oh, cool.” We arrived at my college shortly after. I could feel all of the eyes on the car as we got into the parking lot and suddenly, I was hit with crippling anxiety. “Have a great day at school, Millie.” Roman smiled warmly at me as I removed my seatbelt. “Thanks.” I smiled back before I hopped out of the car. I nodded my head down to avoid making eye contact with anyone and was about to speed walk to my class when I heard a voice behind me that stopped me in my tracks, “Camila Forbes. You have one hell of an explanation to give.”
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