Chapter 15: This child looked familiar

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Chapter 15: This child looked familiarWilson's Mansion. The black Maybach drove into the villa's iron door like a hurricane. After about three to four minutes, the beautiful body of the car swung its tail and steadily stopped in front of the villa's door. As soon as the car stopped, the butler, who had been waiting at the door Arron James walked to the side of the car. He quickly opened the door and looked at the man's handsome face." Mr.Wilson, Mr.Wilson, and Mrs.Wilson are waiting for you. You're finally back." When Arron James said this, his face was full of smiles. His eyes that looked at Michael were filled with excitement. When Michael got out of the car, his long leg was already out of the car. When he heard that, he pulled it back and looked at Arron James." Grandma is back?" Three days ago, the old Mrs.Wilson Sophia agreed to go to the temple to meditate with her sisters. The original schedule was a week. Now that he had returned early, could it be that they knew that he had angered Mr.Wilson and caused Mr.Wilson to be hospitalized? Michael thought to herself with self-awareness, but her elegant and clear face did not have the slightest emotion. It was like ice water. "He's back, he's back."Arron James closed the car door and said with a smile," Not only is Mrs.Wilson back, Mr.Wilson and Mrs.Wilson are also back.Mr.Wilson Before you came back, Mr.Wilson even called the two ladies and told them to come home tonight." Michael was speechless. Mr.Wilson, What was he trying to do? "Mr.Wilson, don't just stand there. Go in, quickly." When Arron James saw that Michael did not move, he seemed to be in a hurry and urged Michael. Michael felt that it was strange, but she didn't ask any further and walked into the villa. He had just reached the door. Sophia's hearty laughter drifted over from the direction of the living room. "Hahaha ..." Michael's steps couldn't help but stop. A trace of surprise flashed through his black eyes, and then he stepped in again. He didn't know if he heard the car or if he was constantly watching the door. Almost the moment Michael stepped into the entrance, several gazes shot towards him. Michael paused once again, a calm and indifferent expression on his face. He looked up at the living room. Originally, he didn't have any targets, but when he turned his gaze over, he happened to bump into a pair of dark eyes. Michael's indifferent expression changed slightly and her brows pressed down. This child...A little familiar. Wasn't it the Troy he had met at the hospital this morning?? Why was he here? For some reason, Michael's breathing slowed slightly. ... "Impossible." The man's cold voice was unusually certain. "How is that impossible?"Your grandma and I can see it. Aren't your eyes as good as ours?"Look at Troy's eyes, nose, and mouth. They're the same as you." Ben didn't expect Michael to have such a terrible attitude when she found out that Troy was his son. Her face sank and she glared at him. "That's right Michael Look at how white Troy is born. It's completely inherited from you.Grandma knew that you were too shocked, so you said some bad things. Don't say such things in the future, Troy will be sad." As Sophia spoke, he lovingly held Troy's little hand and stood up. He led Troy over to Michael's side, picked Troy up, and sat down beside him.He took a step back and stared at Michael and Troy's faces for a few seconds. Then he clapped and laughed," They're the same. You're the same looking, hahaha ..." Michael watched Sophia smile until the wrinkles on his face trembled. His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head slightly to look at the Troy sitting beside him. Troy also looked up at him. When their eyes met, Michael couldn't help but shrink back. Troy's little face was slightly bulging, and her pink lips seemed to be tightly pursed with displeasure.His big eyes glared at Michael. Hmph. He denied it without even thinking about it. Michael, He didn't remember what he had done? He had already come knocking on his door. Did Michael not want to recognize him? Really. All of a sudden, Troy felt that the current Michael was no longer as pleasing to the eye as she had seen Michael morning. Being stared at like this by Troy, Michael who had always been cold-hearted and unfathomably feel guilty. It was baffling. Michael frowned deeply.
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