Am I dreaming?!?!

452 Words
Blaze went home limping and a humble servant who pitied on blaze's condition came forward and bowed down in front of him and said "little master, allow me to the first aid". Blaze saw sympathy in the eyes of the servant and felt "Now even servants feel pity on me" and he said "No I can do it myself, got get me some wine from the wine cellar". The servant got surprised because Blaze never drink alcohol, so he thought his little master was really upset this time. The servant obeyed and went to bring wine for Blaze. He drank wine and passed out. It was late in the morning and Blaze woke up with the head ache. "I guess this is what hangover feels like". "Little master, drink this lime water and take this tablet you will feel better" said the servant. He was right. Blaze felt little better after drinking lime water. After that he went inside the bathroom for a shower. Blaze was a university student studying law. However he was least interested in studying. He just went to evade few things. On the way to his University Blaze stopped near the bridge and was enjoying the view when he saw few dogs having a fight. Curiously he went ahead to see. While standing and watching the dogs fighting, an older dog came and stood beside Blaze and was watching the fight as well. The older dog sighed "young dogs these days don't show any patience. Always ready to dominate each other and fighting". "Yeah your right, can't they solve the issue peacefully. look how they are attacking one another". Blaze said. Suddenly blaze stopped and thought "Wait what! did I just heard the dog speak. I even replied to eat " Even before Blaze could react further, the older dog spoke again "Wooooo did you understood what I said". This again left Blaze thinking "God, I must have drank too much yesterday night. It's still having an effect". "I'm thinking dog talking with me, shouldn't be drinking wine again". But no the dog said again "Hey I'm asking you, how did you understand what I said". "Are you really talking with me" I'm I dreaming? Blaze is in a shock he was not understanding what was happening with him. So he decided to try another time. This time he saw a bird sitting on the bridge and he asked "Hey birdie how is day going".For the astonishment of blaze The bird replied "The weather is so pleasent today, if I find some hot bird to mate it will be awesome". Blaze was beyond surprise. The animals were speaking with him and he could understand them. *To be Continued*
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