Interrupted Date

1630 Words
Flashback - 198 Years Prior — Valen’s POV I chased my brother as he weaved through the pillars in the throne room, toward where my father stood, wearing his royal armor plated in a regal cobalt blue color that matched the colors of Azariel’s scales. Father stood taller than most men, at an imposing 6’ 4”. Training and battles hardened his body into the intimidating frame that our youth couldn’t even hope to mimic for many decades, even if both of us were taller. He was speaking with General Thalor, serious expressions on both their faces like they always had, as Lysander launched himself around the two men and hid behind Father, peaking around him with a sly look on his face. He looked ridiculous, being taller than father already, even though he was only fourteen. “What are you two doing?” Even when we were causing trouble, Fathers voice of annoyance was always laced with amusement. “Valen is courting someone,” my brother tattled like a child. I glared at him. “I’m not courting her. It is none of your business anyway. Give the letter back, you little s**t.” I tried to navigate around my father’s imposing frame. "I hope you have girls when you choose to have children." Father said to General Thalor before turning his attention back to us. “Valen, if you need to blow off some steam, that’s fine, but be cautious. Someone of your status could easily take advantage of a girl's heart, and there are many women who would wish to take advantage of a relationship with you.” Lysander snickered, still hiding behind our father like a child, but unfortunately for him, the sound turned Father’s attention to him. Father gave him a small push to stand next to me, both of us looking at the floor as we knew the reprimanding would continue. “And Lysander, do not steal from your brother and never run from a problem or a mistake. Stand tall and face it like a man.” He took a breath to continue scolding us when his head snapped to look at the entrance to the throne room. Only one person could command his attention like that before even entering a room. Our mother’s arrival was heralded by the click of her heels on the marble floor, echoing as she approached. Her gown was a shimmering light blue that reflected the light filtering in from the stained-glass windows. Her golden hair intricately entwined around her diadem as she always wore it. “Your Majesty,” General Thalor greeted her, bowing slightly before stepping aside to give us family time, a look of amusement in his normally overly-serious eyes. “What is it that my boys have done now?” she asked, her voice filled with the love of a mother. Lysander, ever the charmer, immediately ran to her and wrapped his long arms around her shoulders, towering over her as he stood behind her, “Mother, I was just playing with Valen,” he said, trying to act innocent. She raised an eyebrow and turned her head around to look at him, “Playing involves stealing now, does it?” she asked, her tone teasing but with a hint of reprimand. “Oh yes son, I heard everything.” She turned her attention to me next, “Your father is right, Valen. You have expressed interest in entering the Trials one day, son. We all know it is likely that you are the next dragon heir. You know that in order to even qualify, you must be unmarried and without children. Be cautious not to impregnate anyone.” My face flushed with embarrasment. This was not a topic I wished to discuss with my mother. “And do not spend too much time with one girl. I don’t want your future mate to feel how I did when I became queen.” She playfully glared at our father, who kept a mistress before he mated Mother. She had a lot of trouble with that woman when she became queen and will never let our father live it down. She turned to Lysander, “And you, respect your brother’s possessions. Stealing is unbecoming of anyone, especially a prince. You are old enough to know better.” Lysander sighed, nodding. “Yes, Mother.” He looked at me reluctantly before pulling the small letter, the one confirming the time and location of my date this evening, out of his trouser pocket and placing it in my outstretched hand. “Good. Now go, enjoy your day. And Valen, good luck on your…” she paused and wrinkled her nose, “…date.” My cheeks flushed red as I muttered a quick thanks and darted out of the throne room. I still had to attend my history lessons, then join General Thalor for training, before I could get ready for tonight. Both my parents obviously understood my intentions. All I wanted was to have some fun while I was young, before I entered the Trials and see if the Gods accepted me as my father’s heir, like we believe I am. Growing up, I was mature for my age and showed a talent for statecraft. Because of this, my father started training me even though I wouldn’t enter the Trials and become a shifter until I was much older. Most men who chose to enter the Trials did so between the ages of sixty and ninety, so I had a lot of time to have some fun. --- Later that evening, I returned to my chambers, a beautiful young woman with flowing auburn hair walking beside me, her hand nestled into the crook of my arm. I escorted her to the royal gardens, where we enjoyed the beautiful flowers and I listened to her talk about court gossip that I truthfully had no interest in. When I hinted at moving towards my chambers as it was getting dark, she readily agreed, her desire for me evident in her eyes. “Make yourself comfortable.” We entered my chambers together, and I motioned to the daybed near the fireplace, which was flickering shadows on the walls. My chamber was a single room, with an oversize four-poster bed in the center of the room. The black canopy was pulled back currently, but could be closed in order to provide privacy, so servants could work without interfering with my privacy while I slept. A bottle of wine and a couple of glasses sat waiting on the side table. I had the forethought to ask a servant to bring them to my chambers earlier. I poured both of us a glass and handed one to her before taking a seat next to her. As she took a drink, she looked up at me through her eyelashes coyly, as if daring me to make the next move. “I enjoyed your company this evening,” I stated, “You look beautiful. I am sure I was the envy of all men who beheld you.” She giggled at my flattery, “I had a wonderful time. Perhaps, Your Highness, if I might be so bold. Maybe our night doesn’t have to end quite so soon?” I feigned surprise, as she placed her glass down, and climbed onto my lap to straddle me. She ran her hands down my chest as I used my hand on the back of her head to pull her lips to meet my own, dominating them. She rotated her hips, my member hardening instantly at the friction. I released her lips and moved to suck on her neck, causing her to moan seductively. “Undress,” I commanded. She smiled and began to undo the clasps on the front of her dress, slowly, exposing the transparent white shift she wore underneath it. As she slipped out of her dress, I stood up, picking her up with me, her legs entwining around my waist. I took her to my bed and she gasped as I tossed her onto it. I smiled as it seemed she enjoyed my dominance. I took my shirt off and climbed on top of her, pressing her into the bed with my large body, running my lips down her neck to her chest. I pulled her shift down to expose a breast and took her n****e into my mouth and sucked hard. Her back arched as I gave each of her full breasts ample attention with my hands and mouth. I reached down to the hem of her shift, about to pull it up over her head, when the door to my chambers swung open with a loud bang. My mother marched inside, her eyes were red and her usually meticulously-styled hair was disheveled. I climbed off the young woman, my excitement gone in an instant, seeing my mother in a state of distress. Her guard followed her inside, looking down quickly when he noticed the young lady on my bed wearing nothing but her shift. “Out!” My mother commanded. The girl, scrambled to her feet, and grabbed her dress, throwing it over her head as she exited my chambers, the clasps of her dress still undone. My mother’s guard shut the door as she left. “Mother?” I asked, concern etched into my face. “What’s wrong?” “Have you seen your father?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly. I shook my head, “Um, I have been a little…occupied…this evening. The last I saw him was at dinner. What is wrong?” “I felt our bond break, Valen. I can't feel your father anymore.” A chill ran down my spine. Was my father dead?
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