New hurdles

552 Words
One thing Blaze was sure was that wierd statue granted him his wish. Even though Blaze was was sad and didn't know that it will turn into reality. The only thing he was not sure was what new challenges will appear now in front of him because of his new power. Next morning, as usual he got up and got ready for his classes. On the way to his college he saw a dod wandering on the streets. Blaze approached near it and whistled softly, "Come on boy, searching something to eat?". ^ I came out to park with my humans, but now I lost them. I can't find them anywhere. can you help me find them ^. Blaze felt sad and said "Okay, I will help you get home safely. But tell me anything from which I can help you with". " Can you tell me anything so that I can know from where you came". ^ My humans lived in the big house and there is big statue opposite the house ^. "Hmmm.. anything else more specific". ^ Ohh yes, there is Starbucks nearby the house. I remember eating puppachino many times ^. Okay, from the park you mentioned there are nearly three Starbucks outlets. Blaze thought. "Okay let's take you near all the outlets so that you will recognise the streets maybe". The dog was so happy that it licked blaze's face and thanked him. "So what's your name pup". ^ Well my humans call me Frisbee ^. " Frisbee nice name, so let's go. Do you like to walk or should I carry you". ^ No I'm fine I can even run ^. On the search mission Blaze was talking with frisbee about how his humans treated him and all things. It looked Frisbee was loved by his humans and was not left out. While blaze was talking with dog the on lookers stared at him thinking blaze to be mad. "Hey man, did you become so lonely that you started talking with a dog?" asked on fellow. Blaze did not bother to answer him because even he can't explain what was happening. No one would believe him anyway. When Blaze and frisbee were near a second Starbucks outlet the dog shouted, ^ Hey look look.. I remember this street, similar scents are coming from here ^. and then he started to sniff around the corners. Few blocks away and frisbee stopped near a house and started to bark loudly ^ Humans I'm back open the door, look I'm back^. " Let me knock the door for you mate". and then blaze knocked the door. A small kid opened the door and as he saw the dog he shouted "Frisbee!!! mom dad look it's frisbee". The kid ran and hugged the dog, and frisbee licked him all over. The kids parents came and said they were searching everywhere and were now planning to file a missing complaint. They were happy that blaze brought them their dog. Blaze was happy with the fact that the dog was now back to its home safe. "Okay frisbee, I'll take a leave now. but be careful and don't wander around okay". Frisbee licked his face and said ^ thank you for helping me^. * To be Continued * Authors note: Hello readers in Order to avoid confusion conversation of humans will be quoted between "..." and animal conversation will be quoted between ^....^ .
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