What the hell is happening!!!

342 Words
Blaze was completely shocked and surprised with the fact that what was happening around him. He thought is it me or everyone else can also hear animals speak. So he wanted to test and said to the dog. "Hey bro, why don't you say something to that girl, I will go and ask weather he understood you or not". "Okay I will say something" said the dog. Looking at the young girl the dog barked. Bow bow bow bow.. but for Blaze it was different, the dog actually said "Hey lady did you forget to wear your pants, nice legs you got. Don't go out like this some dog might give a bite on your tempting. Blaze was worrying that the girl will break the dogs legs, but for his surprise the girl did not even pay attention to the dogs barking because she did knew what the dog was saying. "That was such a lame comment to pass mate", said blaze to the dog. "Well, we are dogs after all". after saying this blaze was laughing. But one thing he did not understand how come the animals were speaking with him suddenly. He was liking this new change though, while going home he would generally talk to passing animals like squirrels, birds, dogs, cats all kinds of animals and they would talk back to him. At home blaze was lying on the garden floor in his balcony. He was thinking why all this happening with him. Suddenly he remembered something "Holy s**t!!"" and then he started running. He went to the beach running like a marathon runner that he started panting. He went to the beach and was searching for something "That statue, where is that statue. It should be here somewhere". He realised that he spoke in front of the statue about his wish of animals speaking to him and it granted him. But where is that statue. Blaze searched the whole beach but did not find the statue. He went home in vain and fell asleep. *To be Continued*
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