Chapter 13: Wilson Group

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Chapter 13: Wilson GroupAdele didn't reply, but her eyes had already told Carl everything. He didn't hear hallucinations. Troy's biological father was really— Michael. Carl suddenly sat down on the bed and the entire spiritual world collapsed. Adele took a deep look at Carl. Carl's reaction was within her expectations.After all, Troy's biological father was not someone else, but one of the people at the top of the pyramid. Fortunately, Carl had already seen Michael in advance and personally witnessed how similar Troy looked to Michael. He had already suspected that Troy had some sort of connection with Michael.Otherwise, if she suddenly told him, Michael would be Troy's biological father.Carl would probably only think that she had said a big joke and would laugh at her. However, the most important thing was not this, but Troy. When she thought of Troy, Adele's heart clenched. She felt that she could no longer stand and do nothing. She shook hands and turned to walk towards the door. "Hiss ~~" As soon as her feet rotated, a sharp pain came from behind his feet. Adele had no choice but to stop for a while, frowning and looking down. Not surprisingly, the back of his heel had been torn by high heels and blood had seeped out. "...Adele." Carl's gaze was still a little lax as he looked at Adele. When his gaze landed on Adele's heels, his expression suddenly darkened.He got up and walked over. He squatted down in front of Adele and grabbed her calf. Without any explanation, he pulled Adele's high heels off her feet. "It's fine. A little scratch." Adele didn't seem to care at all as he said that, and then he walked towards the door. Carl grabbed her." Where are you going?" Adele turned to look at him, her eyes filled with determination." Go Wilson Group." "...” Carl exhaled." What do you plan to do?Are you going to snatch Troy back?" "Troy was born and raised by me. Wilson Group didn't give anything."Adele's face darkened. Carl couldn't bear it, but he still said," Adele, Michael is Troy's biological father."Do you think he would let you take Troy from Wilson Group just because of what you said ..." After a pause, Carl lowered his voice." Adele, you know this better than I do, don't you?" "Yes, I know."I knew Troy once Wilson Group found out, a top power like Wilson Group would never tolerate the loss of Wilson Group children. They would take them back at all costs."And I don't even have any room to resist." Adele clenched her hands tightly, her voice tense." I know I'm here now, but Troy ca n' t come back."Michael His personality is so strange and terrifying. If he knew that I had s*x with him back then, he might even kill me." At this point, Adele couldn't help but think back to his encounter with someone in the elevator a few hours ago. She had accidentally gotten into the wrong elevator and stayed with him for dozens of seconds.He had a look of disgust on his face, wishing he could kick her away on the spot... If he knew that she had slept with him, wouldn't he just kill her to vent his anger?. Adele shivered as his white teeth bit his lower lip. He looked at Carl and said," But, do I have to give up Troy like this?"If I gave up on Troy like this, what difference would it make from abandonment?"Do I deserve to be Troy's mother?" Carl had heard of Michael's temperament. In reality, after he found out about Michael's identity, he denied that Michael was his biological father.In addition to being shocked by Michael's distinguished identity, there was also a part of the reason for this was because of the strange and difficult character of Michael. What if after he found out that Troy was his son, he didn't marry Adele because of his Troy. Instead, he flew into a rage to bully him and even wanted to kill Adele? He did not dare to joke about Adele's life. Carl looked at Adele. In Carl's heart, Adele was a courageous and tough person.Even though she had Matt been bullied by a p*****t for more than four years, she did not show a trace of fear in front of him.But now, Adele's eyes were filled with lingering fear and fear. Carl wanted to hug Adele. After all, Adele rarely showed her weakness in front of him. Carl thought about it and couldn't help but feel curious. He cast a sidelong glance at Adele and said in a low voice," Adele, you're already so afraid of Michael. Where did you get the guts to sleep with him back then?" Adele was stunned. Three or four seconds later, her face darkened and she turned to leave. At this point, his concern was here? Furthermore, it wasn't her who slept with him, it was him who slept with her...It didn't seem right either. In any case, it was hard to say who was sleeping. Adele shook his head. He had already decided to go to Wilson Group alone to snatch the person back. She had just reached the door when the phone in Adele's bag rang. Adele stopped and hesitated for a moment before taking out her phone from her bag. She looked at the screen. On the screen of the phone, there were four Chinese characters—Baby Daisy. When he saw these words, Adele was shocked.
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