Episode 2 “ my aunt “

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ANGELA P.O.V  My aunt name is Rosy , Rosy Josen her husband name is Dason Josen they have a daughter of my age her name is  Mary is a girl spoiled by my aunt with everting and in every occasion Mary have she treats me like slave reminds me every damn time that I’m a orphan and that I Have to be grateful to her mom that let me live in their house , “ this girl “ .. My uncle Dason does not look or speak with me but in his eyes you can pity towards me ... in one evening night when my aunt made me prepare dinner from them in that evening I prepared lasagna whit side of salad for diner after finished I found myself putting the dishes on table for them after they all sat down I brought the food waiting for my aunt reaction to know if it’s good or no but I know it’s good because I’ve always cooked for my parents and I liked to see their happy face after eating the food prepared by me , the sound of broken plate on the floor make me came to reality I met my aunt eyes full of anger beating me :” Who do you take you are given me to eat this s**t of food  you are not good in anything I got you in my home I give you a bed where to sleep and you repay me whit that s**t of food you are a bastard and b***h like your mother “ , drag me to the hair on her porch ..” this night you sleep out like a dog you don’t deserve to sleep inside , tomorrow morning I hope I’ll see everything cleaned and breakfast done “     With this the door slammed and my aunt entered in the house , I stayed down with the tears that come out of my eyes “ why is she so cruel with me” I began to feel cold , wind touch my skin  and the darkness surrounding me I started to be afraid of dark that can swallow me in any minute but the sound of the doors open made me look up to see who it was  It was my uncle with a blanket that hi put on my back immediately I feel  a little warm on my skin “ Angela I’m sorry “ my uncle said as he move down with his hand massaging my back to not feel the cold “ I’m sorry my dear for all suffering that my wife and my daughter make you pass trough but I can do nothing to save you these to women are the only family that I have I don’t want to lose them  I’m sorry I can help you but yes it hurts me  to see you like this also I’m saying that it’s not your fault the death of you parents it was a accident I don’t know why Rosy have all this hate trough you  but you hate to understand her that your father was her only brother who had I think seeing you remember her your father and for this she hates you “ With his hand on my back an with the tears in his eyes looking at me I realized how much he suffer for all this “ uncle Dason you don’t have to apologize, I should apologize for coming to your house having to raise a girl you’ve never met  I apologize for all problems caused to you and you family “  I ended up talking just to breathe looking at him I stared to talk again  “ you now uncle I thank you for everything you give me if you weren’t now I would be in the streets wits house ere to stay a warm bed were to sleep so not apologize  I understand your concern and I will try to find myself apartment and a job in order not to give you more problems “ He look at me with a sad smile  “ Angel you are a good child I never chased you from my home  But you have the opportunity in the future to leave it would be better . I hope God will hello you on your journey and will give you a bit of happiness you deserved more than anything “. “ thank you uncle for everything “ 
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