Chapter 16: Had no credibility at all

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Chapter 16: Had no credibility at all"What you're saying is too subjective. Not to mention the lack of scientific evidence, there's no credibility at all." Michael retracted his gaze, his face calm. At the same time, he said confidently," All of you know that I haven't had a woman by my side all these years.He doesn't even have a woman, so how could he have such a big son?" "The facts are clear before our eyes.Everyone could tell at a glance that Troy was your son."You're still retorting." Ben palm had already reached towards the coffee table and was about to slap it. His gaze swept over the Troy sitting beside Michael and he forcefully resisted the urge to slap it.He withdrew his hand and stared at Michael with a warning tone." Do you think there is no scientific basis for this?"When I left the hospital, I had already asked Hans to do a paternity test for you and Troy."When the appraisal results prove that Troy is your son, we'll see how you can refute him." Michael left a blood sample in the Francis Hospital and Francis Hospital had a special paternity test department. The efficiency was extremely high. Usually, it would only take a few hours to get out. Ben the moment he saw Troy in the hospital, even though he was ninety percent sure that Troy was Michael's child, he hadn't decided this matter blindly.Before he decided to leave the hospital, he called Hans to take Troy blood samples and took them to Michael for paternity testing. Knowing that he was going to have a paternity test meant that Mr.Wilson hadn't completely lost his mind. Michael's eyebrows twitched." If the result comes out and proves that he's my son, of course, I won't shirk responsibility." "If you dare to pass the buck, see if I don't break your legs,"Ben said. "Take care of your blood pressure. I'm afraid I'll have to send you to the hospital."Michael said indifferently. Ben was speechless. Troy looked away from Michael's certain side face, his head lowered slightly, and he silently clenched his fists. "Troy." The mother of Michael, who hadn't spoken much Nancy reached out to Troy gently and said," Come to Grandma." Troy came down from the sofa obediently and walked to Nancy." Grandma." "Troy, you're so obedient."Nancy Ruoyun rubbed Troy's head and gently carried Troy to her lap. It looked like an ordinary movie, but it made the four people in the living room, other than Troy, stunned. They looked at Nancy and Troy silently. Michael's indifferent eyes quickly turned cold, and his face darkened.He pursed his lips into a sharp line and indifferently looked away. When Ben, Sophia, and Michael's father saw Yunus, their expressions changed subtly. ... In less than three hours after the Michael Wilson's Mansion, the newly released paternity test report was quickly sent over. However, it wasn't Hans, but Michael's assistant Jimmy. Jimmy explained that there was a temporary operation and Hans had to go in person, so she asked him to send it over. To be honest, when she saw that Hans had sent her a DNA test report, Jimmy was already shocked. When they arrived at the Wilson's Mansion living room, Jimmy could n' t help but stare at Troy sitting beside Nancy. It was as if he was shocked. This paternity test report couldn't be about their big boss and this cute and handsome little kid, right? Michael took the appraisal report from Jimmy's hands and didn't open it immediately. Instead, he looked up at Ben and the others. Ben and the others were very calm as if they weren't worried that the results of the paternity test would go against their expectations. Michael raised his right eyebrow. He opened the report and flipped to the result page. His profound eyes swept past the appraisal result pane, and Michael his long fingers that were lightly pinching the appraisal report suddenly exerted force.In the next second, he leaned closer to the report and his black eyes quickly locked onto the numbers. There was actually... 99.99%... So, this Troy was his Michael seed. The Michael man's Adam's apple leaves up and down. His eyes were Troy.The moment Troy Nen Bai's face entered his eyes, something hit his chest several times. This feeling was hard to describe with words.
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