Glathon part 2

1061 Words
In a hot sunny desert, Rico was strolling with a four-year-old Franbel who was still unconscious and Christa was hanging a backpack on her back with her left hand, while her other hand was holding a fan using luime to cool down the surrounding air. Liume is a life energy found in every living thing in Glathon. It is quite rare for a creature not to possess liume. Liume is mostly in the air, breathing in and out liume into the body to increase the storage of liume in the body. Concentrating on liume refines it into Frist. Frist is a finer and more stable form of lime, and much powerful and harder to control, which results in a high death rate, which is why it is most recommended continuing furthering the control of liume. Liume has four main types: air lime, water lime, fire liume, earth liume. Air liume is the most common liume learned, due to liume being easily found in the air, so the majority of Glathonians are advised to learn it first, since it helps you better when learning the other types of liume and helps with patients. Water liume is the second most common liume learned. It's a bit harder than air liume due to the fact you have to be in water and breathe in the liume in the water. It is also the easiest to use when fighting, and specializes in healing, farming and defense. It is also very hard to defeat water liumers especially. Fire liume is quite hard to practise. The breathing in the liume in fire leads to many people suffocating during the process, while removing oxygen from your lungs in the process of producing almost-eternal flames in the individual, as you completely master the tolerance to heat-related objects and creatures,-specializes in short, mid-range attacks and cooking. It is also the hardest to fight with but easy to win against. Earth liume is the most complicated yet easiest to understand liume relating to the fact that it involves punching the earth while breathing in the liume and concentrating on it without losing focus. To be able to learn this, you must be strong in both mind and body, which helps keep you psychically and mentally fit to practise it, used for defense and creation. Liumers are people who practice the art of liume, Fristers are higher-ranked people who take risks of not caring about their health. "Ric, are we there yet?" Christa whined. Her black pants had sand marks on them, she hated the feeling of sand, as it made contact with her skin. She was going to take a long shower when they reached home. "Not yet and save your strength. This is going to take a while, and we had better hurry before a sandstorm appears and swoops the little insolent brat in my arms and, please, we are almost there." Rico said in a quiet tone, as the wind grew stronger, which almost woke Franbel up. Christa blew her short wavy blonde hair strands away from her face, pouting while casting a spell, she said in a quiet voice with bright light surrounding her and the other two. "Whirlwind." A huge blast of air surrounded them while cooling them, preventing them from being scorched by the sun's hot rays. They were still walking in the desert. Rico stopped and looked back at Christa, who was out of breath with a glare on her face that she used to disguise her tiredness with. "We are here." As she looked up, her eyes lighted up with sparkles in her eyes, jumping up and down the town, rushing to the first store she saw, asking her fellow partner what he needed. He refused to have anything, but he asked for milk for Franbel. "Ric, I think we should change his name. It doesn't suit him, don't you agree?" As she looked at Rico expecting a response. "It's like you were reading my mind, I think not. I have decided that his new name is Drake." He responded back to her, looking at her straight in her blue ocean eyes, seeing the determination in his mismatched eyes. "Would you look at that? We should start homeschooling him, teaching him the ways of liume and Frist." She nodded to his statement and was busy paying the trader, when Drake continued to steer in his sleep, then woke up as he looked at them. "Are you my parents?" He asked them in a timid voice. "Um, we-" "No. We aren't," Rico said, receiving a punch in the shoulder from Christa. "You wiped his memory and personality. I know it's still Franbel, but it's not anymore. That's a different person, a child. So you better treat him well, Rico," she warned him. She warned him. Drake started crying his eyes out and hiding his face from them, making Christa glare at him, while she attempted to make him feel better. She took him from Rico's hands and carried him instead. "We may not be your parents, but we are here." She visibly cringed at her attempt to pep talk to him. "Listen little-", glancing at his face, his eyes softened, and he decided to give up on lecturing him since he reduced his body and mind to a four-year-old. "We are not your parents, but you can think of us as your parents if you want, but I have one rule. Don't call me papa if you want to call me anything, then just call me Ric." Drake visibly brightened up to hear the answer to his question while Christa was waiting for Rico to teleport them back to their home, looking back at Rico, who understood exactly what she wanted and what he should do. "Rico, you know what to do." "Fine, but next time you are doing it," he muttered. "Deal," she answered. He held Drake's and Christa's hand as he said,"Time Frist: Forward." A clock handle appeared out of thin air, as the hands on the clock moved rather quickly before disappearing quickly, as they moved very fast until what they saw was a simple bungalow surrounded by trees and many types of flowers that surrounded the entrance of the house. Christa walked up to the house with Drake pointing at the house, signaling him to follow them inside and he did.
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