Episode 3 “I Don’t Know You”

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ANGELA P.O.V “ Oh my god how much the time have past , standing here , I forgot I have to prepare breakfast for my aunt and her family “ going downstairs I started making breakfast and put in on the table.  Even five minute and everyone arrived in the kitchen to eat . I waiting in the corner that they finish eating ,to be able to start cleaning the table and fixing the kitchen, so can I have my breakfast too . “ in hungry I don’t have a meal since yesterday morning “ I said to myself  After they finished I ran to clean and to fix the kitchen I didn’t wait to hear my aunt to shoot ugly words and offended me again ,after cleaning I looked again to see if everything was in order , seeing that the kitchen was clean and would be at my aunt’s pleasure, I sat in the chair to leave breakfast , I took a cup of tea  and some biscuits to eat .  While my aunt passed “ I leave to you this list to go on market and buy all ingredients for dinner tonight , I go with Mary to the Mall for shopping “            She talked while putting her earrings and coming closer to me , I started to feel uncomfortable again from her eyes , seeing that I eat without permission. “Your uncle goes to work  I hope when I return i won’t see you standing there  like a fool , I want to see the house clean , the laundry done , the garden looked after and the dinner made for the evening. I make myself clear ?”  “Yes aunt “ I saw from the corner of my eye that Mary is coming down and from her expression on the face she heard everything my aunt say , I started wondering what she wants since she was never good to me she treats me like her slave , Mary took her mother’s arm giving her a kiss on the cheek .  “ a person more perfidious and false I have never met “ I said to myself looking Mary with her evil smile .” mom you don’t have to harsh on her you know we can’t starve Angela if she get sick who does all work at home ?”  I thought Mary had changed but I see is more like her mother “ how stupid I’m thinking that she would considering me like her cousin but again I’m wrong “  I told too myself , I thought they finished talking but hearing my aunt saying  “My love you are a girl with a big heart to have this pity towards people , I grew you well .  Angela you have to thank Mary “ My aunt said with red eyes waiting for me to thanks her daughter “ but for what I have to thank , I have to thank her for making fun of me for laughing at me like her mother “  I thought in my had , with sigh I thanked Mary “  “ thanks Mary I thank you that you have thought about my health I’m grateful for your goodwill “ my eyes meeting those of my aunt as I spoke , satisfied mother and daughter went away .  I took the place in the chair again and I began to eat , having no appetite after all , but I ha e to eat to have energy to clean the house and run on the market to buy everything for dinner . After I finish to eat I washed the cup and run upstairs in my room , to go to the bathroom to wash my teeth and take a shower, I entered i the shower letting the war water cover my body making me relax my muscle , after having finished I took the towel and went to my room to get dressed  , I got a white top and a pair of light blue jeans with a pair of old vans black  , o looked in the mirror to see if goes well even if it’s not ok other options I didn’t have , Mary took all my beautiful clothes. I look at myself in the mirror , I’m glad I’m not fat , I’m tall and slim with long long black hair , my father always told that I look just like my mother that I have her beauty .  After settling in , leaving my hair down on my back wet knowing that is hot outside and the sun is there , they would dried immediately, I left the house going to the market  , since the house and the laundry already in order I shouldn’t do nothing because I cleaning already the whole house and the laundry done yesterday and the garden is clean , I should just spray the grass and the flowers with the water pipe , but I’ll do it tonight before dinner . On the way to market there is a park from children’s with big trees that makes shades on the docks , with this sun outside the children’s all came out to play as they know can have fun all day long .  I smiled seeing children playing in park “ I think that after I buy everything I will go home to leave the shopping and I will go in the park to stand in the shade sitting on the quay “ I thought. This area is very quiet is just perfect for the families who live here , the houses are very beautiful with gardens full of flowers one more beautiful than the other . After having bought everything at the market I have taken steps to return at home , entering  in the house I put everything I bought for dinner in the fridge and went upstairs to get a book able to read in the park ... while I was going to the park walking , a car stopped beside me , looking at the car thinking that someone wanted to ask me from directions.  Coming out of the tar two men tall’s and robust , dressed in black costumes “Miss White? “ one of them asking me if it’s me “ yes I know you ?!”  I was afraid I never saw these two men and from their faces I can only say that their are dangerous , one of them coming closer to me and the other opening the back door from the car “ Miss White there is a person who want to see you “  my legs started shaking my hands sweating from fear “ Excuse me but who may be ?! ....I don’t know anyone in this town so sorry but I should go now “ with this I wanted to pass , but the man who was in front of me didn’t let me pass getting closer starting at me , I started trembling with fear making films in my head ...” if they want to kidnap me or to kill me to take my organs for sell ... but why ?! ... this area should be calm and supervised seeing that only families with children live here ..” with my films in my mind the man who starting at me saw that I was shaking like a leaf .” Miss White you must be afraid of us or of the person who wants to see you , is a dear friend of you father so please enter in the car “ my father’s friend ? Who can be ?  . But if is my father friend he should want to tell me something? I watched the gentleman who did open the door of me to enter in car telling not to be afraid nothing bad wool happen to me .  And with this I entered in the car the journey was very long gone to the other part of the city where are is from healthy people , I started to think that my father never had healthy friends all his friends were are from our city , normal people with simple job , I don’t that my father have friends in the city were my aunt live . “ excuse me but I might now where we are going my aunt will not be happy if I don’t go home in time to prepare the dinner I don’t want to make her worry “ ......no answer only silence ..... after a while we stopped at a villa as big as a Castle with gardens so wonderful that I never see in my live , enchanted of e everything I didn’t notice that the car has stopped “ Miss White “ a man of age near to open the door of the car “ Miss White my lord awaits you in his office “ ... with this last words I followed it the man who tells me that his lord awaiting me .... enchanted by everything around as if I were in a fairy tail all shining around me .... while I followed in silence my eyes looked all the beauty and elegance that place have , I never seen a place , a home so  extravagance : porcelain, marble , gold , silver , crystal and I can no long understood who is this lord that telling is my father friend ... is impossible..... we stopped an a long corridor in front of massive black door knocking twice  a voice sai “ Come in “ i didn’t enter I was locked in place , only the old man who closed the door came in , after 5 seconds the door opened again , in which the old man come out saying that his lord was waiting me inside , I made myself courage and I went . I front of me was an elegant office table with a black leather chair in which a person was sitting facing the large windows looking at the landscape ... around me there was a supreme air , all it was wooden and antique but at the same time everything seems to have come out of a movie I never saw a room so beautiful and think that only it’s his office . I stared to smell , the smell of brandy and tabacco around waiting for the person in front of me to look at me , with my eyes on my hands I heard a soft , masculine voice “Angela “ .
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