Chapter 7

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MILLIE I turned around and my best friend, Taylor was standing behind me with a cup of Starbucks in her hands and a heap of books on the other. She refuses to ever wear a tote bag to school and instead tries to balance everything on her hands. I was usually the poor victim who would have to help her hold some of her books and her drinks when she needed to use her hands. “Taylor, hi.” I beamed as I headed toward her and engulfed her in a hug when I was close enough. I needed the warmth of someone familiar after the hell that I had gone through for the past few days. “You are going to knock off my books.” She groaned as she tried to hug me too but she failed at it because her drink was about to get knocked off. I let go of her because I knew she was not going to allow me to breathe for the rest of the day if I made her spill her drink which she only buys on special days or when she had something to celebrate. “I missed you. It has been a rough couple of days.” I sighed as we started to walk to our designated place which was a little cafe by the school. It was usually empty because it was the least aesthetic cafe in college, which seemed to be an issue in a world where everyone wanted to upload everything they ate to their social media. “Tell me it has been a rough couple of days under the man that just dropped you. When and how did you bag a man with a car like that?” She dropped her books and properly hugged me once we were in the cafe. “I did not see much but I know I saw his strong arms. Oh my God, Millie, you need to tell me everything now!” “Okay, but calm down first would you.” I laughed. She offered me her drink but I declined because I did not know if it was healthy for the baby. “Fine. Tell me all of it.” She leaned forward, brushing her long platinum blonde hair to her back, giving me her full attention. “It is not some billionaire smut story that you would expect to hear, but I am pregnant.” “What?” She nearly choked on the coffee that she had just sipped. “When did that happen? Oh my God, was it a one-night stand situation? Does Brandon know about it? Or is it his baby? You can’t have his baby, he’s a bum!” I rolled my eyes when she mentioned my ex-boyfriend that I had broken things off a month ago. I was sure he was still expecting us to magically get back together but I was not going to do it. At least not anymore. After the turn my life took, our worlds were simply never going to be aligned again. “No he doesn’t, because I cut all communications with him,” I finalised that in my mind a long time ago, the situation at hand was just reinforcing it. “And also, the man that I got knocked up with his child, well technically not even that because we did not sleep together, his name is Roman. You remember the test that I was going to get paid to undergo for that agency, there was a mix-up. They accidentally inseminated me with his swimmers and now I am pregnant with his baby. My parents had thrown me out when I refused to get an abortion and he invited me to live in his house, which is where I live now.” Taylor’s hand flew to her mouth after the whole revelation, “Oh my God, Millie. Why did you not call me?” “I know your living situation, I did not want to add to it. And it is fine. His house is comfortable and Roman is really nice to me,” I assured her. “And the whole reason why my parents were adamant on me aborting the child was because… Roman is not a human. Apparently, he is a werewolf from what I gathered.” “They exist?” Her jaw was a few metres away from making contact with the cafe’s rough carpet. “They do, and I am carrying one,” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I do not know what to do.” “There is only one solution here. Abort the werewolf-human child, or whatever it is you are carrying. How could you possibly trust an entity that is not human and even live in his house?” She sounded just like my mother. “I do not want to abort the child, Taylor. I do not think I can do it. Remember that this is not just his child, it is mine too. A part of me. I am not going to be able to live with the fact that I did that to my child.” I placed my hand on my stomach. I did not know I even felt this way until now. The maternal instincts lay like strong barriers in my heart. I couldn’t abort it. “So you would rather give birth to a strange entity than just put a stop to this possible life long suffering with a child that you have no idea how to handle because technically the both of you are not even the same species?” “Yes.” I nodded. I have not yet seen the baby, but I knew I would go to the end of the world for it already. Taylor sighed and ran both of her hands into her hair. I thought she was not going to speak again and I had already prepared to not get an answer until another sigh escaped her lips, “Well, I will not be the one to stop you from doing what you want. I am the one to support you through every decision you make. Good or bad, big or small. So I am going to support you through this. At least say that said werewolf baby daddy is hot.” “Like the metal bars in hell. But he has a girlfriend so he is way off limits for me.” I pointed out the last part because it was very important. I was against home wrecking as much as I was against murder. “Come on. Just a night together is not going to hurt anyone.” She rolled her eyes. “It is going to hurt the lifelong relationship we are going to have together because we are going to have a child together, Taylor.” I had to be the one to set both her and myself straight because my best friend was a wild one. “Ugh, you are no fun. Come on, it is time for our presentation. We can’t afford to be late.” She started to pack her books and I helped her hold half since I did not have any of my books with me and my ego was too big for me to go home and get them from my room. Taylor and I left the cafe just when I felt a ping in my pockets. I picked up my phone and there was a text from an unsaved number, which I discovered was Roman. Unknown: This is Roman. Save my number. Me: OK xx. Also, I have decided to keep the baby. Wanted to inform you. I was going to tell him when we were going to have the formal talk about everything but I was driven with the impulse to just tell him now. I quickly saved his number and waited for his reply. Roman: I am glad. I rolled my eyes when the message came through. I was expecting at least a little bit of enthusiasm from him. I was about to put my phone back in my pocket when another ping came and I opened my phone back to see what it was. It was a credit alert for my wallet which made me stop dead in my tracks, wondering if Roman had mistakenly added a few extra zeros when he was sending me the money.
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