Taking Charge

1308 Words
Flashback - 198 Years Prior —- Valen’s POV “He’s not in the palace. I’ve looked everywhere. The King’s Guard is searching the grounds. General Thalor is sending trackers out of the city to look for him.” She was frantically rambling and pacing back and forth. I grabbed my shirt off the ground and put it on. She stared at my sudden movements like she had completely forgotten that I was in a state of undress. She shook her head and continued as though talking was the only thing keeping her sane. “He said he was going to his office after dinner. The bond started flickering in and out a couple of hours ago. I immediately informed the King’s Guard, who checked his office. They found the guards near his office dead, Valen. Men are dead. But he is nowhere to be found.” My head shot up as I met her eyes, swollen from holding back tears that I knew she refused to let fall. I took a couple of deep breaths as I absorbed the severity of the situation. I determined the first thing I needed to do was take care of my mother. Then I would take charge of the situation, like Father would expect of me. I nodded to her guard for him to leave the room. I watched him bow and step out, before I stepped over to my mother and pulled her into my embrace. The moment her head rested against my chest, her body started shaking as she finally let her tears fall. We remained there until my mother’s sobs quieted. I released her from my embrace, and walked her to the daybed to sit and compose herself. It felt like hours had passed since I was just sitting there, enjoying my evening with some random woman. Once she sat down, I went to fetch her a glass of water. Someone had to take control. My father taught me that instability was the worst thing that could happen to the crown. Technically, my mother was reagent when my father was away, but looking at how she absentmindedly took the glass of water from my hand, her eyes staring into the abyss, I knew she wasn’t capable at this time of leading a kingdom. I wasn’t sure if I was capable either, but I felt I didn’t have much choice. I opened the door to my room to request one of my guards bring me someone to send for the staff I needed to get things in motion. However, my father’s secretary, Lorian, was already outside waiting. When he saw me, he nodded his head, “Prince Valen.” “Come in,” I said to Lorian, and he respectfully entered, bowing and greeting my mother, who barely acknowledged him. “I need you to send for my mother's head handmaiden and her secretary. Her secretary needs to bring her seal.” I commanded Lorian. Each member of the royal family received a seal when they came of age. Each one bore the family crest, along with the acronym for their title and their initials. No document or letter can be considered official without a seal. Seals were kept under lock and key, with extremely limited access. My mother and her secretary were the only ones allowed to touch her seal. Even my father could not touch it, even though he would have no reason to since his seal holds more weight. He nodded and went back out to the corridor to do as I asked. Technically, I didn’t have the authority to command anything of him, but these were unprecedented circumstances. I went to where my mother sat and crouched before her to get her attention. She sadly smiled at me when she looked into my eyes. She looked so broken. “Mother, I need you to give me authority to handle things until you are ready to do it yourself. Lorian and I can handle everything, all you need to do is sign and seal the edict giving me authority." “You will be a great king, Valen. You have always put your responsibilities above everything." She touched my cheek like she always had, to comfort me as a child. I had a feeling she was doing it now to comfort herself. "I wish we were able to give you more time to live a carefree life.” "I don't have a dragon, mother." She was getting ahead of herself. "I just need to make sure the kingdom is taken care of until we find father." Tears welled up in her eyes as she shook her head, “I fear we won't find him, Valen. I felt the bond break. You are too young to enter the Trials.” “I’m not giving up on Father just yet. He could have shifted and flown far away for some reason.” My mother looked unconvinced. But I put a fake smile on my face anyway, as Lorian knocked to let us know he was back, and he let himself into my room. My mother took a deep breath, “Lorian, draft an edict for us,” she paused as her voice cracked. He pulled out his pen and inkwell and sat at my desk in order to write. “I, Queen Mara, the true mate of King Alaric…” her voice cracked again. I could tell she was going to cry again if she kept going. “…and Dragon King Azariel,” I continued on her behalf, “Regent to the Crown in their absence, give my son, Prince Valen, son of King Alaric, the authority to steward the throne until such a time that I am ready to take that authority unto myself.” As I finished, my mother’s secretary and head handmaiden knocked and entered my chambers. Lorian dictated it back to us, to ensure he didn't miss anything, and my mother nodded. “You have to verbally approve, mother,” I whispered to her. My mother was a very good queen and took her duties as queen very seriously, but Father started teaching me kingcraft when I was ten. He and my mother felt that I had the disposition to become the next dragon. “Yes, I approve.” She replied softly. My mother’s secretary, understanding what was needed next even though she looked confused, started preparing for my mother to use her official seal. I knew now that news of my father's disappearance wasn't widespread, but by morning it would be. While we waited for the wax to melt, I started making my next moves. “Lorain, the king’s council needs informed. Send someone to wake each of them and have them meet me in the council chambers in one hour. After my mother signs the edict, she should return to her chambers.” I turned to her head handmaiden. “She is to have someone by her side at all times until I say otherwise. She will not be left alone for even a second. Draw her a bath and hopefully that will help her get some sleep tonight.” The handmaiden lowered her head to my commands. Shifters or their mates often give up on life when their counterparts die. Maybe I was being selfish, but if I was to succeed in the Trials and become king so young, I needed my mother. I couldn't let her be alone in the depressive state she is sinking into. I hoped we would find Father soon, and I didn't have to enter the Trials, but the more logical side of me knew that was unlikely especially since Mother felt their bond break. I ran my fingers through my shoulder-length golden hair. I didn’t think any of us were going to get any sleep tonight.
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