No Matter the Cost

1409 Words
Livia’s POV "Why doesn’t he want me?" I muttered to myself, clenching my fists. "I'm right here, willing to do anything for him. Any man would be happy to have me!” I could barely contain my longing, as I imagined his strong hands gripping my waist, pulling me close to kiss his warm lips. He exuded a confidence and authority that made me wet in his presence, he was the epidemy of power and I wanted that power for myself. When I returned to join my mother at our table, she blamed me for not trying hard enough, her anger palpable. My mother has always been ambitious and desired power. Born to a fox shifter, she grew up surrounded by the opulence and intrigue of court life. She thought her renowned beauty and charm would be enough to secure the king's favor, since he had failed to find his mate at each Bonding since his Trial. Unfortunately for her and me, the king is as stubborn as they come. Desperation led her to seek a herbalist, once known in the darker alleys of the capital for selling illicit and powerful potions. He provided her with an aphrodisiac that he said would be irresistible. She managed to slip the potion to the king and place herself in his path, resulting in one night where she succeeded in captivating him. However, the aphrodisiac did not last long, and the king did not focus his lusts on her alone. King Valen treated her as a one-night stand, which infuriated her even more. She later learned that the potion could have worked properly if she gave it to a normal Caelorian, but a shifter's metabolism is able to process poisons. Since my mother confided in me about how she gained his affections for one night, I conducted additional research. It was likely that the potion would have worked in perpetuity for a normal Caelorian, but shifters have increased metabolisms. They are immune to some potions and able to process others in a few days. The only possibility for a long-lasting love potion that could work on a shifter would be one brewed by a witch or warlock, and they were hunted to extinction long ago. Despite moving on and settling to marry a council member, she never abandoned her ambitions. She redirected them towards me, grooming me to succeed where she had failed. Our relationship was strained. Her insistence on my success was as much about redeeming her own failures as it was about my future. “You aren't trying hard enough, Livia! When I was your age, I captivated him with ease," she sneered, not bothering to mention that she used an aphrodisiac. She expects me to succeed when she cheated, I finished my dinner and returned to our luxurious apartment, heading straight to my bedchamber to avoid my parents. A curious bouquet of wildflowers caught my attention as I entered. Curious, I approached and found a note hidden among the petals. "At least someone notices me," I muttered, unfolding the note, secretly hoping it was from the king. "Miss Livia, I can help you achieve your heart's deepest desire. Meet me by the old oak in the castle garden at midnight. A Friend." I furrowed my brow in confusion at the cryptic letter. Who would have sent this? I glanced at the clock; midnight was only a few hours away. It didn’t take me long to decide to go. The temptation of winning King Valen’s heart outweighed my skepticism. After all, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I prepared myself, donning a plain dark green dress and a gray hooded cloak, and steeled my resolve. Upon hearing my mother retire to her bedchamber, I slipped out into the castle hall, and made my way to the garden, my feet softly echoing in the stone passageways of the ancient castle. I arrived at the garden shortly after midnight, pulling my hood over my head, so no one would be able to tell it was me if they were eavesdropping. Approaching the old oak cautiously, my eyes scanned the area. Just as doubt started to creep in, a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows. "You want the king.” The man's deep voice stated. It wasn't a question. I nodded, swallowing my apprehension. “I can help you if you help me.” His voice was soft, yet confident. “What do you want in return?” He chuckled softly, sending a shiver down my spine. "Information. In exchange, I will provide you with the potion your mother once used." “How do you know about that?” I asked, my heart racing. He remained silent, not answering my question. My mind raced. The offer seemed too good to be true. “What kind of information?” "Anything and everything about the King and his council. It shouldn’t be difficult for a daughter of a council member. Give me that, and you shall have the potion." I hesitated. Betraying the King could have dire consequences. But the idea of getting King Valen to take me to his bed was too intoxicating to ignore. I hadn't found any other sources of that potion since the herbalist my mother got it from was arrested. "How can I trust you?" I demanded. "You have no choice but to trust me if you want what I offer. Meet me here in exactly one week with what you’ve learned, and I will give you the first vial." I took a deep breath and nodded. "Very well. You have a deal." He handed me a small vial. "A sample. It isn’t enough to work on a dragon, but it is suitable to test on any Caelorian.” As he turned to leave, he paused. "Do not disappoint me, Livia. We both have much to gain." He vanished into the shadows, leaving me by the old oak, the vial clutched tightly in my hand. I hurried back to our apartments, not wanting to be seen outside at this hour, my mind racing with plans on how to gather the information he sought. I would not fail. The king would be mine, no matter the cost. —- Unknown POV I wasn’t surprised at how easy it was to get the girl to agree. She was an i***t, just like her mother. Her naivety played right into my hands. After leaving the castle, I carefully navigated my way through the dark city streets, blending into the night in my hooded cloak. My destination was a small, inconspicuous tavern nestled in a quieter part of the city, a part of the city where no one asks questions. Once inside, I discreetly made my way to the private room I paid for earlier in the evening, where I could change into the set of priest's robes I had stashed there. With my new attire, I proceeded to the east gate of the city. The guards stationed there barely glanced at me as I passed through. They never bothered to check the priests or priestesses entering or leaving the city, making my departure effortless. I continued on foot, deliberately avoiding anything that might attract suspicion. The road stretched out before me, and I followed it until I was far enough from the city walls to feel secure. Once I was certain that I was out of earshot and view, even from the shifters who may be on guard tonight, I veered off the road and entered the dense woods. The forest was thick and enveloping, providing the perfect cover as I made my way to my next destination. Eventually, I reached the spot where I had tethered my horse when I arrived in the capital earlier this evening. It was waiting loyally for my return. I swiftly changed back into my black cloak, pulling the hood over my head to conceal my identity. The priest's robes were carefully rolled up and hidden in the underbrush, ensuring that no trace of my disguise would be found. My mind buzzed with anticipation. The pieces were falling into place, and it was time to start setting my plans in motion. The girl had unwittingly played her part, and now it was up to me to ensure that everything unfolded according to my design. Mounting my black horse, I set off towards home. The future was mine, and nothing would stand in my way.
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