Chapter 14: Your uncle always be your uncle

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Chapter 14: Your uncle always be your uncleAt Stars High-level Leisure Club. In the pool room. "Michael."In the past, it was us who begged you to come out, so it was fine if you did this."But today, you took the initiative to call us out. Why are you still making such arrangements?" Phil held the billiard ball and bent down to aim at the ball. He squinted and said to Michael sitting silently on the sofa. When Michael heard that, he looked at him indifferently and said after two seconds," Believe me, I'm the best for you to sit here." "...” Phil shot out, the ball seemed to be thinking like it was not going into a hole. Phil frowned and looked at the arrogant David sitting at the corner of the pool table." What does he mean?" David hand casually grabbed a ball and played with it. He smiled wickedly and said," It's fine. He praised your skill." Praise him? Using his mouth that never boasted? "You want to lie to me." Phil pouted." When have you ever heard him praise anyone?" As he said that, Phil seemed to suddenly react. He gritted his teeth and glared at Michael." Don't look down on people. If you have the guts, come and fight me." "One on one?" Michael seemed to have thought about it for a second or two. Then, he pursed his lips and slowly shook his head, saying," I don't fight with people with low IQ. I'm not up to par." Phil thought," Why didn't he join the talk show with such a venomous tongue?." David looked at Phil sullen face and shrugged." Phil, isn't it good to live?" "Fuck."Phil growled with a dark face. "Your father will always be your father."David smiled. Phil was speechless. Michael looked at the Phil that had exploded in anger. His black eyelashes drooped and he finally moved.He stood up from the sofa and walked to the billiard table. He stood still and stared at Phil silently. Phil rolled his eyes and took a deep breath before walking to the side of the table.He took out two pieces from the wet tissue box and wiped the billiard ball in his hand from top to bottom. Then, he walked back with a grim face and handed them to Michael." How did you survive until now when you are such a neat freak?" Michael calmly took it." Thank you." Phil was speechless. His breathing was a little exhausted. David looked at the two of them like they were watching a play and smiled happily.As Michael leaned over to play, he said," Oh right, Michael, where did Stan and Clarence go?" Michael was about to take action when he heard that." Clarence needs something." "Where's Stan? Is he busy too?" "...” Michael raised his eyes to look at David." I've been considering whether I should break up with him recently." Phil, David was speechless. "Mr.Wilson just had high blood pressure and was hospitalized,"Michael said. "You made him angry again?"Phil said honestly. "..." Michael stood up." It's not me, it's Stan." Phil and David looked at Michael's expressionless face in confusion. They didn't understand why Stan Reed made Mr.Wilson so angry that he had high blood pressure. "As soon as Mr.Wilson heard that Stan had twins, he was greatly stimulated. His blood pressure rose and he fainted."Michael spoke seriously as if this matter had nothing to do with him. It was all Stan Reed's fault.And because of Stan Reed's mistake, he was innocently scolded. Phil and David exchanged glances. If Mr.Wilson heard his words, would she faint again from anger? At that moment. The sound of the phone shaking came from Michael's pants pocket. Michael took out his phone and looked at the screen. Then, he calmly answered," Grandfather." Phil and David were convinced. Did he have any awareness of just getting into the hospital? "Are you discharged? Okay." After a short conversation, Michael ended the call. He took his phone from his ear and put it in his pocket. He said to Phil and David," Let's go." "No way, right?" Phil wailed," You called us out, but you left first?" "I have an urgent matter." Before he could finish speaking, he had already disappeared from the pool room.
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