Episode 4 “Argon King”

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Argon POV       I turned to look at the girl who stood like statue in front of the door “Angela” I saw she raise her head looking at me whit eyes full of questions and fear .         What made me to remain speechless is the beauty that have this girl :           ~  Small face           ~  Big green eyes like the turquoise       ~     Small nose as a doll      ~     Full red lips like the color of roses      ~   White skin like the milk      ~  Black hair that ends at the knees    Looking like a doll , look just like her mother . , it’s true that I know her parents this was no lie , I started to wake up from trance I was already hypnotized by her Beauty.                 If I was younger, I was taking her as my wife , but we are not he to talk about me , I started to go closer , I saw that she goes back scared she doesn’t want to be close to me she does not know who I am , I understand her .       “Angela my name is Argon King and I’m a dear friend of your father “       I stopped to talk to look her expression meeting her beautiful eyes leaving me so speechless “ I’m sorry Mr.King “ she said but I interrupted her “ call me Argon , Mr.King make me feel old “ . I smile taking her hand in my hands , she remained thinking, but I saw that her body stared to calm down making me think that she start to don’t have anymore fear of me and I liked that .        “ Mr.......mmmm Argon “ I’m in heaven my name coming out of her lips sounds so sexy so sensual it’s torn me on , making me feel alive . “ I have never seen you as you said my father was a friend yours “  I now that she still doesn’t believe me “ you are Angela you don’t now me because I never came house , I didn’t want to suffer “ I saw her bigges eyes on me “ to suffer?” .  “Yes” i said “ Take a seat Angela I’ll tell you a story of how I met your parents “ I told her put her on the couch and I took my seat chair leaven space between us .                “ I met your parents one night , it was raining so much , I was in the car at that time something was not normal with my car because of the rain the wheels started to slip on the road , I lost control of the car which made me crash into a tree , the impact was so strong hall front of car destroyed leavening me stuck , I tried to move but without use I was to weak I haded no strength as it wasn’t my body ....... I was losing a lot of blood I stared to around all black I thought there was my end .                                     After hours of agony I began to hear someone , With my eyes closed I cloud not quickly see who was , I forced to open my eyes to see the person who saved me “     “ was that persone my father “      “ yes it was your father came to help me , going at home on the distance he saw a black car in the tree , he stopped his car telling at you mother to call for help , he thinking in that moment maybe there still people alive in that destroyed car ... he came closer to the car he saw me , call me , but I couldn’t answer , didn’t have voice , I was to weak as I was half alive and half dead .                  After half an hour the aids arrived immediately took me to the best hospital seeing my identity , your parents insisted on coming with in hospital , that they could if I was in good hands , your parents were near me and helping me everyday                I started to make a friendship with them , after I left the hospital I come in the city we’re they live to visiting my new friends , going with them on cinema , making barbecue, going on the beach ... having fun ..... after a pice of time my heart stared beating for you mother seeing her beauty and kindness in another way , I started falling in love with her every day , I was already married at the that time making me feel worse , I never loved my wife .          The marriage between us was arranged but our parents for a alliance between my family and her family, after one year of marriage my wife given birth to a boy , but I never had that feeling of love for her , after not more than four years after marriage my wife took her life finding that she loved me from the first moment and she not could resist seeing that I will never give her love .        Don’t that I’m a heartless person I respected her as the mother of my child but I could never fall in love with her .              One day I called your father telling him if we can se at the bar that I wanted to talk with him and hi accepted .      I stopped for a moment to take a mouthful of brandy . “ when we sat on the terrace of the restaurant I stared to tell him that I stared to fall in love with his wife , that I feel like i***t feeling like I betrayed my friendship with him , your father didn’t say anything he was looking at me just waiting for me to finish after I confided .     He told me that hi now already about my feelings towards his wife realizing when I was came to watch her with feelings in my eyes , but he didn’t tell anything to me because he knows that hi can trust me and that hi can trust his wife.             Hi told that something happen to him , that he want me to have care to his wife  my tears began to flow I told that it’s better for all there not to se each other for a good chunk of time              Your father smiled at me and understood me and will wait for me to came to them again , ...With that I said goodbye to him “                 I looked at her to see her expression seeing her crying , tears streaming down, I took her face in my hand and asked her why she’s crying “ I’m very sorry that you suffered so much that you couldn’t love the woman who stole your heart but thank you for leaving my parents together, thanks to you I had the most beautiful years with them , but at the same hurts my heart that you didn’t have the chance to be happy with the women you loved “                      She told me , I smiled at her sadly looking in her eyes and her in mine .           “ you don’t have to cry Angela you has the same good heart as your mother when I look at you is like seeing her “                                    I saw a smile on her face . “ my dad tells my exactly the same “  she have this sadness in her eyes thinking at the memories and words that her father tell her in the past.                  She’s so beautiful and pure I feel attracted to her purity of her soul , make me feel so good , so happy , so attracted to her ......I got up from the chair thinking that I lost my lucidity with her .....I took steps towards the large windows in my office  where I can see my kingdom , my land which I gained from patience and power .... I’m the ruthless man in the word I don’t forgive and I don’t have no mercy for anyone I’ve killed hundreds people who tried to shoot me down . Nobody have the courage to challenge me everyone is afraid of me knowing how cruel I can be .  Only one person has the courage to not listen  my orders   Only one persone can challenge me and look in my eyes with defiance  and that person is MY SON .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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