Chapter 8

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MILLIE After my presentation, Taylor and I had one more class before we were officially done for the day. “I kind of have a thing with Noah today,” a little blush formed on her cheeks whenever she spoke about her boyfriend even though it has been more than two years since they got together. He manages to still make her smile like he used to when they first met. “He told me to get ready for a date so I will do just that, but I promise to meet up tomorrow so we can talk more about the situation.” She whispered the last part and made a quick glance at my stomach. I rolled my eyes, “There is nothing to talk about, Taylor. I have made my decision to keep it so I will. The only thing I need to worry about now is getting my payment from this hospital that put me in this whole mess. It is either that or I sue them because God knows I need the money before I finish college and eventually find a job.” “But isn’t Roman like rich as f**k like how is it in all of those novels? I am sure he wouldn’t mind giving you child support when you give birth at least until you have earned enough to sponsor your lifestyle.” She said as she put her hair in a low bun and then started to pack her books into another pile. This time, I did not try to help her. I had messaged Roman to come and pick me up after thanking him for the huge sum of money he had given me. I have never had that kind of money in my bank account before. “I do not want to depend on him.” I plastered my lips together. If I had learned anything in the past few days, it is that I had only myself at the end of the day. I have to be able to take care of myself and not rely on anyone else. “I understand, and I wholly support.” She put her free arm around me and nuzzled my hair. Taylor was a few feet taller than me and could pass as a model. She stood at 5’10 which was relatively tall for a woman and I was about 5’4. We walked down to the parking lot and when we reached, she headed to her car and opened it up. “Are you sure you do not want me to drop you at pretty werewolf’s house?” She asked. “Lower your damn voice,” I found her nickname amusing. “Gas prices are too high for you to take me there and go back to your house. I am sure he will be here in a few minutes.” I assured her. “Okay, love. Bye.” She waved at me and I waved back, then she got into her car and closed the door. Taylor blew me one last kiss before she ignited her engine to life and revved off. I let out a breath and rubbed my warm hands together once she was gone. I decided to take a little walk before Roman was here. It was funny how much my life could change in a span of a few days. Just last week, I was waiting for results that were going to make me so rich that I could pay off my debts and leave debt free for the rest of my college days. Now the reality was different. I was pregnant with a non-human entity and was estranged from the people that I called my parents. I had to stop myself from crying as I crossed over an alley that was going to take me to the cafe where I wanted to get something to eat. I had not eaten since morning and I had already started to feel the effects of hunger. “Babe,” I heard someone call out. I guessed that it was Brandon, but I didn’t bother to turn and see for myself. “Mills. I know you can hear me.” I heard a familiar sound of boots approaching me, and I closed my eyes, annoyed. I have been trying to avoid him ever since the breakup but he did not seem to take the damn hint. He touched my arm so I turned around to look at him. “Oh, hi. What are you doing here?” I asked with a faux smile on my face. I wished he would get the hint and leave me alone. I did not want to get back with him to begin with and the situation I was in now was reinforcing my decision. “I was just walking by when I saw you in the parking lot so I decided to follow you,” he seemed nervous as he routinely looked down at his feet with his hands awkwardly shoved in his pockets. “How have you been?” “Have you been smoking again?” I asked him, folding my arms to my chest. It was one of the many reasons that I had broken up with him because I have had enough. He scoffed and brushed his long blond hair to the side with his fingers, “No.” “Do not lie to me.” “Fuck… yes! What else would you have me do after I lost the love of my life?” He threw his arms into the air. “I was planning to propose, you know. I wanted us to have a little home and build our little family but I guess I wasn’t enough for you.” “You have been in college for the past seven years studying a four-year course, Brandon. I do not think there is redemption for you anytime soon to get a job and build a family with me,” I tsk-ed, my eyes landing on the burn hole on his shirt. How the hell had I stayed with someone like him for so long? “You cannot even quit smoking whatever it is you are smoking. We both want different things in life obviously.” “What do you want?” He laughed condescendingly. “You think you are going to have a shot with a good man who would want to settle down with you? You ain’t pretty enough for that, Miss. But I am giving you a shot at a great life that we are going to build together.” I felt like I had been slapped in the face multiple times. He was clearly not in his right mind, but his words still stung. What happened to me being the prettiest woman he has ever seen? That was all a lie then? I didn't even know why that hurt me so much, but I needed to hurt him right back because he was the one who did not deserve a good partner with his disgusting deadbeat attitude, not me. “You are going to be in for a shocker when you find out the person I am with right now,” I lied through my teeth because it was satisfying watching his eyes fill with fury. “In fact, I am pregnant with his baby. You are going to be so shocked at how good my life is going to turn out while you end up in the f****d up part of the city where you belong.” “Is that why you broke up with me?” Brandon took slow, predator-like steps toward me but I did not take a step back even though I could not recognize the Brandon that was talking to me. “Yes.” I smirked. “You f*****g slut,” he cursed when he was dangerously close to me, our faces just mere inches from each other. I could smell whatever he had smoked in his breath and that almost made me gag. I was suddenly nauseous. “I am going to kill you, you f*****g dirty b***h. Did you f**k him when you were with me pretending to love me?” I did not think he would stoop that low and put his hands on me, but I was clearly mistaken. His hands gripped both of my arms and I struggled to get off but he was too strong for me, “Let me go!” I yelled but he was too blinded by rage. “I am going to kill you then kill the bastard you are carrying with you. How dare you betray me like that?” His eyes blazed and I knew the only way to stop him from actually going through with it was to shout for help. Brandon was too fast to realise what I was going to do so he placed a hand over my mouth, muffling my screams into nothing. Was he actually going to kill me? I could not die like this. Not here, not now. I tried to punch him off and kick him but he was too strong, right until a deep reverberating scream came from behind us, startling Brandon so much that he let me go. “Keep your hands the f**k off her.” I did not have to think too much to know who it was. Roman stood at the opening of the alley, his eyes blazing with inhuman golden fire that made chills ripple through my flesh.
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